Katz and Greenburg discuss KO ejection and Stuart. Its at the beginning.
Greenburg does not like Stuart.
I just listened to it this morning. The fact that Greenberg said that the vast majority of coaches, if given the chance to voice an opinion off the record, would describe Stuart as a bad referee who "holds grudges game to game and even play to play" is absolutely deplorable. He also said that Stuart thinks that his opinion is so important that he even has the nerve to approach huddles(and had done it to Greenberg apparently) and tell coaches how they should talk to their players. That is nothing short of stunning.
How, in God's name did this guy get Final Four appointments? And why hasn't his performance not been closely and publicly examined before now. If ESPN is looking for an investigative piece, why not college basketball referees' training, criteria for assignments, performance evaluations and disciplinary measures. They can start by shining a bright light on Stuart!!
Greenberg said on more than one occasion during this discussion that Stuart thinks he is bigger than the game. And you could tell from the tone of his voice that Katz was still upset by Stuart's performance; and by his "condescending" and sarcastic" demeanor afterward. To Katz' credit he went out of his way to get into the referees' locker room as a "pool reporter" to get a second shot at Stewart.
Katz & Greenberg do a really great job with this podcast covering a wide variety of topics related to college hoops including 2-3 excellent interviews per episode.