Don't drink the poison. | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Don't drink the poison.

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Aug 26, 2011
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Drinking the poison can mean two things btw. Becoming overconfident, is the way Edsall used to use it, but it could mean being intimidated by that number in front of opponents name, or the roar of a foreign crowd.

We have no reason whatsover to be intimidated by the next opponent and the road environment.

Don't drink the poison.
How about "First you want to give them the sugar, and then the hot sauce."- KO
Aug 28, 2011
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Where did anyone even say that Edsall would have taken us to greatness? For duckck's sake give it a rest.
Have you read this board?

I remember one poster gushing that he couldn't imagine anyone except Edsall as the UConn head coach

And didn't start this thread. But I will not abide Edsall being sainted, classless bum.
Aug 26, 2011
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If the boneyard still exists (no zombie invasion) will we be rehashing this tired argument in 2025? 2035?
To be fair, collectively, "we" are not rehashing the argument now. It's really just one person with everyone else letting him know that he needs to let it go.
Aug 27, 2011
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If the boneyard still exists (no zombie invasion) will we be rehashing this tired argument in 2025? 2035?

Depends. How old is Palatine? What's his life expectancy? Will he be around in 2035?
Aug 28, 2011
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To be fair, collectively, "we" are not rehashing the argument now. It's really just one person with everyone else letting him know that he needs to let it go.
I didn't start the threat with Edsallism's.

BTW, they are frying him in Washington the week.
Aug 29, 2011
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I guess enough time hasn't passed. Holy mackerel.

Look, if we're going to take what I wrote and turn it into a pile of , let's do it right. When we went to Michigan, and played in front of the largest crowd in college football history at the time - it was a winnable game. No doubt.

Prior to that game, shortly before kickoff I saw Edsall. He looked like he had to change is underwear about 4 times already that morning. In the first series, we couldn't get out of our own way. The punt went about 12 yards. It wasn't until the 3rd quarter we started hitting stride and playing loose and focused, but couldn't overcome a killer turnover.

I don't want the same and soiled underwear tightness and anxiety happening just because we are going on the road to 70,000 seat arena and a top 25 team with a young team.

There is no reason to be overconfident, or intimidated, based on weekly awards, a 2 game win streak, point spreads, or media top 25 rankings, or a foreign field and large crowds.

Just go out and continue to do what we been doing and improve and this is a winnable game.

What's the difference between landing the green on wide open fairway, no trees, traps, or water and landing the green on an island in the middle of water? Your mind and focus. It's the same ball, the same club, the same tee, and the same swing, from the same body.

Why did Gene Hackman bring the Hoosiers team to the court with a tape measure and measure the badketball hoop and court?

Same reason, that we shouldn't drink the poison.
Aug 26, 2011
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Both sides could be right.

I totally disagree with Palatine. We were blessed to have Edsall during those years. He did a great job of "start up". He was a detailed old lady & got all the pieces in place for UConn to thrive. We had a really good run. Not great ... not to our peak - I think.

Mediocre? Hell no. That's crazy. He drove us from regularly being predicted 65-85 in preseason to on the verge of top 40. That's quite an achievement. Palatine clearly doesn't understand the ramifications of the last 4 years. WE can drop dramatically because we have some core weaknesses in how this came together.

We can be so much better. I like what Diaco is doing; where we are going; we can be quite a lot better in a few years.

These 2 weeks give us some hope.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I'm amazed how strong the feelings are towards Edsall. He was a good coach. He helped UConn at a time when we needed it. That's about all I can muster for him. He is not the Jim Calhoun or Geno of football. Hell, he's not the Morrone of football. He's perhaps the Dom Perno of football...competent, acceptable. I think Edsall looks better in hindsight than he should because PP followed him.

As to Carl's actual point, it's a tough game and I'll best that these kids have no illusions as to the challenge they face in Columbia. If we compete, it won't be a blow out. That's the test.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'd be lying if I wrote I wasn't annoyed that my Jeopardy post is getting smothered in this Edsall Schmedsel crap. I thought that was a good one, and I look forward to next Monday night at 7:28pm on ABC.

I was a hell of a lot more worried about Villanova after last season. But we are a much different team physically, mentally, and emotionally this season through two games. Better. I'm concerned about mostly the emotional aspect of taking the field this week, and doing it right, so that we're going full bore toe to toe with them, focused and loose from the opening whistle to the end.

We do that, and I think we will be in position to close out the game with win.

Most important lesson from weeks 1and 2 is that its easier to do that when you possess the ball on offense, rather than defending.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Who's to say Edsall couldn't have gotten us to the next level?

His last season we won the league, made the BCS and ended the season (before the Oklahoma game) ranked.

Who's to say where we could've went from there?

I guarantee we would have made bowls in the 2 5-7 P seasons that followed.

Anyone who says that was the programs height is talking out of their ass.
Aug 26, 2011
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I have zero doubt that our players will be fired up to play on Saturday. Where my doubts start to creep in are when we start talking about whether or not they will be able to handle a true hostile road environment against a team that will have as good as or better players at each position

One way to solve that. A convoy of CT plates heading into Missouri during the wee hours of Saturday morning.
Aug 27, 2011
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Who's to say Edsall couldn't have gotten us to the next level?

His last season we won the league, made the BCS and ended the season (before the Oklahoma game) ranked.

Who's to say where we could've went from there?

I guarantee we would have made bowls in the 2 5-7 P seasons that followed.

Anyone who says that was the programs height is talking out of their ass.

Especially because once Edsall accomplished something that others said he never would, the goalposts kept getting moved.

Honestly, enough about Edsall already.
Aug 29, 2011
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To All Of the Boneyard and UCONN Country:

Please accept my sincere apology for invoking any thought of Randy Edsall, and an era long gone. I did not have any intention to agitate, create waves, lash out, decompress, or express my thoughts in writing for any other purpose other than to attempt to express my desire for the UCONN football team to take the field on the road, in front of what is sure to be the largest crowd that any of them played in front of, with any other attitude than well prepared, mental focus, and emotional readiness to compete without distraction to their capability. They are executing the 5P's well through 2 games. Their emotional and mental preparation is key this week. That falls on older experienced players, which we don't have many, so then extends to coaches.

I apologize for invoking Randy Edsall era concepts to illustrate that.

I'll go back deeper in history though, to what seems to be less abrasive and more easily understood.

Proper preparation prevents poor performance.

Preparation is a little different for this one than the 2 before. The game is the same, and what they need to do is the same.

And lastly, I still have a dream.

$45,000 riding on Final Jepoardy. Category: UCONN Football Coaches. " Little teapot playing.

Alex: "Answer: Bob Diaco and Paul Pasqualoni.

Song ends. Tip me over and pour me out.

Alex (after other 2 contestants give incorrect answers about college and NFL experience and Italian sounding names.
" Let's see what you've got Carl. If you wagered anything less than $42,000, you automatically win. You look confident."

"Who are the only 2 coaches to lead UCONN to wins against top 25 ranked teams on the road."

"THAT'S IT! Let's see what you wagered Carl."

$45,0000, wow! That makes a one day total of $90,000, and we'll see you on champions week. Well done."

That's it everybody,see you next time on Jepoardy!
Aug 26, 2011
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I say Edsall went as far as he could. It's my view that his "structure" was stale at the end. The BCS game was good fortune (no doubt); but, I just can't see us - in that former league - getting to a Regular Championship level.

Long Live the New HC.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Back to the OP. If the players on this team who see time, almost all of whom are not true frosh, are full of themselves after the last couple of years based on two wins against two of the weaker teams on the schedule, they are living in an alternate universe. I hope they are nothing but hungry. I don't care whose quotes are used to describe where they're at, even if it was Don Corleone. These kids have to be up for everyone and I can't imagine that they won't be. I hope we can see the improvement we've been waiting for, the early evidence is promising, but we need a lot more evidence to know where we are. I hope that for a while we can get away from play by play analysis as if we totally control everything when there are guys in the other uniforms making mistakes and good plays just like us. We are not yet The Ohio State University.


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Aug 25, 2011
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........blah blah........white rice.......blah doo rags...........blah blah.............boiled chicken............players are responsible for this........blah blah............and things...........

How was that?


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I say Edsall went as far as he could. It's my view that his "structure" was stale at the end. The BCS game was good fortune (no doubt); but, I just can't see us - in that former league - getting to a Regular Championship level.

Long Live the New HC.

We won the share of the league title 2 of his last 4 seasons? Won 8 games the two years in between.

What reason does anybody have that he couldn't have taken us any further?

The main gripe I feel like would be the revolving door at QB, but say Endres stays clean, who's to say we didn't continue to be a 8+ win squad in the BE Title hunt?

I guess I just don't see how Randy had reached the ceiling after bringing the program as far as it ever got?
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