"I actually came around on this one. Didn't start there but came around thinking this could be a great benefit for our conference.” - Larry Scott
“The committee is going to evaluate not based on anything other than actual performance itself,” Bailey said. “And if you believe in the concept that the group is smarter than the smartest person in the group then there won’t be one person who influences anybody. The group will end up making the decision. There is an enormous amount of studies on group thinking and how they make the wisest decisions so from my perspective anyway the committee piece plus the concentration by the committee by focusing on the quality of play ends up being a meritocracy so forget perceptions. It’s all about reality and how teams play.”
So no, poll?
“No, polls, no. Well, they’ll [the committee] create a poll themselves so people will know where they stand. When they release it? Who knows. But it will be their evaluations. Now there is strength of schedule there’s no question about that and that will be a factor but conference champions will also be a factor. With the health of college football in general you want to make this as fair and equitable as it can be and at the end it’s a meritocracy. Whoever plays the best gets it.”
So the committee is going to evaluate all the teams, watching a lot of film? How big is this committee going to be?
“Yeah. Well, there was a lot of discussion about how big the committee is going to be. You tell me how big the NCAA basketball committee? Ten or something? The question right now is how big is a bread box? No one knows for sure but the bottom line is it’s going to be sizeable enough so that you’re going to get a variety of evaluators that are going to concentrate – on a week to week basis – on nothing but these teams and they’re not going to let high profile or any of that get in the way of evaluating the quality of play. It’s a really good result when you think about it for a second because whether you’re a coach, player or fan, in the end, you want to earn it, right? That’s the trick – to earn it.”
As for the Big East being opposed to a selection committee initally - not arguing that. I'm saying that the big east was opposed to it, because they weren't in favor of a selection committee - the kind that the likes of the SEC wanted. The selection committee we're going to get, is going to vastly different than any of that. The fact that 12 teams are going to be identified by a selection committee for six bowl games (not just four teams for two) and that the big east has got no reason to think that at least one team a year will be among those twelve? If not more than one? You'll just have to choose to believe me or not on that.
The concept of the contract bowl appearance is a dinosaur as old Neinas on it's way out too. THe orange bowl swinging in the wind with the ACC would be comical, if not so sad for such a great institution that the Orange bowl once was. I'm not even going to make your heads spin on that for now........just wait and see how it shakes out. These contract appearances for conference champions are going to mean very little by 2014, and bowls would rather be able to select who they want, rather than be tied to the #2 team in the ACC......
The way it was before 1991.