Embarrassed by our own Fans | The Boneyard

Embarrassed by our own Fans

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Oct 10, 2011
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I had the pleasure of being able to attend the West Virginia game this weekend. I am a very regular attendee at our games, both home and away. This weekend I was truly embarrassed to be a Husky fan..and this had nothing to do with the performance of the team. I had heard many stories of the actions of the West Virginia fans to the visiting team and had feared the worst. The worst came from our own fans within the Uconn section. While I encountered nothing but friendly greetings and helpfulness from the WV fans before, during, and after the game..I witnessed a shouting/shoving match that lasted quite a while between Uconn fans..that involved some young men and an older woman..real classy!! There was only a small UConn fan base there so we were surrounded by WV fans and this brought alot of attention to our section.
I am not sure if this or the fan at the Rent last week that was spewing vomit as he descended the aisle stairs or the man in front of me that kept spilling his beer on me every time he threw his hands up to cheer.
I understand wanting to have a good time at the game and I am not a "party-pooper", but I do actually enjoy watching the game and it does seem to be getting more difficult.
I realize the team is not performing well but I would like to see UConn represented in a better light, especially on the road.
Thank you for letting me vent..you may now return to the Conference Re-Alignment Page.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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So.....you created an id on here today and made your first post to bitch about fellow UConn fans? Not buying it. BC Fan?

The worst part about the Globe article is that has the BC fans obsessing on UConn again.
Aug 26, 2011
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Oh no, some random people I don't know and whose only association I share is rooting for the same college did something stupid. I guess I should feel bad about myself then.


"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber
Aug 30, 2011
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I am an UConn alum, season ticket holder and long-time BoneYard member (mostly as a lurker). I support the OP's sentiments. I love game day at the Rent in both tailigating and watching my Huskies play. I do enjoy a few alcoholic beverages during the tailgate - so like the OP, am also not a party pooper.

My seats are dirctly across the aisle from the visitors section and I have had some wonderful interactions with fans from the other teams. Unfortunately, there is a small element of young male UConn fans that insist on tailgating inside the Rent by purchasing beer after beer. I believe they would set up a beer pong game in the concourse if allowed. Needless to say - usually some time in the 3rd quarter - the beer muscles take over and these "fans" become obnoxious to the visitors and well, you know the rest of the story.

I understand that we play in an off-campus facility, but I would really enjoy the game day experience more if beer was not sold inside of the stadium. There is plenty of time to indulge prior to entering the stadium.

OK - vent over. Go Huskies!
Aug 26, 2011
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I would really enjoy the game day experience more if beer was not sold inside of the stadium. There is plenty of time to indulge prior to entering the stadium.

Whoa whoa whoa, let's not go saying anything we can't take back.


"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber
Aug 30, 2011
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Whoa whoa whoa, let's not go saying anything we can't take back.

I know - it's a small percentage of fans that don't know when to stop. Unfortunately, that small percentage is the most visible and makes the impression that visitors will take back home with them. Having said that - it does go both ways. There are certainly times when a few jerks in the visitor's section exacerbate the situation.
Aug 24, 2011
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I am 100% in favor of banning beer sales in the stadium. Several conferences mandate this anyway.
Aug 27, 2011
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I know - it's a small percentage of fans that don't know when to stop. Unfortunately, that small percentage is the most visible and makes the impression that visitors will take back home with them. Having said that - it does go both ways. There are certainly times when a few jerks in the visitor's section exacerbate the situation.
I've been going to games for 10+ years. I also travel quite a bit in the U.S. and abroad for work and make it a point to go to as many sporting events as possible when I am on the road. All game attendees should be able to enjoy the game in a peaceful and safe manner. I certainly do not feel there is a problem at UCONN games. There are always be a few meatheads in attendence, so unfortunately, there will always be an occasional incidence. That's what what the fan hotline is for - if you see a recurring issue with fans in your section (UCONN or opposing), then contact the hotline. In many cases (certainly not all), disputes arise as a result of the arrogant opposing fan who obnoxiously points out every 1st down and good play by his team.....trouble!!!

Any fan who travels to an away game or bowl game will face some scrutiny by the opposing team. I have experienced it alot (comments, meaningless threats, etc). I have not heard anything overly horrible at a Uconn game but have seen some bad things at other events):
. Ever been to a Patriots game - many wonderful experiences there. I was surrounded by a dozen fans who threatened to beat me up because I was a Dolphns fan and the fins just crushed them. My favorites was watching a 70 year old woman with heat stroke (wore a Elway Bronco's jersey) being jeered by many Pats fans while the medical staff was assisting her .
. Witnessed several Giants/Eagles fan fights in Philly (before the game even started).
. Most UK soccer fans don't wear their team jerseys or colors on game day so they dont have issues with the opposing fans at pubs prior to and after the match. I also saw a 10 year old kid wearing a rival club jersey get pelted with objects and food the enitre match (as did I since I was sitting in the row behind him).

I'm sure other people have witnessed other stuff as well, but hopefully not at the Rent. My biggest complaint is listening to the meathead Uconn fans who try to bully other Uconn fanes. If you get up to go to the mens room with 8 minutes to go in the game you will get the "where you going, the game isnt over yell"...I love to yell "going to take a leak, why don't you watch the game nstead of me and fill me in if i miss anything". My other favorite is when fans get the evil eye for not standing and screaming at the tops of your lungs when it is 3rd and something. Most of the times, these individuals aren't screaming and miss the play because they are worried about the other fans. In the last game, 3 fans in front of me were yelling at me...of course I yelled back "guys, look at the field, there is a TV timeout - I am going to save my voice for the actual play." These people shouldn't harness their energy against other Uconn fans.

One last point - I am tires of hearing "people leaving early - what do you expect, we are at a Uconn game." I only left 1 game early int he last 10+ years (for my daughter's event). Let me tell you, fans are the same almost everywhere - they leave early when their is a blowout (win or lose). Take a closer look the next time you see a blowout on TV or at another park. I dont get it, but it is a phenomenom everywhere, not just at the Rent or in NE.


"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber
Aug 30, 2011
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I certainly do not feel there is a problem at UCONN games. There are always be a few meatheads in attendence, so unfortunately, there will always be an occasional incidence. That's what what the fan hotline is for - if you see a recurring issue with fans in your section (UCONN or opposing), then contact the hotline.

I don't think there is a serious problem but offered a suggestion (no stadium beer sales) to improve the fan experience. The stadium beer sales make the meatheads in attendance meatier. And it's not a recurring issue where it's the same faces each game or going on all game. The extra beers during the first half, on top of what was already consumed during tailgating, makes the incidences escalate quickly.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Wouldn't getting rid of beer sales just cause people to up their pregame activity?


Aug 24, 2011
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Wouldn't getting rid of beer sales just cause people to up their pregame activity?

if we got rid of beer sales on our own and it wasn't a conf thing i would be mad.
-ppl will walk right up tto the gate finishing off the last beer, they drank 4 more tailgating btw
-ppl are going to sneak alot more stuff in
-blowouts either way will result in even earlier post game tailgating

some 1 needs to get creative in the ad. i feel were doing positive things right now but so so so much needs to be done. heres a great 1. everyone complains about getting to your seats before game time. at the gate give every person(21+) a braclet who gets in the stadium 25mins before gametime. only those ppl can purchase drinks inside the rent. and so on....


"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber
Aug 30, 2011
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Wouldn't getting rid of beer sales just cause people to up their pregame activity?

Probably a mixed bag. Some may drink less because of the limited tailgating time (prior to kickoff) while others will choose to extend their tailgating further into game time. I'm not naive to think that stopping stadium beer sales will prevent all problems, but I believe it would cut down on some incidents.
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