Commentary: I didn't get into Harvard | The Boneyard

Commentary: I didn't get into Harvard

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Aug 26, 2011
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I get the argument (proponents include Fishy, BL, Excalibur) that we should immediately accept that ACC invite.

I actually am used to fighting it out at a different level. In fact ... predestined probably. My High School isn't Milton Academy where a set piece of the Class gets slotted into Harvard; my working class school couldn't get the Valedictorian into Harvard or Yale most years. Let alone a kid in the top 10%. Proud to attend a Large Public State University; then NOT having gotten accepted by Harvard again ... attended a top 15 business school at another Large Public State University.

We might never get to Play with the 4 North Carolina institutions. Or ... BC may just deign to stay in their bandbox homer-place & never play us again. IF ... we are the ONLY conference on NBC. They promote us to the "Production Values of the Olympics" ... and we keep our Tier 3 rights. We take Air Force & BYU. We are the AFL to the NFL ... in terms of innovation & excitement. We have the slot for UT-San Antonio as they boom & Old Dominion. Throw the damn ball all over the park ... and maybe we are more interesting than Mississippi State v Tennessee on a Saturday. This may be our Place.

My bigger concern is OUR Fanbase. We went from 0 to 60 in a Nanosec. I find it disheartening that our University's marketing has not really figured out how to build the Season Ticket base ... create a better front going forward. I promise to never whine about the ACC ... I hate those .
Aug 26, 2011
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NC State, FSU and Syracuse are not Harvard. UNC is not Harvard and Washington State is no Stanford.

This self loathing is really unbecoming.
Aug 29, 2011
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They're trying to build a ticket base pudge, I'm confident of it now. It's just a matter or time and winning now. They're doing all the right things now, that if started in 2004, we'd have a full stadium of season ticket purchase by now. We need both things, time and winning now.

As for the rest of your writing - standing applause from me. looking forward to an encore.

ACC sucks.

Let's go out and hang 60 on everybody.
Aug 26, 2011
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They're trying to build a ticket base pudge, I'm confident of it now. It's just a matter or time and winning now. They're doing all the right things now, that if started in 2004, we'd have a full stadium of season ticket purchase by now. We need both things, time and winning now.

As for the rest of your writing - standing applause from me. looking forward to an encore.

ACC sucks.

Let's go out and hang 60 on everybody.
Catchy tagline!;)


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I get the argument (proponents include Fishy, BL, Excalibur) that we should immediately accept that ACC invite.

I actually am used to fighting it out at a different level. In fact ... predestined probably. My High School isn't Milton Academy where a set piece of the Class gets slotted into Harvard; my working class school couldn't get the Valedictorian into Harvard or Yale most years. Let alone a kid in the top 10%. Proud to attend a Large Public State University; then NOT having gotten accepted by Harvard again ... attended a top 15 business school at another Large Public State University.

We might never get to Play with the 4 North Carolina institutions. Or ... BC may just deign to stay in their bandbox homer-place & never play us again. IF ... we are the ONLY conference on NBC. They promote us to the "Production Values of the Olympics" ... and we keep our Tier 3 rights. We take Air Force & BYU. We are the AFL to the NFL ... in terms of innovation & excitement. We have the slot for UT-San Antonio as they boom & Old Dominion. Throw the damn ball all over the park ... and maybe we are more interesting than Mississippi State v Tennessee on a Saturday. This may be our Place.

My bigger concern is OUR Fanbase. We went from 0 to 60 in a Nanosec. I find it disheartening that our University's marketing has not really figured out how to build the Season Ticket base ... create a better front going forward. I promise to never whine about the ACC ... I hate those .

You had me on everything until you started talking about UTSA and OD. If those teams join the NBE....shoot me...


Aug 24, 2011
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You had me on everything until you started talking about UTSA and OD. If those teams join the NBE....shoot me...

they are rising quickly, 5 years from now they will be cusa types at least. i kid not. utsa could fill a 100k place in 5 years.


Mar 30, 2012
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San Antonio is an attractive market. Old Dominion - well, call me in 10 years.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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they are rising quickly, 5 years from now they will be cusa types at least. i kid not. utsa could fill a 100k place in 5 years.

Are you counting fingers and toes?


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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they are rising quickly, 5 years from now they will be cusa types at least. i kid not. utsa could fill a 100k place in 5 years.

And by 100k, do you mean "100 kids"??

Not a chance, my friend. Not a chance. I view SMU and Houston to be VASTLY different than UTSA, North Texas, UTEP, and Texas State. The advantage that SMU and Houston has over the aforementioned teams is that they were really good in the 70's and early 80's, so they have established a generation of fans that are able to continue passing down that tradition (kinda like when NCState used to be really good in bball ;)). The other schools will never be more than a middle-of-the-road C-USA team, I'm afraid. And as for Old Dominion....stop it! Stop it right now, you!!


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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I get the argument (proponents include Fishy, BL, Excalibur) that we should immediately accept that ACC invite.

I actually am used to fighting it out at a different level.

First, if you ever mention Old Dominion and the Big East in the same sentence again, I will beat you to death with Carl Spackler's disembodied limbs. Seriously. I will tear his legs off and beat you with them.

Second, I am going to call bull s*** on you.

You went to a great duck*ing school. You did not fight your way through East Tickleberry Technical College, you went, (earned your way), to one of the most prestigious schools in the country - a top 25 institution.

To carry the metaphor, the new Big East might not be East Tickleberry, but it sure ain't comparable to the standing of the diploma on your wall.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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First, if you ever mention Old Dominion and the Big East in the same sentence again, I will beat you to death with Carl Spackler's disembodied limbs. Seriously. I will tear his legs off and beat you with them.

He would completely deserve it, too. And well said about the fact that anyone who graduated from UConn graduated into greatness. Period.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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What??? The school that I graduated from has aspirations to be better than it was when I was accepted to it? Where do they get the guff! Who do they think they are, a bunch of college boys? How elitist! I will not be a part of this! I'll burn my diploma and enroll at ECSU, that'll show 'em.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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He would completely deserve it, too. And well said about the fact that anyone who graduated from UConn graduated into greatness. Period.

I hold the fact that I went to UConn again them. I trust they've tightened up their admissions procedures since then.

Pudge has a couple of degrees, however.
Aug 28, 2011
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they are rising quickly, 5 years from now they will be cusa types at least. i kid not. utsa could fill a 100k place in 5 years.

i see you posted that at 6:26. that's too early to be that drunk
Aug 27, 2011
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I hold the fact that I went to UConn again them. I trust they've tightened up their admissions procedures since then.

Pudge has a couple of degrees, however.
Which more or less continues to amaze . . . .
Aug 26, 2011
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Self-loathing? pfffffffffft

It's a College Football World which pays Wake Forest their $17m ... and Boise (to this point) a few shekels. A Baylor has come up; Vandy is better; even Duke. Maybe there is a correlation between money & the competitiveness of some of these weak sisters programs ... at least over the last 30 years. But, the Point is that NBC allows for a rising group. And Tickleberry State U. might be UTSA drawing 40,000 in Year 2 or Old Dominion. I can't make much sense for Mississippi State making multiples over Boise. And, perhaps that is ending.

I've loved the BE (mostly HOOP). And for that pug-faced Swofford to say he is looking to plant a tourney every half-decade in MSG was just so much arrogance. So ... let me not embrace other's reality NOR their wishlist. UConn Football has to get better ... and beginning tonight, WE collectively are going to see if Pasqualoni & DeLeone can still shake a team up. I AM OPTIMISTIC. Not ___________. pfffft
Aug 26, 2011
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Baylor, Vandy and Duke are good schools. But they were previously and still are most likely scrub filler in good conferences.

The new Big East is almost all filler.
Aug 26, 2011
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Filler ... until a Peterson is at Boise. A USF can get Florida kids that develop better than FSU. Houston gets a coach who aligns with a top Texas QB. We all would rather see those Programs ... than the Duke team that came to Rentschler. UConn will earn its way.
Aug 26, 2011
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Filler ... until a Peterson is at Boise. A USF can get Florida kids that develop better than FSU. Houston gets a coach who aligns with a top Texas QB. We all would rather see those Programs ... than the Duke team that came to Rentschler. UConn will earn its way.

I keep hearing about this USF. But the funny thing is that they keep losing to teams like UConn everytime they are supposed to have a big year.

Boise is one. The rest is filler.

I would rather see Duke at the Rent if it also means that I get to see Virginia Tech at the Rent. If I get to see Houston, then we also get to see Memphis. Wow, what a treat!

There are more almuni and fans on the east coast than there are in Boise and San Diego. Some of the new schools are really great, but we should not be in the same conference with them out of basic common sense and geography.

Do you ever want to see a fanbase that actually travels? Fat chance that will happen if things stand. If we are offered a spot in the ACC then we'll just end up with conference that we thought we were joining when UConn committed to upgrading. Why would we lower our aim point now?
Aug 24, 2011
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I get the argument (proponents include Fishy, BL, Excalibur) that we should immediately accept that ACC invite.

I actually am used to fighting it out at a different level. In fact ... predestined probably. My High School isn't Milton Academy where a set piece of the Class gets slotted into Harvard; my working class school couldn't get the Valedictorian into Harvard or Yale most years. Let alone a kid in the top 10%. Proud to attend a Large Public State University; then NOT having gotten accepted by Harvard again ... attended a top 15 business school at another Large Public State University.

We might never get to Play with the 4 North Carolina institutions. Or ... BC may just deign to stay in their bandbox homer-place & never play us again. IF ... we are the ONLY conference on NBC. They promote us to the "Production Values of the Olympics" ... and we keep our Tier 3 rights. We take Air Force & BYU. We are the AFL to the NFL ... in terms of innovation & excitement. We have the slot for UT-San Antonio as they boom & Old Dominion. Throw the damn ball all over the park ... and maybe we are more interesting than Mississippi State v Tennessee on a Saturday. This may be our Place.

My bigger concern is OUR Fanbase. We went from 0 to 60 in a Nanosec. I find it disheartening that our University's marketing has not really figured out how to build the Season Ticket base ... create a better front going forward. I promise to never whine about the ACC ... I hate those .

There's a great message in that for fans. One of the great posts.............
Aug 29, 2011
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the simple fact that everybody just can't seem to remember with all the that......

the ACC sucks.
Aug 26, 2011
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I can so see both sides of the argument. There is a part of me however, that wants to see this latest incarnation of the Big East through the whole way. Let the fans and administrators at UConn, RU, and Louisville, stop dreaming and letting themselves be strung along with the hope of being invited to another conference, and become the lynchpins in making the Big East a one of a kind conference, that can offer a network quality content throughout the different time zones.

If we coax BYU, and Airforce into this thing, there won't be too big a difference in the number of quality teams that come into Rentschler vs what would be coming if we were in the ACC.
Aug 24, 2011
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There's a great message in that for fans. One of the great posts.............

There is nothing wrong with the message that says, essentially, "you should continue to fight and make the best of a bad situation". That doesn't exclude "improving your situation".


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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I can so see both sides of the argument. There is a part of me however, that wants to see this latest incarnation of the Big East through the whole way. Let the fans and administrators at UConn, RU, and Louisville, stop dreaming and letting themselves be strung along with the hope of being invited to another conference, and become the lynchpins in making the Big East a one of a kind conference, that can offer a network quality content throughout the different time zones.

If we coax BYU, and Airforce into this thing, there won't be too big a difference in the number of quality teams that come into Rentschler vs what would be coming if we were in the ACC.

I agree with you about quality teams coming, but in terms of fans in the stadium I think the ACC wins even if FSU and Clemson leave. You've got east coast teams with some pretty good fan bases. It's easy to get to the Rent from just about anywhere on the east coast. I think you're looking at bigger crowds and probable stadium expansion if you join the ACC.

I like what the Big East has done. I like the Texas teams. I actually think the only really weak move the Big East made was to add Memphis. Especially in the wake of the Aresco hiring. That being said I just think the ACC is the stronger long term entity...
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