Diaco Focused on Recipe for Success in 2nd Half of Season | The Boneyard

Diaco Focused on Recipe for Success in 2nd Half of Season

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predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I'm going to say something crazy now (which is not very different from any other time): For some reason, I feel like this team is going to turn a corner in the second half of the season. I'm not saying that we are going to pick off ECU (I'm hopeful, but...). But I think if we clean up the turnovers, I really do feel like we are starting to come together a little bit in the run game, and I think that we will start to get some of our weapons in successful positions. Call it a hunch from a drunk idiot, but I really do feel like we are about to start punching some people in #$king mouth...
Aug 26, 2011
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The Oline has showed flashes of not imploding on EVERY play and EVERY blitz. That crew hasn't had it easy. I really think Levy and Knappe are developing and next year we may have bookends at the T spots.


Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm going to say something crazy now (which is not very different from any other time): For some reason, I feel like this team is going to turn a corner in the second half of the season. I'm not saying that we are going to pick off ECU (I'm hopeful, but...). But I think if we clean up the turnovers, I really do feel like we are starting to come together a little bit in the run game, and I think that we will start to get some of our weapons in successful positions. Call it a hunch from a drunk idiot, but I really do feel like we are about to start punching some people in #$king mouth...

I wouldn't be shocked if we picked off Army and SMU but I don't see much else there. Unfortunately for us, our most "winnable" games have come early this year and we ended up losing all of them other than Stony Brook. Last year we finished with three in a row over what was pretty poor foes but I think this year both Cincinnati and Memphis will be fighting for bowl eligibility (or better bowl slots) and will be tough to see us pulling it out.

As for the turnovers, I don't know what it will take. It seems to come from a different place every week which is frustrating as all hell.

p.s. at this point I would be thrilled with basic competency on offense - something we've rarely seen until garbage time.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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As long as when they turn the corner, they don't hit a wall.
Dec 28, 2011
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I'm going to say something crazy now (which is not very different from any other time): For some reason, I feel like this team is going to turn a corner in the second half of the season. I'm not saying that we are going to pick off ECU (I'm hopeful, but...). But I think if we clean up the turnovers, I really do feel like we are starting to come together a little bit in the run game, and I think that we will start to get some of our weapons in successful positions. Call it a hunch from a drunk idiot, but I really do feel like we are about to start punching some people in #$king mouth...

I agree. I believe I said something similar in another thread.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm going to say something crazy now (which is not very different from any other time): For some reason, I feel like this team is going to turn a corner in the second half of the season. I'm not saying that we are going to pick off ECU (I'm hopeful, but...). But I think if we clean up the turnovers, I really do feel like we are starting to come together a little bit in the run game, and I think that we will start to get some of our weapons in successful positions. Call it a hunch from a drunk idiot, but I really do feel like we are about to start punching some people in #$king mouth...

I agree that it will happen, but i have a feeling the jump will happen next season. I do, however agree that we have looked better on the OL lately, and i think that will continue.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Matt since you are putting so much effort into this - I think I know what you are trying to get across in the first paragraph.

I think the second sentence is your opinion and the third sentence is trying to get across that the coaches and players agree with you.

The third sentence reads as though the players realize it after talking to the coaches at media availability - not that you spoke to the players and gathered they agree.
Aug 28, 2011
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The OL can't pick up a blitz. That's on the coaches. The OL can't figure that out on its own. The coaches need to instruct them how to read the defenses and make the necessary switches.

Yes, the players need to learn their assignments. But when students are not learning, teachers tend to be at fault.
Aug 26, 2011
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The OL can't pick up a blitz. That's on the coaches. The OL can't figure that out on its own. The coaches need to instruct them how to read the defenses and make the necessary switches.

Yes, the players need to learn their assignments. But when students are not learning, teachers tend to be at fault.
Alot of that is ability. Cant remember against who (USF?), but there was a play this year where both Levy and Cruz were bull rushed into the QB and just looked like they didn't belong. If a kid can't compete physically, it doesn't matter what the coaches say or do. Now, they are improving, but sadly it is the type of improvement that comes with experience and reps. That is what this year has become.

You can't have half your line overwhelmed on one play and put that on coaching. Too often this year different OLinemen have taken turns getting phyiscally overwhelmed, but again you see improvement.
Jan 26, 2014
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don't forget to review todays current

big news is the bye wk was used to keep playas and coaches fresh by giving signif time off

other big news was ceo used time off and trekked to market to purchase favorite cake and devour it with the fam

appears process is right on timetable stract; superb hire
Aug 28, 2011
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Alot of that is ability. Cant remember against who (USF?), but there was a play this year where both Levy and Cruz were bull rushed into the QB and just looked like they didn't belong. If a kid can't compete physically, it doesn't matter what the coaches say or do. Now, they are improving, but sadly it is the type of improvement that comes with experience and reps. That is what this year has become.

You can't have half your line overwhelmed on one play and put that on coaching. Too often this year different OLinemen have taken turns getting phyiscally overwhelmed, but again you see improvement.

Every player loses some plays, every player makes physical mistakes. That's not what I am talking about.

I am talking about free rushers on the blitz. That lands eventually at the coaches feet.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I'm with UConnDan. I don't know when it will come, but I expect things will click soon, and we'll see a much better team. I think the defense is 90% there. If you discount the horrible field position created by our inept offense, their play is even more impressive. Take away turnovers and this team is competitive with most of the teams we lost to.

I think ECU is too good for UConn to beat, but if the offense can avoid turnovers and find a way to score, the confidence gained will serve them well the rest of the season.
Aug 28, 2011
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I love that posters are free to arbitrarily assign blame for mistakes to the coaches without having any idea what the coaches are telling players on the sidelines, in the huddles, in the film/meeting rooms, and on the practice field.

Like if a player goes offsides on a kickoff, it's the coaches fault, because it's a mental mistake. Of course, coaches can't prevent mental mistakes because no matter how many times you tell your OL to listen to the snap count, they still jump offsides from time to time. No matter how many times you tell gunners not to cross that line before the kick, they're going to once in awhile. You can tell the QB to throw it away, but he wants to make plays, and will make mistakes. If a player misses his assignment, there is no possible way to conclude it is the coaches fault without making an assumption that the player hasn't been coached on that mistake before.

Even if the coaches drilled the assignments into the player for weeks they are going to make mistakes. Obviously repeating the same mistakes means something is broken. The coach isn't addressing it (very unlikely) or the player is unable to learn/adjust/improve at the required pace to succeed (much more likely). It's incredible that people really think the coaches are watching the tapes, and missing the mistakes, or simply choosing not to coach players on those mistakes.

Other than the true freshman, think of the turnover in the coaching positions we've had. PGDL, Moorhead, Brown, Hughes, Weist (OC), Weist (HC), and I can't even begin to remember all the position coaches turnover the past 4 years. Without looking at specifics, I still feel confident saying there is not one player on this team that has had the same position coach for more than 2 years. Some guys are playing for their 3rd or 4th coordinator in 2-3 years. Most importantly everyone but Foley is new, meaning the entire team has 6 games under a totally revamped coaching staff. Maybe I'm the crazy one, but I'd bet that lack of comfort and familiarity with the system and coaches might contribute to some of the missed assignments.

Yes, the coaches make mistakes. Clock management, questionable personnel, decisions, uninspiring game plans. They are not beyond criticism. But missed assignments happen in every game of football played at every level. It's worsened by the constant turnover of the people doing the teaching the past 4 years. Improvement doesn't happen overnight.
Aug 28, 2011
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After saying all of that, you gotta be drunk to compare Art Briles going 4-8 in his first two seasons in the BIG TWELVE to 1-5 in the AAC with a lone nailbiter win over Stoney Brook.
Aug 29, 2011
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That Diaco has a plan that works for "Developing the Complete Player" is without a doubt. He's following the plan, that has worked elsewhere, to the T. it's a five spoked wheel, and he started in June with a bunch of raw materials, and started in January with a bunch of both raw, and tainted materials. There is no questioning any of that. That plan, is what keeps these players positive, motivated and working together as a team, and I have no doubt they will continue to work together as such, even if we are 1-11, come that December showdown with SMU.

As far as recruiting goes, we are most definitely following a road map, and recruiting plan, that has me excited about the future. The program is in good hands as far as those basic building blocks, of finding players, and then developing them is concerned.

The questions arise, and they are valid and significant, through half a season, about the plan for "Developing the Complete Team". The decision making here, has me worried. It's where the unproven ground and territory is for the new coach. There are lots of things to look at from personnel, game planning, time management, practice etc. etc.....as has been mentioned.

With me - It starts and ends with me, with the fallacy of playing a 2 QB system the way we are doing. The 2 QB system we had with Pasqualoni was different - 2 entirely different offenses on the field. That kind of thing is not ideal, especially with college football practice time limitation as opposed to pro-football, but at least it was a structure that is not flawed. Two different offenses.

Not what we are doing - we are essentially playing the same offense with multiple QB's - he's said so in the press. Vince Lombardi rotated QB's out, to give Bart Starr rest at times - many years ago, especially when he was hurting, and getting older. Lots of coaches will pull the starting QB, for the end of a game, when the game is out of hand, etc. etc....or to give them a rest. But there was never any fault, waiver, anywhere in the chain of command, and that is the key. Diaco has failed to show understanding of that. The way he named QB's in August - uggg. Lombardi was the offensive coach. He knew offense.

Tom Landry, at the same time as Lombardi, also played 2 QB's. He did for years - first with Don Meredith, and Craig Morton, and then with Craig Morton and Roger Staubach. Landry was a defensive coach. Mastermind of defense. Robotic. He drove his QB's crazy, and the team could never overcome and win. It wasn't until Landry finally stopped the nonsense with the 2 QB's, and realized that people behave like people, and not machines, and put Roger Staubach in as full time starter - after Staubach basically gave him an ultimatum - it wasn't until then, that Landry realized that the QB position was not a position on the field that just could be subbed out, like any other - that he finally started winning big events, that Lombardi had accumulated en masse.

Diaco strikes me as a highly intelligent young guy. A defensive minded young coach, that has a very systematic approach to football. A guy that is playing QB's, much like Tom Landry did in the 60's and early 70's.

How long before Diaco realizes that people are people, and not machines, and that leadership and team building and WINNING is not something that you can rotate in and out like a pieces of a machine?

I"ve had it with the 2 QB system we are using. Diaco gets paid a lot of money. Somebody better sit him down, and tell him to stop the nonsense of pulling out your starting QB, when your offense is trying to build a consistent rhythym and win games.
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