Dominique Malonga?!?! Coach Geno get her… (merged thread) | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Dominique Malonga?!?! Coach Geno get her… (merged thread)


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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The fact that anyone would be questioning her fundamentals after watching that clip... Lord have mercy....
watch it again sir, take your time whilst doing so... play the video in slow motion if need be...
And then show me 1) coach who would not be delighted in having a big who moves this well, Pivots, head fake, REverse Pivot and then dunks without any effort... If she moves that well on offense just imagine the potential night mare she could be on defense... 17 years old but moves like a pro? LOL.... Geno would be a complete fool, to pass on a kid like this, if it was within his reach...
That's all I'm saying!!! :cool: My observation is a moot one. She's a professional, and apparently has not interest in playing WCBB in the USA. I was just having some fun with this. We can dream can't we? My comments were from the standpoint "if I were Geno". I was thinking............what if. :rolleyes: At no point in my observation/comments did I think she had any interest in coming to UConn. I was fantisizing!!

The 2nd clip was nice, but I was sold based on what I saw in that first one, and her numbers from her summer games. The world is her oyster. She's only 17 and has a lot of growth and development ahead of her. With good coaching, and an adittional 20-25 lbs, she'll be a star in no time. She's drenched in potential greatness.
Last edited:
Apr 27, 2022
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I posted about her on May 2nd, i talk about three other players to. Next season which start soon, she will be part of the Lyon professional team like last year, with Gaby Williams as teamate. To see the post, go to page #16 of the Boneyard, go on the post: 2023 Recruiting rankings so far, scroll down and you will find my post.


Aug 24, 2011
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Well...the thread has me sufficiently confused. Has she already turned pro? As Coco mentioned I think that playing in a pro league/ playing on a pro team still allows you to remain an amateur. Cat says he 'believes' she is a pro. sure?
Jan 26, 2016
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She reminds me a bit of Amihere from South Carolina.........very impressive especially for 17........
Apr 23, 2019
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Understood. One difference between Belibi and her. Malonga is 6’6”, Bellini is 6’1”. Not many 6-1 post players in D1 WBB. All I would need Malonga to do at 6/6 is defend the paint, get rebounds, block shots. She would not have to dunk to suit me. If she could shoot a 6-12’ mid-range jumper/bank shot with a 50% fg percentage, and all her lay ups and bunnies, I’m happy.

You can tell just from that short clip she has some athleticism. I’d take her as is, even if it was only for one year. If she could do that move from both sides of the lane, how many post players do you think could stop/defend that?

Are you suggesting that Geno would not offer her if she contacted the BB office and expressed interest in playing for him? We both know the answer to that question. Look at that video one more time and tell me Geno could say no to her.
As Carnac and others have pointed out just based on very limited clips, you can see size and athletic ability that at a minimum suggests her floor would be a very good rebounder/defender who could probably score a fair amount on simple inside shots or putbacks. There are some players you know are going to be pretty good after seeing them for a minute or two, sometimes even less.

I remember the first time I watched Magic Johnson on TV when he was a freshman at Michigan State. I was sitting down getting ready to see this super hyped player I heard so much about, and he literally convinced me he was going to be a star based on one trip down the floor. He got a tough rebound in traffic that any NBA power forward could be proud of, immediately spun upcourt outracing and weaving past players then made one of his fancy didn't see that one coming type of passes to finish the fast break. I had not yet seen him shoot yet but those few seconds told me he was going to be a star, because 6-8 players that can rebound with the best bigs are not supposed to be able to dribble and pass like that.

As for Malonga, perhaps a better comparison might be my first reaction to Olajuwon. Like with Magic it was clear he was going to be special before seeing him shoot or show off his quick spin moves. I saw an impressive shot block and rebound and just the way he moved, and you knew those traits were exceptional. It will be interesting to see more of Malonga's shooting, moves and passing, but great mobility at 6-6 goes a long way to being a very special player.

Bajan Best

Decades of Excellence = Legendary
Oct 3, 2016
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I'll tell you like I told Carnac. My first post was made before the second video was posted. Just how many fundamentals do you see in the first video?
#1 The young lady's drill is started by mimicking setting a High Screen For another player to help free a teammate up
#2 From which she rolls to the paint and looks to receive the pass with 2 hands from the ball reversal
#3 After receiving the ball she then squares her body to the Rim to present herself as an offensive threat
#4 She then gives the defender a pump fake and #5 quickly attacks with a dribble to the left, setting the defender up #6 for a reverse spin and a pivot/drop step to gather herself for the #7 explosive dunk or easy layup...

Is that not enough fundamentals for one drill my good sir? I did advise you to slow the video down :)
Don't blame me for responding as you did ask..


Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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#1 The young lady's drill is started by mimicking setting a High Screen For another player to help free a teammate up
#2 From which she rolls to the paint and looks to receive the pass with 2 hands from the ball reversal
#3 After receiving the ball she then squares her body to the Rim to present herself as an offensive threat
#4 She then gives the defender a pump fake and #5 quickly attacks with a dribble to the left, setting the defender up #6 for a reverse spin and a pivot/drop step to gather herself for the #7 explosive dunk or easy layup...

Is that not enough fundamentals for one drill my good sir? I did advise you to slow the video down :)
Don't blame me for responding as you did ask..
Those are not the kind of fundamentals about which I was speaking.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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No. The possibility of her coming to UConn is almost nil. She was discussed at length earlier this week here in the yard. Poster WiseOne posted it. See below. Word is she plans on playing pro ball. As a UConn fan I would love to have her!! :rolleyes:

I think she would bring 1-2 championships with her if she were to come.
Last edited:
Dec 21, 2019
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Thanks I missed that discussion
And I agree with you that she would bring at least one Championship
Mar 5, 2015
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No. The possibility of her coming to UConn is almost nil. She was discussed at length earlier this week here in the yard. Poster WiseOne posted it. See below. Word is she plans on playing pro ball. As a UConn fan I would love to have her!! :rolleyes:

I think she would bring 1-2 championships with her if she were to come.
She would help gather 1-2 championships if she were here for 1-2 years

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