Dodd: 2021 Hot Seat Rankings | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Dodd: 2021 Hot Seat Rankings

Aug 26, 2011
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NU isn’t getting rid of Scott despite what some of these National pundits think.
Gonna be interesting to watch how this relationship develops (or doesn’t) over the next season +…



Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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Gonna be interesting to watch how this relationship develops (or doesn’t) over the next season +…

Trev didn’t overlap at NU with Scott as a player, but he’s arguably just as decorated in NU history as Sam notes in his tweet. He’s certainly not being brought in to make a change at HC after this season.

The ONLY way I see Scott being let go is if this thing just completely unravels and NU goes like 3-9 which would basically be 1-8 in the B1G when you add in presumed W’s against Buffalo and Fordham. Moos and Frost had been at odds for over a year despite Moos being the one to hire Scott. Moos was known to be a fairly lax day to day guy and often ran into issues with booze around NU’s biggest boosters. He was essentially working from his ranch in the PNW the last 2 years leaving Garrett Klassy to run the day to day in Lincoln. Whether or not Trev will be successful is up in the air (definitely wasn’t my first choice for the gig) but he’s not being brought in to stir stuff up. He’s being brought in for the hopes of stability at the position which has now had 4 different full time people at the helm in the last 10 years.
Nov 30, 2013
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I think 2022's recruiting class bought Edsall another year. I see 4 wins bare minimum for this squad. 6 is obtainable and 8 I think they can do if everything is played absolutely perfect.
Aug 26, 2011
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Trev didn’t overlap at NU with Scott as a player, but he’s arguably just as decorated in NU history as Sam notes in his tweet. He’s certainly not being brought in to make a change at HC after this season.

The ONLY way I see Scott being let go is if this thing just completely unravels and NU goes like 3-9 which would basically be 1-8 in the B1G when you add in presumed W’s against Buffalo and Fordham. Moos and Frost had been at odds for over a year despite Moos being the one to hire Scott. Moos was known to be a fairly lax day to day guy and often ran into issues with booze around NU’s biggest boosters. He was essentially working from his ranch in the PNW the last 2 years leaving Garrett Klassy to run the day to day in Lincoln. Whether or not Trev will be successful is up in the air (definitely wasn’t my first choice for the gig) but he’s not being brought in to stir stuff up. He’s being brought in for the hopes of stability at the position which has now had 4 different full time people at the helm in the last 10 years.
I tend to agree with your point as to immediacy of any change which is why I said it’d be interesting to see how the relationships develops over time. Egos are egos and we know that Trev definitely has had an strong ego in the past. Strong egos can make strange bedfellows.
Aug 26, 2011
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I tend to agree with Pudge that bowing out of the 2020 season was the right move for UCONN. The program was in shambles and using the year to get things in order and get kids more physically ready was not a poor plan. I do think that the team will have to pay a price early in the season for being away from the game that long, so holding together during the early stages of the season will be very important.

While you always need good QB play, I think our biggest challenge is on the other side of the line of scrimmage. Honestly, I think Edsall's decision to go with Crocker and his defensive scheme for two seasons was an enormous mistake. We're still recovering from that. We really have to hope that we can assemble a linebacker crew that can get the job done, because we haven't had a backer around who could make plays in about a million years. I think the Mitchell kid has some real promise.......let's hope.
I don't think UCONN had a choice to play last year. It was an awful confrontation to become an independent in a pandemic. Yes. It worked out for Edsall. He is bolstered - in his discrete approach - by this.

Let's see


Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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I tend to agree with your point as to immediacy of any change which is why I said it’d be interesting to see how the relationships develops over time. Egos are egos and we know that Trev definitely has had an strong ego in the past. Strong egos can make strange bedfellows.
For sure. Trev has never been afraid to make his mark or be controversial. Look at what he said when Solich was fired:

He also killed the extremely popular UNO football team to move them to D1 Summit and enhance hockey’s profile.

Im not saying he won’t eventually pull the trigger but anyone that thinks 5-7 or 6-6 gets Scott fired just isn’t looking at the schedule. With nearly 100% chances of losing to both Ohio St and Oklahoma, 6-6 overall would be 6-4 against @ Michigan St, Northwestern, Iowa, @ Wisconsin, Michigan, @ Minnesota, Purdue, @ Illinois, Buffalo, Fordham. 5-4 or 4-5 in the B1G and 2-1 non-conference would easily be a step forward IMO. Especially with a good chance of NU starting 3-0 going into OU.
Aug 27, 2011
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I tend to agree with Pudge that bowing out of the 2020 season was the right move for UCONN. The program was in shambles and using the year to get things in order and get kids more physically ready was not a poor plan. I do think that the team will have to pay a price early in the season for being away from the game that long, so holding together during the early stages of the season will be very important.

While you always need good QB play, I think our biggest challenge is on the other side of the line of scrimmage. Honestly, I think Edsall's decision to go with Crocker and his defensive scheme for two seasons was an enormous mistake. We're still recovering from that. We really have to hope that we can assemble a linebacker crew that can get the job done, because we haven't had a backer around who could make plays in about a million years. I think the Mitchell kid has some real promise.......let's hope.
The Crocker D and commitment to tweens was a huge mistake we are just recovering from.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am. That's the way the world works. He got a full year to do what he often proclaims is his way to success. Great thing about this Football thing ... you actually have games as testing. If he looks like a dog in wins losses ... he's gone.

We should take another year off then.
Aug 26, 2011
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You know, in some ways it might’ve been. It bought Randy the year he needed. Let’s see if he can deliver.

We don’t have much choice. If you think that not playing football is a good thing then you are delusional.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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We don’t have much choice. If you think that not playing football is a good thing then you are delusional.
Eh, when you say it that way, sure. And if I'd had a choice I would much rather have had the guys play a complete COVID free season. But here's the thing, Randy needed a year for his guys to mature and get stronger. He's gotten that. So now he has to show us that the team can compete. It's really that simple.


Tailgating Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2014
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Playing absolutely hurt UMASS more than it would have than not playing. They scored a total of 12 points. 12 over their entire season. The only thing that accomplished was kill morale.
Only scoring 12 points is a joke, but to be fair they didnt get to play UConn last year... Otherwise, their season point total would have been at least 3 times that size! What is UMass, a school for ants?
Aug 26, 2011
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We don’t have much choice. If you think that not playing football is a good thing then you are delusional.
did you miss the Pandemic ... or were just in that sealed suit with disinfectant & vitamin supplements intravenous for 15 months?

I can think of lots of sports start-ups. Franchises and such. And some Universities moving up to the next highest platform. We - Diaco & PP - were as low as the "Ain'ts"; we should have placed bags over the heads in most sections. Sure Crocker. But ... it is what it is. We have a decent 12 game schedule. Probably 4 games are really steep underdogs. We could do alright; if we have decent offensive leader.
Aug 29, 2016
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I am. That's the way the world works. He got a full year to do what he often proclaims is his way to success. Great thing about this Football thing ... you actually have games as testing. If he looks like a dog in wins losses ... he's gone.
I will repeat my previous comment of a month or two ago. At the very least they should know the freakin' playbook and where to line up. So should the coaches for that matter.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I am probably the most optimistic fan on the Boneyard. I think the year off did them a world of good to build team unity and to get the time in the weight room for those who more than likely would have played as true freshman, now they got a redshirt in.

The biggest question mark is who steps up as the quarterback? Is the Canadian rifle, the former walk-on from NCST who seemed favorite by Edsall or the highest rated freshman quarterback since Danny O? That will decide the season if it is a success or not.
Aug 29, 2011
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We don’t have much choice. If you think that not playing football is a good thing then you are delusional.
Playing 3-4 games not knowing from week to week wouldnt have benefitted anybody. And we had at least 6 games cancelled on us when opponents decided not to play, or only play in conference. In our first Independent season, that created a major problem. Even when some of those schools returned to play it wasn’t helpful to us. Waiting on the Bradley runway for directions on where to fly to would have been dumb.
Aug 29, 2011
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Playing absolutely hurt UMASS more than it would have than not playing. They scored a total of 12 points. 12 over their entire season. The only thing that accomplished was kill morale.
And I believe 2 were scored by the defense. They literally didn’t know who there opponent would be or if they had one until the Monday before on 2 occasions. It was a complete mess. More like a Sunday pick up flag league then a D1 program.
Nov 30, 2013
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Only scoring 12 points is a joke, but to be fair they didnt get to play UConn last year... Otherwise, their season point total would have been at least 3 times that size! What is UMass, a school for ants?
Ok I laughed way harder at this than I think I should have haha


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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My God, imagine the Civil ConFLiCT vibes if UConn hired Frost, nuclear rivalry
They would have pulled the thing out of the janitors slop for the game.
Aug 26, 2011
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For sure. Trev has never been afraid to make his mark or be controversial. Look at what he said when Solich was fired:

He also killed the extremely popular UNO football team to move them to D1 Summit and enhance hockey’s profile.

Im not saying he won’t eventually pull the trigger but anyone that thinks 5-7 or 6-6 gets Scott fired just isn’t looking at the schedule. With nearly 100% chances of losing to both Ohio St and Oklahoma, 6-6 overall would be 6-4 against @ Michigan St, Northwestern, Iowa, @ Wisconsin, Michigan, @ Minnesota, Purdue, @ Illinois, Buffalo, Fordham. 5-4 or 4-5 in the B1G and 2-1 non-conference would easily be a step forward IMO. Especially with a good chance of NU starting 3-0 going into OU.

UNO hockey is a hit. It's hard to argue with what UNO did there was wrong in deciding to emphasize hockey.
Aug 27, 2011
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I have a feeling our decision not to play last fall will be vindicated and our bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, squad will provide Edsall with the opportunity to shine—and get off the hot seat.


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Nov 30, 2013
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I have a feeling our decision not to play last fall will be vindicated and our bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, squad will provide Edsall with the opportunity to shine—and get off the hot seat.
I also think wins and loss isn't going to be the end all be all for Edsall this year. 4 wins is a fairly safe number for him to keep his job. If we are competitive in every game (outside of maybe Purdue, UCF and Clemson), I think that does a lot for Edsall as well. I think Edsall's recruiting class for next year bought him at least one more year. And if you compare this go around with Edsall's first stint here, this year's team is going to look completely different.

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