Diamond DeShields on NCAA P5 Autonomy Panel | The Boneyard

Diamond DeShields on NCAA P5 Autonomy Panel

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Jan 13, 2014
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Another chance to screw over UConn...
I certainly don't blame Diamond DeShields, but UCONN IS going to get screwed in all this. (If anyone is to blame it is UCONN, for not committing to a higher level of football excellence.)


Sep 6, 2011
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Forget autonomy for the conferences, they should just go for autonomy for football only... that's what it always seems to be all about anyway...
Sep 4, 2011
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DD in past history, gave the short end of the stick to Geno , not only stringing him along but ended up going to NCU, & dragging with her other recruits Geno was deeply interested in recruitment. One name in particular, 'Stephanie Mavunga'. DD has since blown off NCU & others & now is sitting with the 'Orange People' in Tennessee. On the court a great player, off the court, I have reservations !
Jan 13, 2014
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That's called blaming the victim.
Yup, if that's the way you want to look at it. But bad analogy if you meant a 'helpless victim' like in a sexual assault. It's placing the blame where it belongs - for being left behind due to inaction and lack of vision.
Jan 13, 2014
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Forget autonomy for the conferences, they should just go for autonomy for football only... that's what it always seems to be all about anyway...
It's about the money they get from football, which allows them to afford to pay richer scholarships and additional compensation for hundreds of non-football athletes - something non-bigtime-football schools couldn't afford even if they did get organized and stand up to the NCAA like the P5 did. Bigtime football is like nuclear weapons - either you have it or you get pushed around by those who do.
Aug 4, 2014
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Speaking of NCAA football and UConn's weak program which unfortunately precludes dreams of P5 membership in the foreseeable future, it is more vital than ever before to win this year's WCBB National Championship. If the team is able to win a third consecutive NC, I think that in spite of the big, unmatchable $$$ stipends the P5 schools will soon have with which to buy recruits, enough elite HS talent will understand that THE best coaching staff is clearly at UConn and that if their dream is to win championships, become the best basketball player they can possibly be and ultimately make basketball a professional career, then UConn is still going to be the place to go. I think there are kids out there who will resist the sway of the big money and who would opt to make the necessary sacrifices in order to be coached by the greatest coach in women's basketball history (period!) and max out their potential as basketball players.

Winning this year's NC, certainly no small challenge, is more important than ever and would go a long way toward assuring a continued stream of great talent to Storrs in the future, despite the $$$ inequities. It's fun to enroll at an Alabama or Texas if cheering for the football team with 80,000 other fans is what you are all about, but I think the really talented, motivated kids who dream of one day becoming a Maya or DT think first and foremost of developing their skills to the highest level. Where better to do that than at UConn?


Crowing rooster
Jan 27, 2014
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Speaking of NCAA football and UConn's weak program which unfortunately precludes dreams of P5 membership in the foreseeable future, it is more vital than ever before to win this year's WCBB National Championship. If the team is able to win a third consecutive NC, I think that in spite of the big, unmatchable $$$ stipends the P5 schools will soon have with which to buy recruits, enough elite HS talent will understand that THE best coaching staff is clearly at UConn and that if their dream is to win championships, become the best basketball player they can possibly be and ultimately make basketball a professional career, then UConn is still going to be the place to go. I think there are kids out there who will resist the sway of the big money and who would opt to make the necessary sacrifices in order to be coached by the greatest coach in women's basketball history (period!) and max out their potential as basketball players.

Winning this year's NC, certainly no small challenge, is more important than ever and would go a long way toward assuring a continued stream of great talent to Storrs in the future, despite the $$$ inequities. It's fun to enroll at an Alabama or Texas if cheering for the football team with 80,000 other fans is what you are all about, but I think the really talented, motivated kids who dream of one day becoming a Maya or DT think first and foremost of developing their skills to the highest level. Where better to do that than at UConn?

While noble in thought, the WNBA doesn't offer the riches of the NBA. I think the average WBB player is probably more interested in getting her degree.
Aug 26, 2011
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Yup, if that's the way you want to look at it. But bad analogy if you meant a 'helpless victim' like in a s e xual assault. It's placing the blame where it belongs - for being left behind due to inaction and lack of vision.
Not exactly accurate. More accurate is 3M people vs. 8M people. There is no other reason Rutgers beats us out.


Faithful LV Enthusiast
Aug 26, 2011
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I saw that she was selected. I'm just ready for her too get back on the court.
Jan 13, 2014
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Update: Today the P5 voted to approve "full cost of attendance" scholarships by a vote of 79-1 (Boston College was the lone dissenting vote). Linked article says other non-P5 conferences are free to adopt this rule as well (although it doesn't say where they're supposed to get the money).

They also voted to prevent scholarships being removed based on (lack of) athletic performance, despite passionate opposition by the student athlete panel. The student athletes felt removing this option could undermine the coach's authority and inhibit team chemistry.

Also now P5 athletes will be able to borrow against potential future earnings to purchase loss-of-value insurance (hedge for injuries).

Jul 19, 2013
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Let me guess, the cost of attendance is about to go up for football players at P5 schools. This will pretty much give P5 schools carte blanche to pay players whatever they want. Doubt the AAC adopts this.
Jan 13, 2014
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Let me guess, the cost of attendance is about to go up for football players at P5 schools. This will pretty much give P5 schools carte blanche to pay players whatever they want. Doubt the AAC adopts this.
The figure mentioned today was an additional $2000-4000/year. As we know Texas is thinking $10,000 and others are thinking $5,000. Any of these would be easy for UCONN or other AAC schools to afford for just basketball players. The issue is it's going to be for ALL the school's athletes on full scholarship.
Jul 19, 2013
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The figure mentioned today was an additional $2000-4000/year. As we know Texas is thinking $10,000 and others are thinking $5,000. Any of these would be easy for UCONN or other AAC schools to afford for just basketball players. The issue is it's going to be for ALL the school's athletes on full scholarship.
I was thinking the bigger issue is getting the other AAC members on board. This is a conference that isn't exactly full of rich athletic departments and big schools, and if half of them vote not to pay their players, then I believe UConn is stuck with not being able to provide those benefits. It really wouldn't be fair to have some schools in the conference paying players while others didn't.


Fan of MizzoUConn
Nov 20, 2012
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I am mystified as to how and why DeShields was selected for this position. Can anyone enlighten me?

Paul Pasqualoni's hiring doomed the football program. You best hope that a similar mistake isn't made when Geno retires. The impending meltdown of the State's financial situation could have an impact.

It was UConn that put the final dagger in the Big East... they are hardly a victim. UConn was an early and eager participant in the game of Conference Musical Chairs, they played poorly, and they lost.

I do not believe that "full cost of attendance" scholarships will have a huge effect on WCBB recruiting in general, and especially not on UConn. It will be strongest on football and men's basketball and in track and field.
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