The O-line was starting to go down hill Foley's last couple of years. Someone told me that the person that recognized and recruited talent that could be developed into good linemen was Norries Wilson and most of the players Foley had success with were with Wilson recruited players. It just took 5 years after Wilson's departure for them to be all gone from the program.
That someone isn't using facts. First, if you think that a guy who left in 2005 was responsible for a good O-LINE in 2010, I've got land in the everglades to sell you. Second, Foley has already taken a crap UMASS O-LINE in year 1 and was able to get them to a point where they were putting up points and good rushing numbers against SEC defenses. Third, Foley's final year of controlling the O-LINE (2011) at UCONN was the last time we had a 1,000 yard rusher, and the kid was 160 pounds wet.
But yeah....he's no good...