Depth Chart Predictions & Roster Ratings | The Boneyard

Depth Chart Predictions & Roster Ratings

Aug 26, 2011
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With the late release of the 2-deep, I thought it would be fun to make some predictions to hold us til Sunday. I also rated the groups based on how I think they can perform. Do you agree/disagree?


QB1 - Pindell(Sr)
QB2 - Washington(RFr)
The Rest - Krajewski(Fr), Jordan McAfee(RFr), Bisack(Sr)

Grade(Best/Worst) : C+/C-

Notes: I am very Meh on the QB group this year. I think Pindell has some pretty good skills, particularly with his legs and quick screen throws, but really struggles in the pocket due to his size and limited awareness. My best guess is here that if we get off to a rough start, we may see Washington or Krajewski toward the end of the year in the more winnable games to get ready for next year and beyond.

Running Backs

RB1: Zavier Scott(RFr)
RB2: Kevin Mensah(So)
The Rest: Dante Black(Fr), Khyon Gillespie(Fr), Lavar Banton(Fr)

Grade(Best/Worst): B/C

Notes: I am a bit more skittish about this group than most seem to be. Losing Hopkins, a veteran and proven runner at the goal line, along with our RB1 Donevin O'Reilly in a week could really hurt us here. I think that Mensah, aside from his weird propensity to take enormous hits and fumble the ball, showed alot of promise. So the fact that Zavier Scott has clearly beat him out is good news. And the Freshmen sound like they are impressive. Best case scenario is we have no injuries, one of the freshman plays a role similar to Todman as a freshman change of pace, and we are good to go. But if we have an injury or two, we will be placing a whole lot of trust in some kids that were at their Senior Proms like 3 months ago at a critical position. Lots of upside, but some downside as well.

Wide Receivers

X1: Hergy Mayala(Sr)
X2: Keiyon Dixon(RSo)
The Rest: Mason Donaldson(RSo), Elijah Jeffries(Fr)

Y1: Kyle Buss(Sr)
Y2: Quavon Skanes(RSo)
The Rest: Heron Maurisseau(Fr), Garrison Burnett(RFr)

Z1: Tyraiq Beals(Sr)
Z2: Donovan Williams(Jr)
The Rest: Cameron Hairston(RFr), Justin Morehead(So), TJ Vernieri(RJr)

Grade(Best/Worst): B/B-

Notes: A ton of experience, a ton of varied skills, a ton of guys to rotate and stay fresh and mitigate injuries. This is probably our best, or at least deepest, position group. I feel very good going 8 Deep here, and sounds like some of the youngsters are pushing for time to break into that group as well. Lets hope we have someone that can sling the rock.

Tight Ends

TE1: Tyler Davis(RJr)
TE2: Aaron McLean(Sr)
The Rest: Jay Rose(So), Zordan Holman(RJr)

Grade(Best/Worst): C/D+

Notes: Well this group can definitely run and catch. Outside of the continued mystery of Jay Rose(?) and the fact that Zordan Holman may be able to use his Judo skills to block, there just isn't a ton of versatility and proven mashers in this group. Particularly when we need a tough yard or extra protection against aggressive defenses, I see that s a massive liability. The test will be whether John Dunn can take more advantage of this group as an X factor in the passing game or whether their blocking liabilities outweigh that. I have the least trust/faith in this position group of the entire offense.

Offensive Line

LT: Ryan Van Demark(So), Dylan Niedrowski(Fr)
LG: Cam DeGeorge(RSo), Nino Leone(RSo)
C: Ryan Crozier(RSr), Stanley Hubbard(RFr)
RG: Christian Haynes(Fr), Bryan Cespedes(RJr)
RT: Matt Peart(Jr), James Tunstall(RFr)

Grade(Best/Worst): B+/B-

Notes: I think we are looking at a Vintage Edsall(tm) Offensive Line. Stability and leadership at Center. I think Van Demark and DeGeorge are going to really take a big step this year with 12 months of weight training and start mauling people. I think Peart is rock solid and PFF rated him as our best player last year, and all reports are that Haynes is a beast as a True Freshman. If we look back and had a good offensive season, I think its because this group really came into their own and punished people while keeping Pindell upright. However, look at that 2-deep. The middle looks great, but our backup tackle situation is pretty scary. Lets just buy some bubble wrap for Peart and Van Demark and I'll be pumped.

Defensive Line

DE - Travis Jones(Fr), Jonathan Pace(Fr), Philip Okounam(RSr)
DT - Caleb Thomas(RFr), Kevin Murphy(RJr)
DE - Lwal Uguak(Fr), AJ Garson(RSo), Carlton Steer(Sr.

Grade(Best/Worst): B/C

Notes: What a deeply weird DL Roster! Small DTs, Humongous DEs. Tall Skinny Guys, Short Stocky guys. Going into the offseason I had a few chats with people about our roster. We looked at DL and basically realized that we were going to give up 40 pts/game this year. It was awful. Somehow it appears we hit the goldmine with the Freshmen. I really believe in 3 years we are going to be watching the NFL combine as Travis Jones pulls a Byron Jones on people, and leaves mouths agape with his athleticism/power. People watched that video of Crozier getting mauled and their reaction was "wow, is crozier bad?". No, we know he's a solid player. What I took from that video is "Wow, Travis Jones is an untamed monster and it is going to be a delight watching him whip OLs for the next 3 years." Oh, and he did that with a strait bull rush and like zero technique. Wait til Edsall puts him in the technique lab. Rant over. In short, with the Freshman bringing a ton of upside and skill, now the subpar veterans can slip to more reasonable backup roles to provide depth, and poof: out of nowhere a seemingly serviceable to good defensive line. Amazing.


SLB: Darrian Beavers(So), Eddie Hahn(RSo)
MLB: Ryan Gilmartin(RSo), Santana Sterling(RSr)
WLB: Eli Thomas(RJr), Hunter Webb(Fr)

Grade(Best/Worst): C+/D+

Notes: To me, this is the scariest position group on the team. We are relying on Beavers to take a leap and Eli Thomas to somehow play a full season or we are in biggggg trouble. MLB is a 4 person mess where you have two veterans with serious defficiencies and low upside(Gilmartin/Sterling) and two pups that have either been inconsistent(Gardner) or were in high school 10 minutes ago(Kevon Jones) at the most physically demanding position in the sport. on the outside, we have very little depth. IMO I think this is a big reason why we will often go with 4 true DL this year. It allows this group to rotate more and can be relied upon a bit less while retaining quality on the field. Bubble wrap Eli Thomas' knees please.

Defensive Backs

Husky: Marshe Terry(RJr), Ian Swenson(RFr)
CB: Taj Herring-Wilson(So), Ryan Carroll(Fr)
CB: Keyshaun Paul(Fr), Shamel Lazarus(Fr)
FS: Tyler Coyle(RSo), Jordan Morrison(Fr)
SS: Omar Fortt(So), ONeill Robinson(Fr)

Grade(Best/Worst): B-/C-

Notes: Wow, that's a lot of True Freshmen. 50% of our DBs. 90% are Freshmen or Sophomores. But I am cautiously optimistic. I loved the tape on Paul and Lazarus coming out of HS, so if they can hold up physically I think they will be better than our options last year. The big deal is that I think we massively upgraded our athleticism, full stop. We will have to live with mental mistakes, and space to learn, but I actually feel much better about this group now than 2 months ago. At Safety I think we are in very good hands. Coyle and Fortt should be the strength of our defense, and provide some backup to the pups at corner. This has always been a trademark of Edsall, to take raw athletes and turn them into NFL DBs. I think he has the right pieces, lets let him do his magic.


K: Mike Tarbutt(RJr)
P: Luke Maggliozzi(RFr)
KR: Keiyon Dixon(RSo)
PR: Kyle Buss(Sr)

Grade(Best/Worst): B/C

Notes: I think this group is a solid contingent. Tarbutt has the leg and now some experience. He feels more Teggart than Kristen to me. I think Maggliozzi has a bigger leg at P, and that will carry the day. As for returners, I think Buss fits well in the mold of short guys with wiggle and vision that has worked for Edsall, and Dixon is our fastest player with size, so I think that will also be a fit. Who knows?

Overall Offense: I think that with a Solid OL and WR group, we should be able to move the ball with regularity. If we get positive developments at either QB or RB, we could be pretty good. I think our two main risks are injuries at OT or further depletion at RB, which could really hamper our ability to execute with consistency.

Overall Defense: Good Lord, that's a young group. I think that overall our talent/speed/athleticism levels are massively upgraded, but our experience/awareness has certainly taken a hit. Expect some spectacular mixed in with boneheaded mistakes. We will have some really good games and oh my god we will get lit up sometimes. If our LB group can come together and the freshmen at DL/DB can hold their own, we could have a serviceable year. Either way, with our upgraded athleticism we will not have such a dreary sight. It will be very good and the very bad, mixed in.
Aug 26, 2011
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Dec 11, 2013
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Great OP for its comprehensiveness, and based on what we have heard from camp, likely accuracy. However, since I have not seen any practices, I won't debate any analytical points. 2017 Pindell showed glimses. I hope 2018 Pindell is better. Coachspeak says he is. We will see.

Overall, we are young. Everyone says we are more athletic. I'm betting your line "Expect some spectacular mixed in with boneheaded mistakes. We will have some really good games and oh my god we will get lit up sometimes" will be the theme of the season. If things jell, the team's stated goal of bowl game is possible. Not probable, but possible. It would be nice to watch meaningful November games instead of glorified 2019 developmental scrimmages.
Aug 24, 2011
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Actually not. Sherriff was injured with a third of the season to go.

Why are you being difficult (other than the obvious answer that you are you)? Our QB play was really really good before Sherriff went down. The grade was based on that. Our QB play was much less good when Pindell was in. I'm fine to hope that he'll be better and we'll see how he earned the opening day nod, but arguing that QB play won't drop off because Pindell played a third of the season anyway is bizarre.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I have to be optimistic = IT IS ONE WEEK UNTIL OUR FIRST GAME.

I do think we are looking at one of the best OLine's in the FBS UConn era. That has to be A-. I do think this group of WRs is the best we have had since the end of the Orlovsky years. Not a Noel Thomas or Marcus Easley outbreak ... but Hergy healthy is top notch. We go deep and we go versatile. So those two components stand out.

We do have a different typology at TE.

LBs? We have gone into a season with far less experience and ALWAYS less recruiting stars/buzz. Hopeful. And I have not thought WE ever really rotate. We plug a guy in at MLB and he succeeds or not. I hope there is at least one breakout (like Lutrus) and the bonus points would be 2. (*bama)

I am not dismayed by lots of FR and Sophs at DB/S/Husky. We sucked there with experienced guys. Tackling is an early key. If they cover well ... and come up and bring down the ball; we are going to be better.

Travis. Uguak/Pace. Haines. Zavier. TDavis/McLean in the passing game.

I think CFB is often led by the QB position. While we don't have the JuCo Lorenzen mode, I do like that Pindell had the 2017 he had. His physical skills are obvious; he also is not going to try to make plays/throws that are difficult. Just move the chains.
Aug 24, 2011
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I love the games and I'll go in the stadium with my heart on my sleeve. It's what you do as a fan. You pull for these kids.

That said, the OP is probably a reasonable indication of the depth chart. To say we are young on defense would be an understatement. I doubt some of these kids need to buy razors on a regular basis. Freshmen, no matter how gifted, miss blocks, jump off sides, miss tackles, fumble and blow assignments.........a lot.........especially when they first start out. True frosh are often not physically ready. All I'm saying is some patience is in order.

I am looking to see overall improvements in competitiveness, athleticism and speed. I expect we won't see any stream of Ws until later in the season which will hopefully set the table for next season and thereafter. I'm a big Edsall fan, but this will take time.
Aug 27, 2011
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Sorry, but while the OP analysis was comprehensive, the grades were too low. Pindell is much improved--(visibly better)---may outplay Milton on Thursday. Our group of receivers and TE's are as good as any in the conference. The key will be the O line. Since that got the highest grade (while still too low) the entire O (barring injury at RB) should be a power this year. The D has questions at LB, no doubt, but the D line will surprise and our DB's are an upgrade over last year. Fortt will be huge and Marshé Terry has a chance to be all AAC. Specials seem solid. This is the best team to take the field in years.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Sorry, but while the OP analysis was comprehensive, the grades were too low. Pindell is much improved--(visibly better)---may outplay Milton on Thursday. Our group of receivers and TE's are as good as any in the conference. The key will be the O line. Since that got the highest grade (while still too low) the entire O (barring injury at RB) should be a power this year. The D has questions at LB, no doubt, but the D line will surprise and our DB's are an upgrade over last year. Fortt will be huge and Marshé Terry has a chance to be all AAC. Specials seem solid. This is the best team to take the field in years.

In my defense, I guess I would just say that I was not inclined too aggressively inflate grades due to our 17-44 record in our last 61 games.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
With the late release of the 2-deep, I thought it would be fun to make some predictions to hold us til Sunday. I also rated the groups based on how I think they can perform. Do you agree/disagree?
Thanks for a great post. Can't believe we're a week out.


I dont have a drug problem I have a police problem
Jan 6, 2016
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I'm hoping for an above 500 season this year. When I look at the players year in school in parentheses it screams 2019. It looks to me like RE has got some recruiting momentum and that's where it all starts.
Aug 26, 2011
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Did I miss something with the Fines guy from Miami, he isn't in the 2 deep? Is that good re others or bad concerning his conditioning/ability?
Guess if he is really trying and can't get on the 2 deep here that's a good sign that the other guys are better than a guy who sat the bench at a top 25 team.


Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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Based on what I've read, the grades in the OP were pretty much on the mark - the only quibble I would have is on the TE position where we obviously aren't going to be as strong on the blocking / pass protection front but I hope that is overshadowed by the way someone like Davis or McClean can stretch the defense up the middle.
Sep 1, 2011
Reaction Score
With the late release of the 2-deep, I thought it would be fun to make some predictions to hold us til Sunday. I also rated the groups based on how I think they can perform. Do you agree/disagree?


QB1 - Pindell(Sr)
QB2 - Washington(RFr)
The Rest - Krajewski(Fr), Jordan McAfee(RFr), Bisack(Sr)

Grade(Best/Worst) : C+/C-

Notes: I am very Meh on the QB group this year. I think Pindell has some pretty good skills, particularly with his legs and quick screen throws, but really struggles in the pocket due to his size and limited awareness. My best guess is here that if we get off to a rough start, we may see Washington or Krajewski toward the end of the year in the more winnable games to get ready for next year and beyond.

Running Backs

RB1: Zavier Scott(RFr)
RB2: Kevin Mensah(So)
The Rest: Dante Black(Fr), Khyon Gillespie(Fr), Lavar Banton(Fr)

Grade(Best/Worst): B/C

Notes: I am a bit more skittish about this group than most seem to be. Losing Hopkins, a veteran and proven runner at the goal line, along with our RB1 Donevin O'Reilly in a week could really hurt us here. I think that Mensah, aside from his weird propensity to take enormous hits and fumble the ball, showed alot of promise. So the fact that Zavier Scott has clearly beat him out is good news. And the Freshmen sound like they are impressive. Best case scenario is we have no injuries, one of the freshman plays a role similar to Todman as a freshman change of pace, and we are good to go. But if we have an injury or two, we will be placing a whole lot of trust in some kids that were at their Senior Proms like 3 months ago at a critical position. Lots of upside, but some downside as well.

Wide Receivers

X1: Hergy Mayala(Sr)
X2: Keiyon Dixon(RSo)
The Rest: Mason Donaldson(RSo), Elijah Jeffries(Fr)

Y1: Kyle Buss(Sr)
Y2: Quavon Skanes(RSo)
The Rest: Heron Maurisseau(Fr), Garrison Burnett(RFr)

Z1: Tyraiq Beals(Sr)
Z2: Donovan Williams(Jr)
The Rest: Cameron Hairston(RFr), Justin Morehead(So), TJ Vernieri(RJr)

Grade(Best/Worst): B/B-

Notes: A ton of experience, a ton of varied skills, a ton of guys to rotate and stay fresh and mitigate injuries. This is probably our best, or at least deepest, position group. I feel very good going 8 Deep here, and sounds like some of the youngsters are pushing for time to break into that group as well. Lets hope we have someone that can sling the rock.

Tight Ends

TE1: Tyler Davis(RJr)
TE2: Aaron McLean(Sr)
The Rest: Jay Rose(So), Zordan Holman(RJr)

Grade(Best/Worst): C/D+

Notes: Well this group can definitely run and catch. Outside of the continued mystery of Jay Rose(?) and the fact that Zordan Holman may be able to use his Judo skills to block, there just isn't a ton of versatility and proven mashers in this group. Particularly when we need a tough yard or extra protection against aggressive defenses, I see that s a massive liability. The test will be whether John Dunn can take more advantage of this group as an X factor in the passing game or whether their blocking liabilities outweigh that. I have the least trust/faith in this position group of the entire offense.

Offensive Line

LT: Ryan Van Demark(So), Dylan Niedrowski(Fr)
LG: Cam DeGeorge(RSo), Nino Leone(RSo)
C: Ryan Crozier(RSr), Stanley Hubbard(RFr)
RG: Christian Haynes(Fr), Bryan Cespedes(RJr)
RT: Matt Peart(Jr), James Tunstall(RFr)

Grade(Best/Worst): B+/B-

Notes: I think we are looking at a Vintage Edsall(tm) Offensive Line. Stability and leadership at Center. I think Van Demark and DeGeorge are going to really take a big step this year with 12 months of weight training and start mauling people. I think Peart is rock solid and PFF rated him as our best player last year, and all reports are that Haynes is a beast as a True Freshman. If we look back and had a good offensive season, I think its because this group really came into their own and punished people while keeping Pindell upright. However, look at that 2-deep. The middle looks great, but our backup tackle situation is pretty scary. Lets just buy some bubble wrap for Peart and Van Demark and I'll be pumped.

Defensive Line

DE - Travis Jones(Fr), Jonathan Pace(Fr), Philip Okounam(RSr)
DT - Caleb Thomas(RFr), Kevin Murphy(RJr)
DE - Lwal Uguak(Fr), AJ Garson(RSo), Carlton Steer(Sr.

Grade(Best/Worst): B/C

Notes: What a deeply weird DL Roster! Small DTs, Humongous DEs. Tall Skinny Guys, Short Stocky guys. Going into the offseason I had a few chats with people about our roster. We looked at DL and basically realized that we were going to give up 40 pts/game this year. It was awful. Somehow it appears we hit the goldmine with the Freshmen. I really believe in 3 years we are going to be watching the NFL combine as Travis Jones pulls a Byron Jones on people, and leaves mouths agape with his athleticism/power. People watched that video of Crozier getting mauled and their reaction was "wow, is crozier bad?". No, we know he's a solid player. What I took from that video is "Wow, Travis Jones is an untamed monster and it is going to be a delight watching him whip OLs for the next 3 years." Oh, and he did that with a strait bull rush and like zero technique. Wait til Edsall puts him in the technique lab. Rant over. In short, with the Freshman bringing a ton of upside and skill, now the subpar veterans can slip to more reasonable backup roles to provide depth, and poof: out of nowhere a seemingly serviceable to good defensive line. Amazing.


SLB: Darrian Beavers(So), Eddie Hahn(RSo)
MLB: Ryan Gilmartin(RSo), Santana Sterling(RSr)
WLB: Eli Thomas(RJr), Hunter Webb(Fr)

Grade(Best/Worst): C+/D+

Notes: To me, this is the scariest position group on the team. We are relying on Beavers to take a leap and Eli Thomas to somehow play a full season or we are in biggggg trouble. MLB is a 4 person mess where you have two veterans with serious defficiencies and low upside(Gilmartin/Sterling) and two pups that have either been inconsistent(Gardner) or were in high school 10 minutes ago(Kevon Jones) at the most physically demanding position in the sport. on the outside, we have very little depth. IMO I think this is a big reason why we will often go with 4 true DL this year. It allows this group to rotate more and can be relied upon a bit less while retaining quality on the field. Bubble wrap Eli Thomas' knees please.

Defensive Backs

Husky: Marshe Terry(RJr), Ian Swenson(RFr)
CB: Taj Herring-Wilson(So), Ryan Carroll(Fr)
CB: Keyshaun Paul(Fr), Shamel Lazarus(Fr)
FS: Tyler Coyle(RSo), Jordan Morrison(Fr)
SS: Omar Fortt(So), ONeill Robinson(Fr)

Grade(Best/Worst): B-/C-

Notes: Wow, that's a lot of True Freshmen. 50% of our DBs. 90% are Freshmen or Sophomores. But I am cautiously optimistic. I loved the tape on Paul and Lazarus coming out of HS, so if they can hold up physically I think they will be better than our options last year. The big deal is that I think we massively upgraded our athleticism, full stop. We will have to live with mental mistakes, and space to learn, but I actually feel much better about this group now than 2 months ago. At Safety I think we are in very good hands. Coyle and Fortt should be the strength of our defense, and provide some backup to the pups at corner. This has always been a trademark of Edsall, to take raw athletes and turn them into NFL DBs. I think he has the right pieces, lets let him do his magic.


K: Mike Tarbutt(RJr)
P: Luke Maggliozzi(RFr)
KR: Keiyon Dixon(RSo)
PR: Kyle Buss(Sr)

Grade(Best/Worst): B/C

Notes: I think this group is a solid contingent. Tarbutt has the leg and now some experience. He feels more Teggart than Kristen to me. I think Maggliozzi has a bigger leg at P, and that will carry the day. As for returners, I think Buss fits well in the mold of short guys with wiggle and vision that has worked for Edsall, and Dixon is our fastest player with size, so I think that will also be a fit. Who knows?

Overall Offense: I think that with a Solid OL and WR group, we should be able to move the ball with regularity. If we get positive developments at either QB or RB, we could be pretty good. I think our two main risks are injuries at OT or further depletion at RB, which could really hamper our ability to execute with consistency.

Overall Defense: Good Lord, that's a young group. I think that overall our talent/speed/athleticism levels are massively upgraded, but our experience/awareness has certainly taken a hit. Expect some spectacular mixed in with boneheaded mistakes. We will have some really good games and oh my god we will get lit up sometimes. If our LB group can come together and the freshmen at DL/DB can hold their own, we could have a serviceable year. Either way, with our upgraded athleticism we will not have such a dreary sight. It will be very good and the very bad, mixed in.
Anyone know the status of Pierce DeVaughn and his sprained ankle? Chief? Uguak, Fines, will get major pt, as will Kevon Jones.
Sep 1, 2011
Reaction Score
Sorry, but while the OP analysis was comprehensive, the grades were too low. Pindell is much improved--(visibly better)---may outplay Milton on Thursday. Our group of receivers and TE's are as good as any in the conference. The key will be the O line. Since that got the highest grade (while still too low) the entire O (barring injury at RB) should be a power this year. The D has questions at LB, no doubt, but the D line will surprise and our DB's are an upgrade over last year. Fortt will be huge and Marshé Terry has a chance to be all AAC. Specials seem solid. This is the best team to take the field in years.
Best player on the team is Tyler Coyle, he should make All AAC first team this season. He is one of the strongest players on the team pound for pound, and is the second fastest, only a step behind Keyion Dixon in speed.
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Sorry, but while the OP analysis was comprehensive, the grades were too low. Pindell is much improved--(visibly better)---may outplay Milton on Thursday. Our group of receivers and TE's are as good as any in the conference. The key will be the O line. Since that got the highest grade (while still too low) the entire O (barring injury at RB) should be a power this year. The D has questions at LB, no doubt, but the D line will surprise and our DB's are an upgrade over last year. Fortt will be huge and Marshé Terry has a chance to be all AAC. Specials seem solid. This is the best team to take the field in years.


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