ESPN3 blows because rather than identifying that i use Verizon by my IP address it made me sit on the phone with a Verizon rep for a half hour to get a userid and password i haven't used since originally signing up for FIOS 4 years ago. as for ano other network having anything close to ESPN3 you should try looking at the internet one day because pretty much every TV channel you can think of has a website where you can view there product.
i defended ESPN3 in another thread b/c without it we wouldn't get to see a lot of games, but it wouldn't kill them to make the website at least as functional as Baylor's website which i used to watch a game a few years ago. If Baylor can make an easy to access website to view a game, why can't SPN3? I used ESPN3 several times in past years and it wasn't this difficult to access to obviously they know how to do it, but it seems they added these access keys that i don't think they had in the past.
just because ESPN3 is better than nothing doesn't mean it doesn't blow. in college i drove a 84 Chrysler 5th Avenue that got 8 miles/gallon and stalled at every stop sign or light, just because it was better than walking didn't mean the car didn't blow