Commit #12 - Bryant Shirreffs | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Commit #12 - Bryant Shirreffs

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The CT-TX-US Connection: Historic, Alive and Well
Aug 26, 2011
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Sounds like he's a very solid pick-up! But please tell me I'm not the only one who crapped when I read the word "Wildcat" in Silver's column... ;)

I hope UConn is WILDCAT FREE zone now. Almost everything related to the last 3 yrs needs to be purged, including this!
Aug 26, 2011
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Sounds like he's a very solid pick-up! But please tell me I'm not the only one who crapped when I read the word "Wildcat" in Silver's column... ;)
The difference will be that IF Diaco runs the Wildcat, he'll run it as it should be run. In PP's version, it might as well have been called the Deadcat! :rolleyes:


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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The difference will be that IF Diaco runs the Wildcat, he'll run it as it should be run. In PP's version, it might as well have been called the Deadcat! :rolleyes:

I guess the question is whether or not Cummings liked running the wildcat in his past. I think we know that Foley doesn't want to. And I'm guessing that Diaco is going to defer a fair amount of offensive judgment to those two gentlemen...
Aug 28, 2011
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UConn never ran the wildcat.

We brought in a dual-threat QB and told him to run the read option, or straight run with a fake hand-off. We let him throw about 3 times. The wildcat involves the running back taking a direct snap with the QB typically lined up at WR. SM wasn't a running back that lined up at QB, he was a QB that came in to run the ball. Everyone knew he was running the ball, that's why it never worked. The one or two times they let him fake the run and throw, you could see why he only came in to run the ball. Of all the players' careers that PGDL ruined, his stands out the most. Smart kid with physical tools, that they flushed down the toilet with their wall paper plays. He didn't help himself by gaining all that weight, but I give him a pass. He had to put up with PGDL absolutely ruining any chance he had at developing into a dual threat QB or TE, or something other than a guy that took the snap and ran into the backs of his linemen 3-5 times a game.
Aug 30, 2011
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UConn never ran the wildcat.

We brought in a dual-threat QB and told him to run the read option, or straight run with a fake hand-off. We let him throw about 3 times. The wildcat involves the running back taking a direct snap with the QB typically lined up at WR. SM wasn't a running back that lined up at QB, he was a QB that came in to run the ball. Everyone knew he was running the ball, that's why it never worked. The one or two times they let him fake the run and throw, you could see why he only came in to run the ball. Of all the players' careers that PGDL ruined, his stands out the most. Smart kid with physical tools, that they flushed down the toilet with their wall paper plays. He didn't help himself by gaining all that weight, but I give him a pass. He had to put up with PGDL absolutely ruining any chance he had at developing into a dual threat QB or TE, or something other than a guy that took the snap and ran into the backs of his linemen 3-5 times a game.

Well said. I'll even add that I think the staff tried to change his throwing motion and it backfired big time. McCummings may have been another Tyler Lorenzen under different circumstances.

It's too bad he couldn't hang in there for this season (can he be brought back?), we are one transfer away (hope they all stay) from being painfully thin at QB. I half expect multiple QB's vs BYU and Stony Brook as a way to hopefully avoid any more QB transfers.

How Diaco manages the egos of these three QB's will be a major subplot of training camp.
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Oct 29, 2011
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Is it possible BC tries to poach Boyle if they happen to become thin at that position as well? There seems to be no end to how low they will go.
Aug 26, 2011
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Is it possible BC tries to poach Boyle if they happen to become thin at that position as well? There seems to be no end to how low they will go.

Thought it was Addazio who pushed Boyle's away because they were moving away from a pro-style QB offense...
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