Could Baylor find itself outside the P5? | The Boneyard

Could Baylor find itself outside the P5?

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Oct 13, 2012
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There are schools that should have their P5 cards revoked. Baylor probably isn't one of them.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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They certainly won't be thrown out due to a morals issue, because if they are, the rest of the P5 membership would have to follow suit!


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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Considering the latest revalatinos from Waco, Baylor is in really deep, deep doo-doo.

One never knows what will happen. But the effect these allegations will have on Baylor could be far reaching and very damaging to their entire sports program. Their credibility is down the toilet.
Aug 26, 2011
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Revalatinos, will do that to you. For sure.

Kidding aside, there are some good points made. Baylor was only included in the Big 12 because of Anne Richards. Then they only rose to prominence because they ran a despicable FB program. Let's not forget Dave Bliss tried to cover up a murder. If there was a ever a case for relegation, this would be it.
Oct 11, 2011
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Dennis Dodd ‏@dennisdoddcbs 4h4 hours ago
Baylor’s salvation is a media rights deal with ESPN/Fox. Otherwise, hard to see it in Power conference going forward

From Dodd's article:

"Baylor was basically nothing in football when it was thrown that lifeline by the Big 12. It continued to be nothing until Briles arrived in 2008. But at what cost?

Those TV contracts saved Baylor in 2010 and 2011 when Fox and ESPN agreed that a 10-team league including the Bears was worth saving. It's hard to believe that would be the same case today.

In fact, Big 12 expansion to places like Cincinnati and UConn suddenly looks a lot more appealing. Their morals have to be a notch or two above Baylor's, at least."
Dec 25, 2011
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As a stand-alone issue, this will not likely kill Baylor. But, if the B12 does fall apart while this is going on or while Baylor is still recovering athletically and financially, i believe that is it possible that Baylor could be on the left outside the P4 realignment wave because what does a small, private, religion based university located outside of the major TV markets in TX (DFW, Houston, Austin, San Antonio) that is a mess offer a P4 conference?
Jun 26, 2014
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I doubt the Big 12 would throw them out, as it might set a bad precedent down the road. However, potentially they could kill two birds with one stone. If they could exchange Baylor with, say, Houston, not only would they keep the same number of Texas schools but also exchange one private school that entered the conference under dubious circumstances for one growing public school in a major market, one that can help to extend the Big 12 brand into the eastern part of the state. UH is not A&M but it is a school in a huge recruiting market.

Remember that the Big 12 needs exposure in Texas for the non-Texas teams as well as the Texas teams.
Aug 26, 2011
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As a stand-alone issue, this will not likely kill Baylor. But, if the B12 does fall apart while this is going on or while Baylor is still recovering athletically and financially, i believe that is it possible that Baylor could be on the left outside the P4 realignment wave because what does a small, private, religion based university located outside of the major TV markets in TX (DFW, Houston, Austin, San Antonio) that is a mess offer a P4 conference?
I think it'll remain "P5" but Iowa State and friends will be partnering with USF/UCF/ODU/UTSA/etc. There's schools in the right urban markets stepping it up.
Oct 13, 2012
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Because they're competitive in sports at the P5 level. The idea that anyone's getting relegated for off the field issues is laughable considering what happened at Penn State and UNC. No one's getting relegated, period, but especially not for scandals. They're a dime a dozen.

Baylor could very well end up on the outside looking in if the Big 12 implodes, but that's the only scenario.
Aug 26, 2011
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Because they're competitive in sports at the P5 level. The idea that anyone's getting relegated for off the field issues is laughable considering what happened at Penn State and UNC. No one's getting relegated, period, but especially not for scandals. They're a dime a dozen.

Baylor could very well end up on the outside looking in if the Big 12 implodes, but that's the only scenario.
Penn State is really the only thing comparable. In both instances systemic rape was covered up to protect a football program. The academic stuff at UNC is small potatoes compared to those two.

The thing about Baylor, is they have risen to relevance and prospered financially by running a program so Rouge it makes SMU of the eighties look like child's play.

I don't think it will happen, but the question is should it happen. Baylor was an absolute dreg, and it rose to prominence largely because they hired a coach willing to look the other way on rape.
Aug 24, 2011
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Their credibility is down the toilet.

Credibility and $2 won't get you a Starbucks coffee.

Other than the SMU death penalty (which the NCAA will never do again), scandals NEVER have long-term ramifications. Never.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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I doubt the Big 12 would throw them out, as it might set a bad precedent down the road. However, potentially they could kill two birds with one stone. If they could exchange Baylor with, say, Houston, not only would they keep the same number of Texas schools but also exchange one private school that entered the conference under dubious circumstances for one growing public school in a major market, one that can help to extend the Big 12 brand into the eastern part of the state. UH is not A&M but it is a school in a huge recruiting market.

Remember that the Big 12 needs exposure in Texas for the non-Texas teams as well as the Texas teams.

The B12 already owns the entire state of TX, including metro Houston. They don't need any help there. There are UT, Baylor, TCU and TX Tech alums and fans in all the major TX media markets.
Nov 10, 2014
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Credibility and $2 won't get you a Starbucks coffee.

Other than the SMU death penalty (which the NCAA will never do again), scandals NEVER have long-term ramifications. Never.

Scandals do not have long term ramifications but firings do...If Baylor hires another stud football coach and he keeps the football program rolling then Baylor will be fine. But Baylor's pre-Briles football history suggests it may not be as easy as hiring a new guy to keep their football at a very competitive level.

PSU is a huge land grant state Flagship. UNC is a huge land grant Flagship. Baylor is a small private religious school. There is no doubt UT and TA&M would love to see Baylor put down hard. There is a reason the NCAA hammered USC and has not touched UNC yet. No important P5 Commissioner, state legislator or Governors protects a small alumni, private schools so the NCAA loves to make examples out of them.

Why did the NCAA crush the UConn men's program with an after the fact rule about grade point averages? Because the P5 basketball world, which was trying to exclude UConn, was tired of UConn's success and wanted to reset the basketball world order. UConn's post season ban was issued over year out and the NCAA allowed immediate transfers which insured a massive setback to the UConn men's program. Compare that to Louisville, who had a far more serious violation of school sponsored prostitution and recruiting violations. To date UL has been allowed to self impose their tournament ban with no NCAA authorized transfer option. Even funnier is UNC who created an entire academic shadow curriculum and they have not even been NCAA touched....UL is P5 protected, UNC is P5 royalty, UConn is P5 hated...

The same thing could happen with Baylor and the upcoming NCAA sanctions. If the NCAA is as predictable as normal I'd say they are going to make an example out of Baylor. This is not to say Baylor does not deserve it but the hammer seems to fall on those "uppidy programs" which threatened the blue blood programs...besides the NCAA needs a make up call for UNC.

Baylor behavior is horrifying but no worse than PSU's prediction Baylor get punished harder by the NCAA.
Jan 29, 2015
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New P 5a conference
North Carolina, Baylor, Tenn, Penn State, Louisville, and anywhere Calaperi lands. Maybe FSU and Miami
Aug 24, 2011
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To date UL has been allowed to self impose their tournament ban with no NCAA authorized transfer option. Even funnier is UNC who created an entire academic shadow curriculum and they have not even been NCAA touched....

The main takeaway from the UNC & UL scandals is that if you're going to set athletes up with prostitutes, make sure you set up a few non-athlete students as well. Then you can claim that it's an "institutional" problem, not an athletic problem, and spare yourself any NCAA sanctions.
Mar 20, 2015
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I would add Miss St., Auburn (dirtiest program in all of sports), Arizona St, Rutty (why not)

New P 5a conference
North Carolina, Baylor, Tenn, Penn State, Louisville, and anywhere Calaperi lands. Maybe FSU and Miami


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Because they're competitive in sports at the P5 level. The idea that anyone's getting relegated for off the field issues is laughable considering what happened at Penn State and UNC. No one's getting relegated, period, but especially not for scandals. They're a dime a dozen.

Baylor could very well end up on the outside looking in if the Big 12 implodes, but that's the only scenario.

If nothing happened to Penn State there sure as heck gonna be nothing happening to Baylor. While what is going on at Baylor is terrible, it hasn't even gotten the level of press that the Penn State mess did. What reason would the Big 12 have for wanting to throw them out??? Penn State got sanctioned and then had it reversed/removed a few years down the line and it's like business as usual. The same will occur at Baylor should they hire a coach who can turn it around after the dust settles. The fact that anyone even considers Baylor being kicked out of the Big 12 or P5 at this point is laughable. Should the Big 12 fall apart, that's another story but they aren't getting the boot.
Sep 21, 2011
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If this was a G5 team aspiring for acceptance it would be a killer , for someone already in not so much.
Feb 22, 2014
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Baylor isn't getting kicked out of anything. To suggest otherwise identifies you as a really dumb individual. If in 10 years there is a restructuring of conferences, then they could be in trouble. It will have little to do with this scandal, and everything to do with the fact that they are a small religious university in freaking Waco, Texas.

They were nothing before Briles, not much more with him, and they will be nothing once again. People act like they were some kind of Blueblood. They are a gimmicky team that got fat on scheduling FCS Schools and playing in a conference that forgot defense was something you were supposed to play. Their athletic high point was losing to UCF in a BCS Game. UCF.

Sorry for the rant but I'm tired of Johnny Come Lately Programs who's fans suddenly believe they have the tradition of Alabama.
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