The first time I met Kevin Ollie(and Walter Ray,Kirk King,Donnie Marshall) he/they were playing in a summer league at Connecticut College. The first impression has to start with "quiet strength". He was always imo understated but it was easy to see that reliability and great character also fit very well when you had a chance to talk to him, however briefly. I have not had a chance yet to read any of the threads posted here since JC officially announced his retirement. But my first reaction is that,in equal measure, I am thrilled Kevin has gotten this opportunity and I am very disappointed(given the circumstances surrounding the program familiar to all of us) that the University could not demonstrate greater faith in him with even option years if not at least a 3-5 year deal. And, if the Courant poll is believable, 50% feel that they are willing to give him a year. I would suggest that those 50% really don't know this guy. He may be the polar opposite of JC in terms of demeanor BUT they are joined at the hip in areas like accepting challenges and succeeding and truly understanding what is important in the lives of the young men who enter the program(and it's not just and has never been only the hoops).
So in the end, given Kevin's track record, this one year deal is right up his alley; and he WILL make it work. He's a keeper for more reasons than I can count. I am not going to say I will miss JC because he is going to be part of the UConn family for a long,long time. And everywhere you look around that campus, you will be reminded of what he has brought to Connecticut. I will congratulate Kevin; and say, they've left the door blow the damn thing off its hinges!!!!