I think it's worth keeping in mind just how disrupted the coaching situation at UNC is. There's all these highly talented, very young players, most of whom were recruited by an assistant who has since gotten the axe. So there goes their primary original connection to the coaching staff. Then you have Sylvia, who has always had a loosey-goosey approach to the game, herself being so ill to be effectively incapacitated. As HC she's supposed to be in overall charge of things like development, discipline, etc., and those are matters that assistants can only pick up by delegation at best. The Heels are fortunate to have the superconfident Latta as an assistant, she'll be able to pick up some of the slack in the development area, but her own personal intensity may work against her in terms of helping young kids develop self-discipline. There is no effective overall guidance available to these young talented players, and I think that's been particularly glaring in the case of Muvunga. She did not arrive at UNC with any sort of reputation for attitude, but there have apparently been multiple episodes of acting out. The situations with Diamond have been mild by comparison.
Diamond's great, the simultaneous careers of DD and Stewie can only be good for the game as a whole, in a Bird/Magic sort of way.