Did anyone else? | The Boneyard

Did anyone else?


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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If you watch a replay, in the half court possession just before that play at mid court, she got knocked hard off a cut around the foul line and took a weird little hop. I think it was two bangs in quick succession. I guess the good news is she's learning she can take contact.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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no. and neither did anyone else on planet earth, but for that handful of cardiac 'kids' around here, who never miss a chance to look for health problems that aren't there. basketball is a full contact sport, get used to it.
on the udder hand, im sure that she was sore as heck the day after ucf, cuz of the amount that she played. prolly a 2 aspirin day. call an ambulance.


Of course I'm Sirius
Mar 4, 2018
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If you watch a replay, in the half court possession just before that play at mid court, she got knocked hard off a cut around the foul line and took a weird little hop. I think it was two bangs in quick succession. I guess the good news is she's learning she can take contact.

no. and neither did anyone else on planet earth, but for that handful of cardiac 'kids' around here, who never miss a chance to look for health problems that aren't there. basketball is a full contact sport, get used to it.
on the udder hand, im sure that she was sore as heck the day after ucf, cuz of the amount that she played. prolly a 2 aspirin day. call an ambulance

no. and neither did anyone else on planet earth, but for that handful of cardiac 'kids' around here, who never miss a chance to look for health problems that aren't there. basketball is a full contact sport, get used to it.
on the udder hand, im sure that she was sore as heck the day after ucf, cuz of the amount that she played. prolly a 2 aspirin day. call an ambulance.
I'd call it concern for a player just coming back from a serious injury, not a common cold, not everyone can act like Cool Hand Luke, and congratulations for being elected speaker for everyone on planet earth, must be a great honor.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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I'd call it concern for a player just coming back from a serious injury, not a common cold, not everyone can act like Cool Hand Luke, and congratulations for being elected speaker for everyone on planet earth, must be a great honor.
our healthcare system is dramatically overused. great plan, boomers. seriously, have you ever even heard of half of the 'conditions' bandied aboot on the tv drug commercials? on behalf of my role as spokesmodel for planet earth, i can asssuredly tell you that 99.9% of us have not.
Aug 28, 2011
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no. and neither did anyone else on planet earth, but for that handful of cardiac 'kids' around here, who never miss a chance to look for health problems that aren't there. basketball is a full contact sport, get used to it.
on the udder hand, im sure that she was sore as heck the day after ucf, cuz of the amount that she played. prolly a 2 aspirin day. call an ambulance.
You have to love folks who think the answer to every potential health issue on the court is to suck it up. You don't have to be a "cardiac kid," whatever that may be, to show concern when the team's best player seems to be having a problem with a body part that was recently the subject of a serious injury.
Yes, it appears that she is okay. Of equal importance is the fact that she seems to be learning that the knee can stand up to tough on-court conditions. But to suggest that it's dumb to show concern about such a thing is just chowderheaded.


Of course I'm Sirius
Mar 4, 2018
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our healthcare system is dramatically overused. great plan, boomers. seriously, have you ever even heard of half of the 'conditions' bandied aboot on the tv drug commercials? on behalf of my role as spokesmodel for planet earth, i can asssuredly tell you that 99.9% of us have not.
An answer of Yes or No would've been sufficient, by the way are you sure tht it's planet Earth tht you speak for?


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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good question, as i do travel a bit. as to my election, here's the news footage.

it's a tuff job as all they give you to eat are bananas the size of camaros, and everyone involved is always nosin' around.
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formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Leave SpliffCliffy alone... (Sleeper is a great movie btw).


Of course I'm Sirius
Mar 4, 2018
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Not messing with ClifSpliffy, but in my opinion maybe he should
Put it down
Step away from the ashtray
Grab a big bag of Doritos and a box of Twinkees
Put on some Pink Floyd
and chill out. I'd suggest Dark side of the Moon.


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2011
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Did anyone else hear Holly Rowe talk about Paige in the introduction? Watch the opening of the replay. She said Paige had a torn menicus, and metal pins and plates in her knee. Or something like that, not exactly sure. But it sounded a lot more serious than what we were told.


Dec 3, 2021
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Did anyone else hear Holly Rowe talk about Paige in the introduction? Watch the opening of the replay. She said Paige had a torn menicus, and metal pins and plates in her knee. Or something like that, not exactly sure. But it sounded a lot more serious than what we were told.
Yes I was surprised to hear about it but not shocked.
It was in the national news that Paige had surgery for a tibial plateau fracture and a torn meniscus.
But some folks were in a state of denial about there being any fracture at all.
We were all left in the dark about the severity of the fracture which according to medical sources can vary.
Until now, if anyone tried to speculate about a plate and screws there wouldn't be enough evidence to base it on.
But I figure that Paige must have confided in Holly Rowe enough to provide her with the details so that Paige's fans could know the truth about how much she's endured.
Paige is an honest person and there's no need to cover up what many might currently see as a weakness.
Given time she can turn it into one of her strengths, and maybe use her injury to help motivate & console others.
Revealing it to the public through Holly Rowe is probably therapeutic, especially since she's managing to put the injury further behind her.
Nov 28, 2019
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our healthcare system is dramatically overused. great plan, boomers. seriously, have you ever even heard of half of the 'conditions' bandied aboot on the tv drug commercials? on behalf of my role as spokesmodel for planet earth, i can asssuredly tell you that 99.9% of us have not.
wow take it outside please


Aug 24, 2011
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Plates and pins in her leg? Does this mean that during the off-season she may
possibly/likely/undoubtedly have another surgery before her junior season?

'tis fantastic that she is back and... considering everything... that she is playing as well as she is.
Apr 18, 2021
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Did anyone else hear Holly Rowe talk about Paige in the introduction? Watch the opening of the replay. She said Paige had a torn menicus, and metal pins and plates in her knee. Or something like that, not exactly sure. But it sounded a lot more serious than what we were told.
Sounds like a "Tibial Plateau Facture" to me. Though Paige had
a worse fracture than I had in my left leg! I still have my plate and I 'm sure
that the Harvard Surgeon did not use "glue" to put me back together again.
The surgical team did not tell me what metal was in the screws they used. Maybe
I can find out if I have another radiograph! Cheers, Z


Aug 26, 2011
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Even though I had a (bad acronym) injury 2x and not a TPF like Paige, I had quite a bit sensitivity for a long time in the tibial area where they inserted two teeny tiny screws. I could not kneel for months, and even now, you know, the whole weather and age thing will let me know that there's some "stuff" in there. So, with kneepad on, even when she landed, there still might be some sensitivity.
Nov 8, 2018
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Have an elevated heart rate and have to remind themselves to breathe upon seeing Paige grab her leg after diving to the floor?
Yes, I was concerned she might have injured her knee. I also felt even if there were no injury it might affect her mindset but it did not. I was really pleased with Paige because she was aggressive and ready to take shots. I am feeling good about UConn NC chances. GO HUSKIES!
Apr 20, 2017
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Have an elevated heart rate and have to remind themselves to breathe upon seeing Paige grab her leg after diving to the floor?
I texted a friend and said ‘there goes the season’. Been down that road before. Glad she appears to be OK.
Mar 6, 2021
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My dog has had tibial plateau revisions on both hind legs. They cut the bone, and then lock it back in place with plate/screws. Unless there is some problem they just leave the plate and screws in.
As we all know, dogs are humans so it should be the same thing.


That's big-boo-TAY
Dec 16, 2016
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I wasn't that concerned. Her knee pad had slipped down onto her shin and I figured something around the knee without much flesh on it hit the floor where the pad should have been.
Nov 24, 2011
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Have an elevated heart rate and have to remind themselves to breathe upon seeing Paige grab her leg after diving to the floor?
Oh Yes!! My heart nearly stopped and I could hear the voices of millions of critics (haters) saying "They rushed her back too soon! This is what Geno gets!" I had to mute the TV until I saw Paige back on the court.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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there are millions upon millions upon tens of millions of folks walking around this globe (i know. it's my job as spokesmodel for the planet, and i took a poll.) with torn miniscuses (minuski?) in various states of noninvasive repair. seems like 6 months to a year does it for most. of course, those on a career path dependent upon their physical state for the cash often have a different timeline, and choose to have the ol snip and stitch. or staple. prolly should change the name of most ortho practices to "Staples,' or 'Corto Shots-R-Us.' appropriately applied, corto shots are absolutely one of the best modern medical inventions. fire that sucker in there, then sit around and wait for the offending bone or tissue to just melt away.
as to bone trauma, which always hurts like the dickens (whatever that means), and excluding extreme events like compound fractures (tho i have seen it 'treated' by wrapping banana leaves and twine around it. pro tip: don't go to those places -no micky d's there, and the water is usually really bad), well, given the proper environment for healing (rest, nutrition, mebbe a banana leaf brace or two to superstructure the area, and remind it 'this is how it was,' they too can heal back to 'normal' or mostly normal -functionally useful at the least.
i don't know what sum of youse have been doing the past million years or so (actually, much longer. much. much, longer), but it's called evolution. anyone here familiar with our nervous system? it's only aboot 600 million years old. thanks sea squirt! im still waiting for the experts to explain that interesting point that our nervous system is filled to the max with endocanibinoid receptors.... some of those bone events don't end up meshing back together, and can leave some pieces floating around, which can subsequently be removed to end that annoyance. 'cleaning it up' is a common phrase. or deck screws sumtimes.
the big question tho, for the numero uno health issue on the planet -back pain. there's that pesky problem of evolution again, shifting from cruising around on all fours to walking on two (duh).
why don't people make situps a part of their routine at the first sign of trouble?
what's that modern phrase again? oh, right -core health. also a very good program for digestive health, sleep, defeating time, and so on and so forth...
good thing great gramms used to say when we were kids, and complained aboot a non-life threatening injury, i think boo-boo is the technical term, and we would say 'but it hurts!, she'd be like 'hurts? rent-a-car!'
good thing cuz it seems like i've broken or torn everything over the years. lot's of hospitals, surgeries, and the like. the face rebuild one is a funny story, and the shattered leg in first grade taught me a most valuable life lesson - don't chase the girls, let them chase you.
pro tip: iffn u kind of like the way ur thumb works, avoid, avoid, avoid injuring that rubber band below it cuz it takes forever to get right. opposable digit and all that. we're special, and that one really reminds us all the time. evolution.
absent the unusual, paige will be fine. sore for a bit, but fine nonetheless. and yes, micky d burgers are wonderful therapy for healing broken parts, both mentally and physically. pack on the protein and fat calories, cuz ur body an't healing with just air and kale as nutrition.
Hippocrates -'food is medicine and medicine is food.'
up next? water therapy! i got stories on that, lot's of them, going back a 100 years or more. here's one. Senator George 'Doc' Gunther (pretty famous as the longest serving in our state house in history), jack dempsey the world champ boxer and drunk as a skunk (whatever that means), capone era chicago, his job in a hydrotherapy schvitzbath there, and the day they all came together. the cut off ear in a hankie (from a cadaver) story is good too. the pie spitting one notsomuch. whacky college kids.
here's a freebie- got knee or foot issues? mebbe hips too?
head down to the edge of the salt water, around up to ur knees. walk in the mucky stuff.
you can build muscle at any age. get out of ur chair.

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