OT: - Daylight savings time ends this weekend | The Boneyard

OT: Daylight savings time ends this weekend


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Don't forget to set your clocks BACK Saturday night. ;)

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MSG, US Army Retired
Dec 16, 2017
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I wish they would stop this and stay on one time throughout the year. My wife is German and she informed me that Germany is going to stop the changing of the clocks after next spring and stay on Daylight savings year around. I believe it is the EU and not just Germany that is changing and the reasoning is to save energy costs. A few years ago the Federal Government forced 13 Counties in Indiana to change with the rest of the state, these Counties had stayed the same year around, half the year they were with NYC and the other half they were with Chicago. Guess what the average power bill was almost 18% higher and some were over 30% from the previous year.
Aug 27, 2011
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I wish they would stop this and stay on one time throughout the year. My wife is German and she informed me that Germany is going to stop the changing of the clocks after next spring and stay on Daylight savings year around. I believe it is the EU and not just Germany that is changing and the reasoning is to save energy costs. A few years ago the Federal Government forced 13 Counties in Indiana to change with the rest of the state, these Counties had stayed the same year around, half the year they were with NYC and the other half they were with Chicago. Guess what the average power bill was almost 18% higher and some were over 30% from the previous year.
Everybody I know says the same thing.
Sep 1, 2011
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Daylight savings time is a ridiculous concept. It had a purpose long ago that has not been relevant for some time. I remember some years back when the state of California, in an attempt save energy extended daylight savings time. It not only did not work but the energy expended increased. What you save at one end of the day you lose on the other end, especially in respect to heating in the schools. Not only that but school kids were going to school in the dark which presented a real safety issue. I mean anyone with a brain could have figured this out before they event tried. it.

I suspect that higher education , rather than making people smarter, often provides a cover for stupidity under an illusion of competency. The assumption being that people with degrees are competent, which is not necessarily so with the inflated number of degree's awarded due to the lowering of both entrance and academic standards.
Jan 13, 2014
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We don’t use Daylight Savings Time in Arizona (way too much sun already), and it is much more confusing to live here than living somewhere that does use it. Instead of having to set our clocks and gain or lose an hour on 2 days per year, we never gain or lose a day but we have to remember on 365 days per year how many hours different we are from other time zones (example: Right now we’re 3 hours behind EDT for UConn games, NYSE opening/closing, all times listed for TV shows & events, etc. And we’re the same time as California and an hour behind Denver which is in our same time zone. But next week we’ll just be 2 hours behind CT, 1 hour ahead of CA and the same as CO - ugh.).
Aug 29, 2011
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I came to the simplistic conclusion that Fall Back and Spring Forward does not do anything to save energy or sunlight. Apparently there are studies which came to the same conclusion if you live in the East. But nobody can do anything about it because of inertia or the fear of doing something to topple the status quo. So welcome to my world
!!!! Happy Halloween!!!
Apr 10, 2015
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About everything, or just this topic? If it is the former, you need to expand your circle! ;)
I write poetry, comments, to be funny. You do it effortless!. Funny!!
Howsomeever: I was surprised that Hawaii/Alaska/Indiana don't follow the trend of changing the clock spring and fall. I assume there may be others.
I had believed that it was a federal dictate to help the "farmer" . Farmers don't live by clock usually the sun up or down is their business clock. Always something new to learn.
Today it is a stupid tradition to keep changing clock twice a year. But this is the US government it always takes them centuries to change. One has passed since 1918 when this was set in motion.
Apr 10, 2015
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Daylight savings time is a ridiculous concept. It had a purpose long ago that has not been relevant for some time. I remember some years back when the state of California, in an attempt save energy extended daylight savings time. It not only did not work but the energy expended increased. What you save at one end of the day you lose on the other end, especially in respect to heating in the schools. Not only that but school kids were going to school in the dark which presented a real safety issue. I mean anyone with a brain could have figured this out before they event tried. it.

I suspect that higher education , rather than making people smarter, often provides a cover for stupidity under an illusion of competency. The assumption being that people with degrees are competent, which is not necessarily so with the inflated number of degree's awarded due to the lowering of both entrance and academic standards.

I agree it's a ridiculous concept.
Don't confuse education/being educated with common sense. Some People of all levels of education tend to lack common sense. While there is too much emphasis on TRYING to obtain a degree those that obtain a degree have something no one can take from them. Also, the work and effort towards that degree show the world you are willing to take on something and work towards that end. I agree SOME entrance requirements to some schools has been diluted and some once well-known schools loosen graduation requirement; it is not an across the board fact for all good schools.
My personal belief is too many kids that would make a nice comfortable living in a Technical field; either by being pushed or have beliefs college is a ticket to being a CEO, are there for the wrong reason. These usually drop out or grumble about how the Educational Institution let them down.
Aug 26, 2011
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I came to the simplistic conclusion that Fall Back and Spring Forward does not do anything to save energy or sunlight. Apparently there are studies which came to the same conclusion if you live in the East. But nobody can do anything about it because of inertia or the fear of doing something to topple the status quo. So welcome to my world
!!!! Happy Halloween!!!

Bama fan

" As long as you lend a hand"
Jan 11, 2017
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Daylight savings time was one of two ideas that Ben franklin had that turned out to be real turkeys. We have been back and forth on this for over 200 years with laws changing frequently. Last survey taken ,in 2015, showed that 48 % of those polled wanted to maintain the status quo, the rest being split between morning people and night people. I dislike it because it always seems to disrupt my sleep , which is already lousy. This is an hilarious look at the mess.



Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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We don’t use Daylight Savings Time in Arizona (way too much sun already), and it is much more confusing to live here than living somewhere that does use it. Instead of having to set our clocks and gain or lose an hour on 2 days per year, we never gain or lose a day but we have to remember on 365 days per year how many hours different we are from other time zones (example: Right now we’re 3 hours behind EDT for UConn games, NYSE opening/closing, all times listed for TV shows & events, etc. And we’re the same time as California and an hour behind Denver which is in our same time zone. But next week we’ll just be 2 hours behind CT, 1 hour ahead of CA and the same as CO - ugh.).
Doesn't bother me one bit - football is the most affected (although we tape them all anyway). I prefer the 3 hour difference from the East Coast, but, in the end, it just doesn't matter. Do like not worrying about changing clocks.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Since every time piece I own is reset automatically, I remain blissfully unaware. :)

I was being a bit glib and it is true, I never have to reset clocks but I actually do suffer from Daylight Savings in my work. I am in a scientific field where I need to use global data which is time stamped as UTC (Universal Time). Then dependent on whether we are in EST or EDT, the conversion from UTC to local time is different. :(:mad:


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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I write poetry, comments, to be funny. You do it effortless!. Funny!!
Howsomeever: I was surprised that Hawaii/Alaska/Indiana don't follow the trend of changing the clock spring and fall. I assume there may be others.
I had believed that it was a federal dictate to help the "farmer" . Farmers don't live by clock usually the sun up or down is their business clock. Always something new to learn.
Today it is a stupid tradition to keep changing clock twice a year. But this is the US government it always takes them centuries to change. One has passed since 1918 when this was set in motion.

Actually started in Europe - Germany I think - in a war time (WW I) effort to save electricity to use in the war effort. Daylight Savings Time Was First Introduced by the Germans in the Great War - Perry Ponders
Aug 26, 2011
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I think back in 73 during the oil shortage our small town stayed at dst. I liked it.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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The thing I hate the most are the early sunsets.. Sunset starts at 5:19 in the afternoon starting Sunday.... one less hour of sunlight to get to the park for walks ... and the sun glare after 2pm Sunday Duke games in Durham. Game starts at 2... ends around 4.... and by the time I get a victory burger and dr pepper....... the sun glare is brutal on the Interstate driving back home. Perhaps I should invest in a pair of sunglasses..... or skip the burger and soda and head straight home after the game....

Sunglass Hut Online Store | Sunglasses for Women, Men & Kids :cool:

Bama fan

" As long as you lend a hand"
Jan 11, 2017
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The thing I hate the most are the early sunsets.. Sunset starts at 5:19 in the afternoon starting Sunday.... one less hour of sunlight to get to the park for walks ... and the sun glare after 2pm Sunday Duke games in Durham. Game starts at 2... ends around 4.... and by the time I get a victory burger and dr pepper.. the sun glare is brutal on the Interstate driving back home. Perhaps I should invest in a pair of sunglasses..... or skip the burger and soda and head straight home after the game....

Sunglass Hut Online Store | Sunglasses for Women, Men & Kids :cool:
Or have two burgers and take your time eating them!


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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Or have two burgers and take your time eating them!

Well i used to get the 1/2 pound burger......... if i ate two of them...at my age I'd have to take a nap in my car :oops:
Apr 10, 2015
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Actually started in Europe - Germany I think - in a war time (WW I) effort to save electricity to use in the war effort. Daylight Savings Time Was First Introduced by the Germans in the Great War - Perry Ponders

Yes you are correct. No one said the Government used intellect to create "laws/regulations".
I remember the cows cheering: yipee we will be milked an hour later in the spring. One spoilsport piped up: but will the hands be warmer? (No vacuum milkers then)
Thanks once again for providing true facts, I'm impressed for the 4732 time (and that is just the month of Oct.) I appreciate you taking time and effort to dig for these, thanks.
Apr 10, 2015
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The thing I hate the most are the early sunsets.. Sunset starts at 5:19 in the afternoon starting Sunday.... one less hour of sunlight to get to the park for walks ... and the sun glare after 2pm Sunday Duke games in Durham. Game starts at 2... ends around 4.... and by the time I get a victory burger and dr pepper.. the sun glare is brutal on the Interstate driving back home. Perhaps I should invest in a pair of sunglasses..... or skip the burger and soda and head straight home after the game....

Sunglass Hut Online Store | Sunglasses for Women, Men & Kids :cool:
In Conn I hated the driving to work in the dark and driving home in the dark in late fall and winter--it was depressing. No the REAL Duke won't be in Durham, JMU Dukes that is.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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In Conn I hated the driving to work in the dark and driving home in the dark in late fall and winter--it was depressing. No the REAL Duke won't be in Durham, JMU Dukes that is.

Amen to the dark book ends on the short day. A little more exaggerated here in the Rockies. I take comfort in the sunrises and sunsets, which are gorgeous more often than not. Yesterday morning I looked out an as the sun rose on a partly clouded sky the clouds were a hue of peach I'd never seen before. Pretty spectacular and my camera phone was nowhere to be seen. Those things are fleeting and it was gone before I could back track the dang thing.
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You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I love Daylight Savings Time. I wish we could stay on it all year long.

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