Emanuel AME church massacre | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Emanuel AME church massacre

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Jan 9, 2013
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Name calling - you lose - Boneyard rule 6.573.2

I never suggested outlawing cars...I was commenting on the gentleman's claim the peoples with knives, not so much. I figured he had statistics.

I don't know anyone outside of the Marine Corps that has ever been shot but three weeks ago a 16 year old pimple faced kid, with 2 others kids in the car, which is illegal in the State of Ct, crossed the center line and killed 1 and injured 2, one of them critical. All fine members of the Bristol Elks. Cars don't kill - people do. He was in control of the car the same way someone is in control of a gun - but to each their own.

I know more people that have been affected by Motor vehicles than guns, knives, Chinese stars and other weapons combined. I am not saying outlaw cars, I am advocating removing people from using cars, the same way I would with guns.

Mirrors my experience. After more than 60 years in Hartford, I know of only one guy from Frog Hollow, one of our worst neighborhoods. He was killed in Vietnam.


1972,73 & 98 Boneyard Poster of the Year
Aug 24, 2011
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ummm...In London, there were 2 teenage murders by shooting in all of 2014 - how does that happen if guns are illegal? My point exactly, ban it and that doesn't mean it goes away...

I guess you missed the point. My point was that 2 murders by guns in a city 3x the size is better than 500 murders by guns.

Not that gun murders have gone away, just that they happen about 1/1500th as often.

There are about 20 deaths a year nationally from toasters which we as a society say is OK. If there were 1500 times as many or 30,000 deaths a year from toasters, would adjust.
Aug 28, 2011
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Mmm, the football board and the ticket exchange board aren't really the right places to have this discussion. There is a thread in the Cesspool on it. It is about to go off the rails.
We go off the football stuff all the time bro.. We talk about snow blowers, lawn mowers, HDTVs.. This situation should be an exception too...
Aug 27, 2011
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We go off the football stuff all the time bro.. We talk about snow blowers, lawn mowers, HDTVs.. This situation should be an exception too...

True. But you had to know where this thread would go. Especially after you took exception to the fact that nobody responded within 4 hours after your post.

Personally, I'm not shocked about this in the least given the state of the world we live in. This happened in Aurora, Boston, Ft. Hood, and close to home in Sandy Hook. Hell last week the Dallas PD was under attack. I think all events where innocent people are killed are equally sad and tragic. I make no distinction between age, race, sex, or whether this happens in a movie theatre, a marathon, an army barracks, a school, or a church.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's sad, and it's a shame. A church really? Had it happened anywhere else it would have been appalling but that it happened in a church where people usually go with peace in their hearts. Just no words for how horrible this incident is.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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We go off the football stuff all the time bro.. We talk about snow blowers, lawn mowers, HDTVs.. This situation should be an exception too...
No problem ktuck. You asked why you weren't getting many responses and I offered an answer directing you to an active thread on the topic.

Um, I'm glad you consider me a bro...I guess.
Aug 27, 2011
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It's sad, and it's a shame. A church really? Had it happened anywhere else it would have been appalling but that it happened in a church where people usually go with peace in their hearts. Just no words for how horrible this incident is.

It's more tragic that it happened in a church as opposed to a movie theatre?


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Bonehead said:
Are more people killed by people with knives or people with cars? Curious if you know?

Deliberately, knives ainec.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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I guess you missed the point. My point was that 2 murders by guns in a city 3x the size is better than 500 murders by guns.

Not that gun murders have gone away, just that they happen about 1/1500th as often.

There are about 20 deaths a year nationally from toasters which we as a society say is OK. If there were 1500 times as many or 30,000 deaths a year from toasters, would adjust.

Well stated...

I was unaware of the toaster deaths - that is a little knowledge to throw down and make some money at the Pub.
Aug 29, 2011
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Jeez. Two people were killed by shooting in HArtford in 1 weekend last month. In Bridgeport last weekend 9 people were shot 1 killed. This year there have been 16 murders in Hartford and it is only June. Almost all were by shooting. And Hartfords a tad smaller than London. There is no doubt that access to guns leads to more murders. It can't be denied by anyone who is honest. And btw handguns are no lover banned in Chicago. That law was overturned by the Supreme Court despite 200 years of cities and towns across the country banning guns within city limits.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's more tragic that it happened in a church as opposed to a movie theatre?
No read the post again. Horrible anywhere, but a church where people gather to praise, to me at least, just adds to how effed up this guy was. More tragic? No.
May 23, 2013
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The lack of responses makes me think my total shock was over exaggerated... We still have a long way to go....
No I don't think its exaggerated ktuck....I think most of us are just too shocked to respond to a sensitive serious topic here on the CFB board !?! We really don't want to believe this crap still can happen after so much seeming progress on the racial front.
Aug 26, 2011
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Are we going to omit the fact that again, much like Newtown, a disturbed young adult was given access to a firearm by their parent? It has been reported that this guy was given a .45 caliber handgun by his father as a 21st birthday present.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Putting your pro gun anti gun sentiment aside, I share a clip from The Daily Show where Jon Stewart nailed how messed up our country is. Not really going to go anymore in depth from my end, you all can argue until your blue in the face. I just came across this and thought I'd share.

Aug 28, 2011
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No problem ktuck. You asked why you weren't getting many responses and I offered an answer directing you to an active thread on the topic.

Um, I'm glad you consider me a bro...I guess.
Not trying to have a pissing match bro (which is a figure of speech I've always used on here, everyone in fact)... Just making a point.. And, guess, what? You are my bro.. We are all bro's (or brothers) as UCONN Football fans (alumns)... HuskyUp! RiseUp! (It's all love my man!)
Aug 28, 2011
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Are we going to omit the fact that again, much like Newtown, a disturbed young adult was given access to a firearm by their parent? It has been reported that this guy was given a .45 caliber handgun by his father as a 21st birthday present.

I think his dad should go to jail... my opinion


The CT-TX-US Connection: Historic, Alive and Well
Aug 26, 2011
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This horrible tragedy has united the people of Charleston and led to stories of courage and compassion among the victims’ friends and family members. These teens Lost Their Mom in Charleston. What they said afterwards is, well, you make of it what you want. I call it a lesson and testament to their mom.


Rev. Sharonda Singleton, 49, was one of the nine victims when suspect Dylann Roof allegedly started shooting attendees of a prayer meeting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, S.C.

She worked as a speech therapist and as the girls’ track and field coach at Goose Creek High School in suburban Charleston.
She was also a mother of two teenagers who have come forward with a message that an America suffering from race-based divisiveness needs to hear.

One day after the shooting, Singleton’s children said they forgave the assailant who killed their mother and the eight other churchgoers. “I just feel a lot of love,” daughter Camryn told BBC News. “I’m a little bitter, but I’m overwhelmed with love.”
“We already forgive him (the shooter) for what he’s done,” added son Chris. “There’s nothing but love from our side of the family.”

Chris told ABC News, in a separate report, that his mother was a “God-fearing woman” who “loved everybody with all her heart.” “Love is always stronger than hate, so if we would just love the way my mom would, then hate won’t be anywhere close to what love is,” he concluded.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Not trying to have a pissing match bro (which is a figure of speech I've always used on here, everyone in fact)... Just making a point.. And, guess, what? You are my bro.. We are all bro's (or brothers) as UCONN Football fans (alumns)... HuskyUp! RiseUp! (It's all love my man!)
Not a problem, ktuck.
Dec 28, 2011
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It's more tragic that it happened in a church as opposed to a movie theatre?
I don't know about more tragic, but a church of all places. There's no right or wrong place for a mass killing, but a church, a sacred place...That must be one disturbed individual.
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't know about more tragic, but a church of all places. There's no right or wrong place for a mass killing, but a church, a sacred place...That must be one disturbed individual.

I guess I just don't see one iota of difference between a church and a movie theatre. None whatsoever.
Aug 29, 2011
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As a country we made a decision a decade or so ago that unregulated access to guns was what we wanted. As with most things there is a trade off and that trade off is events like this, Newtown, Aurora, and many more murders. What gets me is that the gun lobby is unwilling to admit it.


The CT-TX-US Connection: Historic, Alive and Well
Aug 26, 2011
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I guess I just don't see one iota of difference between a church and a movie theatre. None whatsoever.
Jimmy: Fair point. The murder of innocent people is murder, regardless where it takes place. However, most civilized people (and I know you are one) know that a church, synagogue, mosque, etc, is a unique place in one important way; they are recognized as sanctuaries; and sacred sanctuaries to most. I think those are the differentiators.
1.a place of refuge or safety.
"people automatically sought a sanctuary in time of trouble"
synonyms: refuge, haven, harbor, port in a storm, oasis, shelter,
1. connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration.
"sacred rites"
synonyms: holy, hallowed, blessed, consecrated, sanctified, venerated, revered

I know you've stated here fairly recently that you're not a "religious" man. I respect that, although I believe there's a big difference between being a religious person and a person who lives a life of faith. I also know you can appreciate that others have different viewpoints than your, i.e. fellow Boneyarders. Some like me have a very strong belief in God, specifically in , and try to live our daily lives accordingly. Many like me would say that a church is the very epitome of a sacred sanctuary.

So, what makes the murder of nine innocent people at Emanuel AME church in Charleston (or any other house of worship) different to people of faith, is that it was perpetrated in a sacred sanctuary by a sociopath with no regard for what that means to the vast majority of civilized people living in this great country. And it personally worries me that it's yet another example of the breakdown of our society, especially along moral lines.

Back to your point, it doesn't change the nature of the crime. Murder is murder. However, as a citizen of a supposed civilized society, if we can't feel safe in a house of worship, where can we feel safe?
Aug 26, 2011
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I guess I just don't see one iota of difference between a church and a movie theatre. None whatsoever.
People go to churches to pray, repent, get married, baptize their children, have funerals. They go to the movies to be entertained. Hope that helps. ;^)
ps. Note to self... read all posts before writing.
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