Does this team that's played the last two weeks | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Does this team that's played the last two weeks

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Aug 24, 2011
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Lets not forget that the Towson loss was in large part due to Hemingway's abysmal play and a lack of help. Gifford right now is doing a very respectable job. (as a side note how on earth did the undersized Hemingway start on opening day instead of Gifford? PGDL at its finest).

I hate when people force me to defend PGDL, but in the interests of fairness and accuracy, we went into opening day with Bennett starting at LT and Friend at RT. Friend got hurt right at the beginning of the Towson game. Gifford had been playing with the 2s at LT, and Hemingway with the 2s at RT. Hemingway was clearly not ready to play this season, but we have no idea if Gifford was ready to play RT on opening day.
Aug 30, 2011
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I hate when people force me to defend PGDL, but in the interests of fairness and accuracy, we went into opening day with Bennett starting at LT and Friend at RT. Friend got hurt right at the beginning of the Towson game. Gifford had been playing with the 2s at LT, and Hemingway with the 2s at RT. Hemingway was clearly not ready to play this season, but we have no idea if Gifford was ready to play RT on opening day.

Well it's his job as a 1.7 million dollar coach to know Hemingway can't handle the position and at the very least give him help from the start of the game. P actually said in hindsight he should have given him help which shows how brain dead he was as a coach. In game adjustments were foreign to him.

They actually started Hemingway in the Maryland game after a week off. You can't defend that.
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Aug 24, 2011
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Well it's his job as a 1.7 million dollar coach to know Hemingway can't handle the position and at the very least give him help from the start of the game. P actually said in hindsight he should have given him help which shows how brain dead he was as a coach. In game adjustments were foreign to him.

They actually started Hemingway in the Maryland game too after a week off. You can't defend that.

I fully agree that not having a plan that would work for anyone going down is a coaching failure. But neither of us know that Gifford was ready to play RT against Towson, or that he could have been ready to play RT without taking away focus needed to get him ready to play LT.

So enough. Stop making me defend the clowns.
Aug 30, 2011
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I fully agree that not having a plan that would work for anyone going down is a coaching failure. But neither of us know that Gifford was ready to play RT against Towson, or that he could have been ready to play RT without taking away focus needed to get him ready to play LT.

So enough. Stop making me defend the clowns.

I just double checked. Hemingway started the game. "Friend suffered a concussion in practice during the week" So relax, you don't need to defend the clowns.
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Aug 26, 2011
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TJ and the staff, and the players, have all earned a tremendous amount of respect for not quitting on the season when sane people would have, and for having taken a huge step towards what the team can accomplish going forward by reminding everyone that they, individually and collectively, can play I-A football.

You can tell it's been a huge step forward cause BL is posting again. ;)
Aug 24, 2011
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This team if properly coached might have gotten to 6-6....maybe. Folks who thought the defense was not going to take a step back given the losses from last season were smoking crack. That defense was among the very best in the country, was very fast at many positions and Brown had them wound up like a top. Some deterioration had to be expected. That said, I was horified at the opener. The play at LB was terrible and we had no, none, zilch pass pressure. Like so much of P's tenure the mysteries aboung and I have no idea on what planet Ahiru and Vann sit in favor of Stewart and Donehue. Seeing the OL play that night I knew the season was headed for a disaster.

As for last season, only somebody stupid enough to put GDL in charge of the OL and offense could manage to win only 5 games with that defense and against that schedule. That was a particularly special accomplishment.
Feb 10, 2012
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I would be surprised if the guy we bring in wants to keep in place an assistant who has actually served as a successful interim at the school before the new guy got there. I sure wouldn't if I was the new coach, whether or not he's a good OC or position coach.
I hear what you are saying, but I think it depends on the coach Uconn brings in, who his guys are, and whether he thinks TJ would be an asset. I also think WM may have some input here.
Wasn't Fickell the interim coach at OSU?...
Not saying TJ is or isn't gone or that I disagree with your sentiment. I think there are lots of variables and TJ could easily be back in a different capacity, or he could be gone.
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