DC - Brown | The Boneyard

DC - Brown

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Aug 24, 2011
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Not a clue what he is doing. Pitt picks up the pressure and takes the middle of the field. Just don't get it.
Aug 26, 2011
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An amazingly telling stat just revealed with 10 minutes to go in the game....Sunseri has thrown for a career high 380 yards. Our Pass D is SOOOOO bad with Coach Brown's schemes, that Sunseri's results didn't even seem that bad to me, based on what Coach Brown's schemes have generated for results this year. I know that many folks here, myself included, overestimated perhaps how good our defense really was, but his results have been ridiculous. His personal best so far-allowing a MAC team, without THREE staring OL, to throw for just shy of 500 yards against us.
Aug 26, 2011
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He needs to work on adjustments in the secondary then. Whether he can do that remains to be seen.
Aug 24, 2011
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Last game he didn't blitz, we covered everyone and gave up 10 points. Somewhere in the last ten days he decided that the results didn't justify giving up the blitzing he loves so much.

To say Pitt was ready for his scheme is a mammoth understatement.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Last game he didn't blitz, we covered everyone and gave up 10 points. Somewhere in the last ten days he decided that the results didn't justify giving up the blitzing he loves so much.

To say Pitt was ready for his scheme is a mammoth understatement.

So when there is a thread this week to fire the coaching staff.... make sure to mock us.
Aug 26, 2011
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D was absolutely shredded. Scheme, scheme, scheme

I certainly can't click "Like" on your post....is there an option to click "agree to my very core with your statement"?
Sep 17, 2011
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Brown should forfeit his pay for this game. Pitt threw the ball wherever our Linebackers weren't. Started with dumps over the middle, went to screens, then back to dumps to the TE or backs. Another career night for an opposing QB. Our DE's had no contain all night. The first TD Trevardo completely froze and was too far inside. We blitz and they are running screen- a real clinic. Again we close the gap and Pitt goes down the field in what-- 6 plays Touchdown ballgame. At that point the time of possession was pretty close so we weren't able to use the tired card. Reyes was invisable. Sio Moore is not as productive on the slot guy as he was inside last year. Other people have mentioned this.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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The few sacks we got last night and every QB pressure (save a couple of screen passes which were designed that way) was with a three or four man rush where the QB didn't have a huge open spot on the field (where the blitzer came from) to dump a very short pass (and allow for large YAC). The offense Pitt ran last night and the offens WMU ran against us ate us up because all they needed to do was throw the ball where the blitzer came from.

With our defensive line (when we had enough players in coverage to allow them the few seconds necessary to get through) we should blitz very sparingly. There comes a time when you just have to line up, play solid fundamental football and make them beat you.
Aug 28, 2011
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Don Brown deserves alot of the blame for this loss. Where are the adjustments!?!?!? Pitt picked apart the D through the middle. Picked it apart from the 1st quarter to the end of the game. Linebackers were nowhere to be found or just looked absolutely clueless, which is mind boggling to me. I am rewatching the game tonight, and I will definitely be posting a long breakdown this weekend about what I see. It might take me 5 hours to break down each play, but I am doing it. Because I have absolutely zero idea what is going on in the back seven. And even though I said Brown deserves alot of the blame on the defensive shortcomings, there are plenty of players in the back seven that are also guilty (Sio Moore, Jerome Junior).

We are wasting the best defensive line in the history of UCONN. I feel bad for those guys, I really do. They played their hearts out. Lost in this disaster is that we have an all emerican d tackle (Reyes. Nice to hear Holtz say that too), and now an emerging 1st team all big east player in Travardo Williams.
Aug 28, 2011
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With our defensive line (when we had enough players in coverage to allow them the few seconds necessary to get through) we should blitz very sparingly. There comes a time when you just have to line up, play solid fundamental football and make them beat you.

We need to make a change at linebacker. Especially in nickel D, which could become our base the way teams are teeing off on us. Get Jerome Junior out at safety. Disastrous. Throw him in at nickel linebacker. Although right now at the complete lack of interest he showed last night at shedding blocks or making tackles, he should be off the 2 deep for Syracuse.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Totally agree with the sentiments here. The defensive schemes are awful. The threads that put huge blame on our QB for our record are off the wall. While we could be more productive in the red zone, the big culprit is a pass defense that might be consistently the worst I've ever seen in college ball and it can't all be attributed to the personnel or one missing kid. (However, the attempts at tackling on some of the screens last night was lousy.) It cannot be a tired defense. Pitt killed us early. Their terrific star running back goes down on the first drive and it mattered not at all. I hope the kid recovers, he is worth paying to see. WV killed us through the air and the game was tight for the first half. WMU murdered us through the air in a game where our offense was good . The defense was supposedly going to be a strength in a year when the O was likely to be down, even from the Frazer years. Anyone who follows the program should have understood that this team would need a defense that could hold the fort and right now, calling our pass defense Swiss cheese is unfair to the cheese.


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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I was particularly fond of the madden "punt rush" he called on the 2nd TD play - sending a line of 3 defenders running up the middle of the field, and the pass goes right to where they vacated.

Aug 24, 2011
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I'm willing to give Brown the benefit of the doubt due to a history of recent success in a lot of places running the same schemes. I'd love to see him adjust the schemes to the players, but most coaches aren't willing to do this and that's why struggles are so common after coaching turnover.

That said, the defense is a disaster right now. I prefer an aggressive defense, but our blitzes just look so slow to develop. Is it because we tip our hand and allow the protection to adjust? Is it because the players are tentative? I'm not sure, but when we send 6 it looks like they're moving in slow motion.

Also, I really question how we're using certain players. Sio Moore is average at best in pass coverage, and as I recall an above average blitzer, but he's constantly covering a tight end or slot receiver. The LB's that we send after the QB are always either Johnson, Smallwood or both. Maybe that's because they're worse than Sio in pass coverage. But we don't appear to be playing to the strength of our best linebacker.
Aug 28, 2011
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Our D got killed partially because our O gave us nothing in the first half... Dug a hole we couldn't get out of... We're NOT coming from behind and beating anyone with this team as constructed... If our O had a QB with some kahunas we'd probably be 5-3 instead of 3-5... at the very least
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