Some long time Husky fans remember how Calhoun often had an instant offense guy come off the bench who would instill energy, notably the Microwave, John Gwynn. His role, as that of others, was to come in for a few minutes and knock down shots. Gwynn's D was not very good from what I remember.
Now in the case with Diarra, he's becoming an all around solid rotation player contributing on both ends within the team's offense and defensive schemes. He's getting better each game. Although he's undersized (height & weight) he makes up for it with effort, quick feet and hands, solid instincts, passing, driving and shooting. He keeps on improving and making the most of his opportunities. He reminds me a little of Ryan Boatright, but is a much better defender and decision maker. Diarra seems to have learned how to play fast and safe. He's going to make an occasional bad play, but he's been making a lot more good ones on both ends of the floor the past 3 games (14, 9, 12 points, and a mix of rebounds and positive defensive plays) .
He's clearly been a factor helping win some games this sesson. Even earlier in the season he filled the box score in the wins over UNC and the Zags. I think we'll be seeing more of him, giving Newton and Spencer some needed rest to keep the fresh, not to mention instill some intensity on the defense end of the floor disrupting their opponents offense.