I posted this earlier regarding ratings, I can't find a single thing anywhere on Boston College. Does anybody know if NESN or any other carrier besides ESPN broadcasts BC athletics?
UConn sports on SNY - in the one year that they were on, with little to no advertising, put together an average 5.0 rating in mens basketball in 13 games. In five football games, they rated and average of 2.6. All in the Harford/NH DMA (approx 1.1 million tv sets)
Keep in mind, those games on SNY were not the premiere matchups that ESPN broadcasted.
The one big game SNY had in football - vs. Cincinatti rated a 6.1
I can't find links to any of ESPN's ratings based on specific programs anywhere, but I absolutely guarantee that ESPN is well aware of what teams are getting the most TV sets tuned in.
The odd thing about all of this conference stuff, is that UConn is top notch real estate in all of it.
I think it's really a matter of us finding the best fit for us, and I trully believe that if Defillippo is really a deciding swing vote for us not being invited to the ACC with the ESPN broadcasting rights in tow, then the guy is a complete idiot and he's basically killed athletics at Boston College.
sooner or later the ACC will get tired of cashing ESPN's check for BC, and ESPN will get tired of not having the north east broadcasting market in college sports if they lose UConn in two years.