Endgame Spoiler Talk | The Boneyard

Endgame Spoiler Talk


I like winning
Apr 12, 2018
Reaction Score
Wow, that movie was completely unpredictable all the way through. Ending was insane, but unfortunately the beginning was way to messy for me.

Two character choices that puzzled me: Hulk doing that merger of banner and hulk is a great idea, but they didn’t do any background to how he got there. And fat Thor was just unbearable. Waste of a good arc that involves him getting over his guilt, overshadowed by dumb jokes.

Highlights for me: Hawkeye and Black Widow are for sure the MVPs for me. Hawkeyes initial scene is moving, and their battle to see who sacrifices themselves was heartbreaking. Unbelievable performance by them two.
Tom Holland for the short time we see him is also amazing as we see him vent to tony after he sees him, then as he begs for Tony’s life at the end.
Cap and Iron Man were great too of course, not much to say about them.

Biggest WTF: Why are we passing on the mantle of captain America to falcon? Just why?

Thanos was still good but he’s definitely worse than he was in infinity war just because the story isn’t about him anymore.

I never cry during movies, it’s physically impossible for me, but I almost did like 4 times. So overall the payoff of the movie was great. Still need to see it a few more times to truly digest the story and see where I think it ranks in terms of all MCU movies.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Saw it last night. Overall quite pleased with it. They story arc was fine. Not entirely predictable or completely ridiculous.

Highlights. Tony has a daughter. Happy for him and Pepper. Iron Man was always my favorite, even in the comics. That made me especially happy with who ended it all, and how he did it. “I am Iron Man”. Best line in the movie. Yet sad that he’s gone.

Hulk was funny. Fat Thor was funny for a couple of minutes, then got stale. I never tire of Rocket. Glad to see Thor with the Asgardians of the Galaxy.

Great epic scene with Dr. Strange bringing in everyone from everywhere. That was inspiring and uplifting when it looked so bleak. Loved Cap picking up Moljnir and Thor being cool with it. Great moment.

Don’t get the whole Nastasha Clint thing. It felt forced to me. He has kids and a wife. Choice was obvious. I was much more emotional at Tony’s reaction to seeing Peter Parker. It dovetails with his own experience meeting his dad. Tony has no son. Peter has no dad. They mean a lot to each other.

I was happy that Ant Man had a key role. Also nice to see Nebula get a bigger part, mostly because I just Karen Gillian.
Aug 26, 2011
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They did a great job connecting all of the other films and tying it all up. To me, Cap wielding Mjolnir was the most bad ass moment they ever fit into these movies. I also loved Thor's reaction to it when he just nodded and said "I knew it".

You can also see the clear lead ins to the shows that Disney will have on their streaming service. Falcon and Winter Soldier, Loki is running around somewhere now, and the Scarlet Witch and Vision series looks like it will bring him back somehow.

Marvel will never be able to top this ten year story arc, so I expect that more of the films will be of a stand alone nature and I am curious to see how it works out, although there is simply no way it can be as dynamic as this was.
Aug 26, 2011
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Biggest WTF: Why are we passing on the mantle of captain America to falcon? Just why?
I mean, why not? It makes a lot of sense. You don't have a Captain America, and your choices are a person who murdered people for Hydra for years or a guy who served in the military and stood by Steve Rogers' side right to the end. It seems just fine to me.

The movie was both too long and yet sometimes at times rushed. Still, I ultimately liked it.
Aug 26, 2011
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I mean, why not? It makes a lot of sense. You don't have a Captain America, and your choices are a person who murdered people for Hydra for years or a guy who served in the military and stood by Steve Rogers' side right to the end. It seems just fine to me.

The movie was both too long and yet sometimes at times rushed. Still, I ultimately liked it.

I think they should have followed the comics where Bucky got the shield and became Captain America first, and then Sam got it later on. The thing that gets me is that Bucky could actually use the thing and throw it around with that robot arm of his, Falcon can't. Having said all of this, anything can still happen, and I am sure it will be a big part of the Falcon/Winter Soldier show that Disney is planning for their streaming service.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
Reaction Score
I mean, why not? It makes a lot of sense. You don't have a Captain America, and your choices are a person who murdered people for Hydra for years or a guy who served in the military and stood by Steve Rogers' side right to the end. It seems just fine to me.

The movie was both too long and yet sometimes at times rushed. Still, I ultimately liked it.

Had that argument with my daughter. He’s a vanilla human. How can he be Captain America? So are Clint and Natasha. All three would actually be dead long ago. It’s a bit silly they way they let vanilla humans engage in these things and survive. Captain America has no suit like Iron Man. Falcon is more potent as Falcon than he ever could be in spandex. Yeah, Tony is also vanilla, except mentally. That was always the appeal. He wins with intellect. Clint is as dumb as a box of hammers. Probably my least favorite in the MCU.


I like winning
Apr 12, 2018
Reaction Score
Had that argument with my daughter. He’s a vanilla human. How can he be Captain America? So are Clint and Natasha. All three would actually be dead long ago. It’s a bit silly they way they let vanilla humans engage in these things and survive. Captain America has no suit like Iron Man. Falcon is more potent as Falcon than he ever could be in spandex. Yeah, Tony is also vanilla, except mentally. That was always the appeal. He wins with intellect. Clint is as dumb as a box of hammers. Probably my least favorite in the MCU.
I think that you only dislike Hawkeye since they gave him a raw deal in his debut film Avengers. But since Ultron on, they've kinda made him a badass with good motivations with his family behind him. Same with Widow, they started her rough with Iron Man 2, but consistently got better, especially when she joined Cap's crew.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I think that you only dislike Hawkeye since they gave him a raw deal in his debut film Avengers. But since Ultron on, they've kinda made him a badass with good motivations with his family behind him. Same with Widow, they started her rough with Iron Man 2, but consistently got better, especially when she joined Cap's crew.

Nah. I think it's absurd that they have not attributed any special powers to him, and yet he does things no human could. So does Widow, but less so (and she's better looking). I'm not a fan of Falcon either, but at least he has some tech gadgetry to explain why he is still alive.

I do like Hawkeye's family. Same cute but believable mom/wife that Mark Wahlberg/Will Ferrell had in Daddy's Home. Nice kids. He should stay on the farm and not try to be an Avenger.


a lot of people go to college for seven years
Aug 26, 2011
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I never tire of Rocket.

He is the best. His "BOOM!" when they were assembling their infinity gauntlet was great.


I like winning
Apr 12, 2018
Reaction Score
Nah. I think it's absurd that they have not attributed any special powers to him, and yet he does things no human could. So does Widow, but less so (and she's better looking). I'm not a fan of Falcon either, but at least he has some tech gadgetry to explain why he is still alive.

I do like Hawkeye's family. Same cute but believable mom/wife that Mark Wahlberg/Will Ferrell had in Daddy's Home. Nice kids. He should stay on the farm and not try to be an Avenger.
He’s a dude that literally never misses with his bow and arrow, trained by shield. He’s no normal dude.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don’t think any of that was unpredictable. But it was still first rate entertainment. The I figured Tony was a goner. I’m just glad he didn’t have to choose between saving the day and not sacrificing his daughter which was what I was afraid.

I have a couple nitpicks but I am going to keep them to myself. This was a great movie in nearly every way.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Wow, that movie was completely unpredictable all the way through. Ending was insane, but unfortunately the beginning was way to messy for me.

Two character choices that puzzled me: Hulk doing that merger of banner and hulk is a great idea, but they didn’t do any background to how he got there. And fat Thor was just unbearable. Waste of a good arc that involves him getting over his guilt, overshadowed by dumb jokes.

Highlights for me: Hawkeye and Black Widow are for sure the MVPs for me. Hawkeyes initial scene is moving, and their battle to see who sacrifices themselves was heartbreaking. Unbelievable performance by them two.
Tom Holland for the short time we see him is also amazing as we see him vent to tony after he sees him, then as he begs for Tony’s life at the end.
Cap and Iron Man were great too of course, not much to say about them.

Biggest WTF: Why are we passing on the mantle of captain America to falcon? Just why?

Thanos was still good but he’s definitely worse than he was in infinity war just because the story isn’t about him anymore.

I never cry during movies, it’s physically impossible for me, but I almost did like 4 times. So overall the payoff of the movie was great. Still need to see it a few more times to truly digest the story and see where I think it ranks in terms of all MCU movies.

I thought fat Thor was great. Hemsworth’s comedic abilities carry the day nowadays and he can pull it off and still be a bad@ss.

I think they needed a more rational Hulk to do some things in this movie that he otherwise couldn’t do.

Agree on the Captain America bit. I always thought it would pass to Bucky but whatevs.

I really wanted Loki back somehow. But maybe that door is open now since he got away...?
Sep 2, 2011
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They ruined the Hulk. Hulk is not just about strength, but rage. Worse, they failed to resolve the Hulk Won't Come Out And Fight Since Losing to Thanos storyline. You cannot emphasize a character arc like that and then just drop it without explanation.


hopeless West Coast homer
Feb 16, 2017
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Worse, they failed to resolve the Hulk Won't Come Out And Fight Since Losing to Thanos storyline.

Good point. So much going on in this film I forgot about that. I thought it was lame in Infinity War.


hopeless West Coast homer
Feb 16, 2017
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Finally saw it. Long, takes a long time to get going. Honestly most of the way thru it I really wasn't enjoying it. They salvaged it with the end. Too much of bungling everything up when they went back to gather up the stones. Anybody else think of the last Seinfeld episode where they tried to revisit EVERYTHING? That's kind of what this was like. Cut into scenes we've already seen in a bunch of other movies, but then turned them on their ear. I found it annoying. I also didn't like fat, alcoholic, depressed Thor. That was about as lame as Hulk won't come out from the previous film.

Interesting that Captain Marvel had a fairly small amount of screen time. I think they made her too powerful so everything would've been too easy if she was there all thru it.

I definitely liked Nebula's expanded role and playing 2 different versions of herself, that were at odds with each other.

There were a bunch of touching moments. Scott being reunited with Cassie. Tony bumping into his dad. Clint with his family before the snap. Tony and Peter after the snap was reversed. As mentioned previously Dr. Strange teleporting pretty much everybody into the climatic battle was awesome.

All in all a fitting end to this saga I think. I can't say I've ever heard people around me sniffling and fighting back tears during a superhero movie before.

Also in Infinity War you could kind of sympathize w/ Thanos. He did something horrible, but in his mind it was completely noble. In this he was pretty much just a d bag.
Aug 26, 2011
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I almost feel like I never need to see another Marvel movie now. They just tied up a ten year story arc and I can't imagine them being able to match it. I'm sure they will still make fun movies, but I expect them to be more of the stand alone variety.

I wasn't completely satisfied with how they handled the Hulk, but I can deal with it. Fat Thor got old fast, and I hope they do away with that moving forward. I'm glad they avoided forcing Captain Marvel into the film. She really shouldn't have been involved in this phase of films at all, so I was happy to see her involvement be very minimal. I could go on about a million things I liked, and some I didn't like, but at the end of the day I enjoyed it and I enjoyed ten years of these films.

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