Edsall postgame remarks/media coverage (@ Fresno State) | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Edsall postgame remarks/media coverage (@ Fresno State)

Dec 18, 2017
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You are saying that our expectations were too high to not expect a 45 - 0 shut out? What the literal hell man?!
No. What I’m saying is the loss sucked but it was the first game after being off for two years against a very solid team. So I’m waiting for a few games to reserve judgment. Was our play poor? Absolutely! But I’m not going to lose my shirt after one game.

Not hard to understand
Dec 18, 2017
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Can't win games if you can't control the line of scrimmage. Randy, your offensive line doesn't create holes. Didn't play physical. Play calling set the tone. No identity on offense.
Agreed. We got handled up front and offense was invisible.

Bottom line is we have better players on our team. We also have better players on our team who’ve seen zero live bullets in two years. Perhaps all of the blood thirsty fans could have done better in a similar situation. Not sure

Fact is Fresno had ALL of the advantages in this game. Period. Would be wise to wait a few games before we declare a failed project.

Heck the greatest athlete of all time, Michael Jordan, took two years off and was a shell of himself for a minute when he returned. Again, not sure why the yesterday was so shocking.

But I get it…Fans haven’t seen the team in two years and the first time you turn on the tv to watch them in a live game it’s 45-0. Have to remove the emotion out of it and just simply be patient
Dec 18, 2017
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They were a better team plain and simple.

The first quarter was solid but the offensive line had issues in not being able to open any holes and then ran into 3rd and long which kill teams.

No excuses, they need to play better next week on the offensive line and the defensive backs need to make tackles which was an issue on a few occasions.
Totally agree man. It’s really not hard to understand. Fresno was indeed a better team that played in 2020 and had way more cohesion.

Agreed on the defensive backs as well. Poor play all around after the first quarter. Everyone should have known there would be adversity and the test would be how would the team respond. They failed that test for sure. When did adversity hit? That strip sack for a TD. Up until then the team looked confident. After that play, it went downhill.

But again, being off two years- while thoroughly disappointing to watch NONE of yesterday should be a shocker.

Regroup and move on to Holy Cross
Mar 4, 2020
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If UConn doesn't beat Holy Cross next week, just let anyone else be interim coach for the rest of the season and start thinking of our best replacement options.
Not making excuses for Edsall, starting Z over Steven Krajewski, was his first mistake. Not saying we could have won this game, but the offense would have been very different if Steven Krajewski had been in from the first snap. It was clear that with Steven Krajewski in the game Fresno St, had more trouble against the UConn run game. I think if they have all their players back next week, and Edsall wakes up and gives the start to Steven Krajewski, UConn beats HC by 30 points.
Mar 4, 2020
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By that time Fresno State was deep into their second/third team defense.
And you know that for a fact??? Sure they made a few subs, but “deep into” their sub’s? If I’m that coach I want to keep that zero up on the board. Not to mention that UConn’s offensive starters had been on the field all game in 110 degrees, Steven Krajewski comes in and they look like a different team. Love your optimism. Only thing I’m pessimistic about is Edsall realizing that 3yards and a ball of dust is not going to win ball games. Steven Krajewski is a much bigger passing threat than Zerg is, and it showed in the run game.
Last edited:
Aug 26, 2011
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Agreed. We got handled up front and offense was invisible.

Bottom line is we have better players on our team. We also have better players on our team who’ve seen zero live bullets in two years. Perhaps all of the blood thirsty fans could have done better in a similar situation. Not sure

Fact is Fresno had ALL of the advantages in this game. Period. Would be wise to wait a few games before we declare a failed project.

Heck the greatest athlete of all time, Michael Jordan, took two years off and was a shell of himself for a minute when he returned. Again, not sure why the yesterday was so shocking.

But I get it…Fans haven’t seen the team in two years and the first time you turn on the tv to watch them in a live game it’s 45-0. Have to remove the emotion out of it and just simply be patient
The worst offensive performance, ever. Yea, you do know where the word fan comes from?

What has to be concerning as a fan was our performance against their second and third team.

As a fan I'll be watching in 2 weeks and expecting to see improvement everywhere. I hope DB is expecting this as well. Yea, a year off and Fresno was better. If your QB can't take advantage of opportunities it doesn't matter how many he gets. He has consistently missed throws during games. He must be a damn good practice player.
Aug 26, 2011
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The ball Steven Krajewski throws is light years better than what Jack Zergiotis throws. He’s got air under the ball. The two longer attempts he made in the end zone were just a few feet too deep and both were in tight coverage. Jack was way off all day and he throws a flat ball with terrible accuracy. Same thing I saw from these guys in 19’.

Edsall is lost on this one.
Aug 26, 2011
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And you know that for a fact??? Sure they made a few subs, but “deep into” their sub’s? If I’m that coach I want to keep that zero up on the board. Not to mention that UConn’s offensive starters had been on the field all game in 110 degrees, Steven Krajewski comes in and they look like a different team. Love your optimism. Only thing I’m pessimistic about is Edsall realizing that 3yards and a ball of dust is not going to win ball games. Steven Krajewski is a much bigger passing threat than Zerg is, and it showed in the run game.

My comment had nothing to do w/ any optimism or pessimism on my part. Steven Krajewski came into 45-0 game w/ less than 8 minutes remaining and Fresno State had already emptied their defensive bench. Any impact has to be viewed through those lenses.
Aug 21, 2011
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I’m awestruck that people are so quick to declare Kraj as so much better. Jack Zergiotis was bad yesterday but Kraj was too. Edsall and staf have hours and hours of film and practices to watch. I’m as pissed as the next guy about yesterday but Kraj is not the answer


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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The ball Steven Krajewski throws is light years better than what Jack Zergiotis throws. He’s got air under the ball. The two longer attempts he made in the end zone were just a few feet too deep and both were in tight coverage. Jack was way off all day and he throws a flat ball with terrible accuracy. Same thing I saw from these guys in 19’.

Edsall is lost on this one.

This. If anything, Jack Zergiotis's mechanics looked WORSE yesterday, which i didn't think was possible,
Aug 26, 2011
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I’m awestruck that people are so quick to declare Kraj as so much better. Jack Zergiotis was bad yesterday but Kraj was too. Edsall and staf have hours and hours of film and practices to watch. I’m as pissed as the next guy about yesterday but Kraj is not the answer

I’ve been saying it for 3 years. I’m not being quick at all. Steve Krajewski is an FBS quarterback. Big, throws well, composed, even his misses are safer and less likely to be picked off. This is a weird situation. I just don’t understand what Randy is thinking. I’d love to know who Giufre likes better.

Jack needs far more development and work on mechanics.
Oct 28, 2018
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I’ve been saying it for 3 years. I’m not being quick at all. Steve Krajewski is an FBS quarterback. Big, throws well, composed, even his misses are safer and less likely to be picked off. This is a weird situation. I just don’t understand what Randy is thinking. I’d love to know who Giufre likes better.

Jack needs far more development and work on mechanics.
What Randy is thinking is "what can I do to create the illusion that better times are ahead, because this will maximize the time when me and Corey can hang out and collect our salaries? I'll strongly suggest to the players that we cancel the 2020 season because then I can sell the story of bigger/stronger kids in the 2021 season. Then I'll make a switch in QBs at midseason of 2021 and sell the illusion of an improving Steven Krajewski or Jack Zergiotis and all the hope of a big season in 2022. I'll get 6 years of a nice gig." The man is no dummy. He realizes that the landscape has changed since the glory days of 2010 and recruiting good football players to Storrs is so much tougher.
Oct 30, 2017
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What game were you watching ? The team was horrible and the quarterback and coaching were atrocious. They don't know how to tackle and the play calling is laughable. We need a coach !!! And a quarterback !
We have a good quarterback but Randy didn’t take any time to develop him and refuses to play him.
Oct 30, 2017
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Randy has already declared Jack Zergiotis the starter for Holy Cross. We all know, he doesn’t admit mistakes easily. Here we go again.
He did the exact same thing with Washington, then Beaudry and now Zergiotis.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Randy has already declared Jack Zergiotis the starter for Holy Cross. We all know, he doesn’t admit mistakes easily. Here we go again.

To be fair, the other guy didn't light it up against Fresno's backups.
Aug 24, 2011
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My comment had nothing to do w/ any optimism or pessimism on my part. Steven Krajewski came into 45-0 game w/ less than 8 minutes remaining and Fresno State had already emptied their defensive bench. Any impact has to be viewed through those lenses.

Let it go Medic. Over the years I’ve learned that after a loss the best QB was the sub……..always.
Nov 2, 2011
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Ronnie Rivers- NFL Prospect
Jake Haener- NFL Prospect
Cropper- NFL Prospect
DLine- 6th in the country in sacks
They played in the Fall and were more cohesive

What planet are you living on? Seems like your expectations were a bit too high for this game- is why you’re crying

This QB and offense did this to everyone last year. QB threw for 2000 with 14 tds and 5 ints in six games.

Serious Question: Did you think we were running out Alabama today?

We havent seen game speed in two years and played in 125 degree field temps. This was a great wake up call for these young men and certainly smacked them in the mouth. Regroup, watch some film and plan for Holy Cross.

It’s not hard bud. Take a breath and enjoy some life for the rest of the weekend. Geez
How did you acquire this intel? Did Randy know it existed? It could have helped, dammit.
Oct 30, 2017
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To be fair, the other guy didn't light it up against Fresno's backups.
What do you expect for only two series? His first pas was a 45 yard bomb that most likely would’ve been caught fora TD had the defender not grabbed his jersey and pull him down. It was a smart move because he knew he was beat. The second deep ball was over 50 yards and he threw it under pressure. Maybe Randy should’ve let him throw some 5 and ten yard slants and move the chains.
Apr 16, 2017
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If you practice against the same talent, same schemes, same moves, same size, same coaches, same jersey colors, same field, same everything… for 2 years… how do you gain real experience? You can develop “your” players but you cannot develop talent beyond what you coach until you play a game against another team.

I was a fool for thinking we had a shot at winning this game.

If there is anything these guys need it’s a chance to prove us wrong and have that in-game experience. We desperately needed that.


We are not amused.
May 5, 2015
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I’m awestruck that people are so quick to declare Kraj as so much better. Jack Zergiotis was bad yesterday but Kraj was too. Edsall and staf have hours and hours of film and practices to watch. I’m as pissed as the next guy about yesterday but Kraj is not the answer
This is a fair point. I have a tiny shred of hope that the O coaches know more about the players than I do and will make the best choice for the team to be competitive.
May 15, 2019
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Look at it this way. Our offense practices against our defense. Maybe that is where the false hope comes from.

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