I was watching yesterday's game via CPTV direct on Cablevision. There were a few moments during the game when they seemed to have digital image problems, including freezes, but they didn't last long and didn't interfere much with the game. It's hard to tell who is to blame: whether the problem is CPTV's broadcast or the cable provider.
I have two ways of recording shows, one directly to a DVR and the other via the cable company's own server (Cablevision calls it DVR Plus). For one recent Saturday afternoon game when I was away from home during gametime, I recorded the game via both. Decided to watch the DVR Plus version and the image was digitally a mess. Stops, fits, starts, etc. But no problem with the sound. I kept blaming CPTV and wondering why they made no announcement about technical difficulties. But later I tried the regular DVR version just for curiosity and the picture was perfect.