Challenge Evedything | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Challenge Evedything

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I think this entire thread is ridiculous
Chief - you hitting the holiday spirits early?
Morning practices are not an anomaly for a 60 year old coach
I know there have been tests performed on soccer players and their performance level (physical agility and cognizant awareness) in the AM vs the PM and the AMs have it
Yeah things have been going great, our leading tackler and our OL have transferred as part of 20+ guys - everything is fine - everyone is happy - nothing to see here.
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Aug 26, 2011
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You must not have gone to UNCheat.

Heck, even they have moved to morning practices and the players prefer them...

UNC Rising Early for Spring Football

>>What is new this spring for Lawler and the other North Carolina football players is early morning practices. The Tar Heels are practicing from 9-11 a.m. this spring after previously practicing at the end of the school day, from around 4-6 p.m. It’s been an adjustment for the players.

“I do like it better,” defensive end Jake Lawler said. “I think that it just gives us some more time after to work on some school stuff whereas if we were in the afternoons it would be a little strenuous to do that, so I think getting in (in the mornings) and getting it fresh and early, everyone is alert, ready to go and I think that helps a lot.”<<

>>Going forward, North Carolina isn’t sure it will be able to continue practicing in the mornings next season and beyond. Brown said they are checking with the University to see how feasible that is. But, feedback from coaches and players has been so positive that the decision might be taken out of Brown’s hands.

“I’ve asked the coaches - they are 100 percent that they like it and would like to do it the next year,” Brown said. “So we went to the players and we asked them and it was 100 percent. So I don’t know that I’ll have any input because if everybody else out here likes early practices, I’ll have to think we’ll be doing it.”<<
Aug 26, 2011
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Purely hypothetical, but what if helping an entire team standardize daily start times enhances individuals’ sleep, time management, enables easier course scheduling, and potentially enhances performance on the field, court, ice, etc; improves lifting, and possibly helps in the classroom and study room alike?


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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interesting topic on the day the sun begins its' climb in the sky. brain software can push the modern categorization of people into 'morning' and 'evening' types, but brain hardware cares only about the sun. you should have been around here last night--let's just say the boston symphony got nuthin on that coywolves acapella performance. party time, and the natural world knows it. so does your body, whether you understand it, or not. the question first caught my attention in high school bball, when practice and play happened mostly in the pm and eve. why were weekend a.m. tourney games so physically challenging? over time filled with observation and study, the reason became clear. it's not the time for peak physical performance. studies can explain why (in a word-evolution), but observing the natural world was much easier. so, im totally with chief on this since I believe somewhere between early pm and early evening is the sweet spot. pretty fascinating stuff, especially if your common sense takes over, with an evolutionary bias, and you hold lightly the 'research' coming from former y-2k'ers. bigtime pro athletes get paid for their pm performance. sounds right. happy solstice.


Pretty clear already there is no right answer here. Everyone is different.

I just look at the kids on gameday and wonder if they would rather be playing at 9am because that is their regular weekday routine and then come the weekend they have to shift that routine.
I agree that’s an obvious issue.


Heck, even they have moved to morning practices and the players prefer them...

UNC Rising Early for Spring Football

>>What is new this spring for Lawler and the other North Carolina football players is early morning practices. The Tar Heels are practicing from 9-11 a.m. this spring after previously practicing at the end of the school day, from around 4-6 p.m. It’s been an adjustment for the players.

“I do like it better,” defensive end Jake Lawler said. “I think that it just gives us some more time after to work on some school stuff whereas if we were in the afternoons it would be a little strenuous to do that, so I think getting in (in the mornings) and getting it fresh and early, everyone is alert, ready to go and I think that helps a lot.”<<

>>Going forward, North Carolina isn’t sure it will be able to continue practicing in the mornings next season and beyond. Brown said they are checking with the University to see how feasible that is. But, feedback from coaches and players has been so positive that the decision might be taken out of Brown’s hands.

“I’ve asked the coaches - they are 100 percent that they like it and would like to do it the next year,” Brown said. “So we went to the players and we asked them and it was 100 percent. So I don’t know that I’ll have any input because if everybody else out here likes early practices, I’ll have to think we’ll be doing it.”<<
Sure, 100% of 85 players and 20 coaches agree on something. At UNC what’s the issue with classes anyways? You know Chief has to get that fake class shot in.
Aug 30, 2011
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Yeah, I saw that after I posted - but you can’t edit thread titles - so I can’t change it. However, upon further review it may be appropriate title for UConn football’s rcecent years.
Chief there are a number of articles on the subject on why this is becoming a thing. Perhaps "sleep" was a poor choice of a word. Rest would be better. Most of the heavy work is done on Wed-Thu and it gives the kids that much more time to restore prior to game day. Ferentz from Iowa has been doing it for awhile and there are benefits to scheduling getting the work done during the week. Everything is done by 1130 then afternoon classes. He sent his kid to Oregon to research what they were doing prior to the switch. GTech does it, ISU... Frost claims the kids are less likely to skip afternoon classes too. So there seems to be an admimistrative and performance benefit to having morning practices. I know it seems counterintuitive.
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Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Lack of empirical evidence against is not empirical evidence for.


Lack of empirical evidence against is not empirical evidence for.
There have been numerous studies published advocating HS’s start later. Chief isn’t in favor of that but it’s research that’s out there.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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There have been numerous studies published advocating HS’s start later. Chief isn’t in favor of that but it’s research that’s out there.
Those populations hardly intersect.
Apr 24, 2012
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When you lose like we have the last years, you need to challenge everything.
Randy made a decision to have morning practices during the school year to help the student athlete schedule their day and focus on academics the rest of their day.
Chief always thought it was really more driven by it was a routine more comfortable for a 60 year old coach. Anyone, who ever had a 20 year old knows it’s not the time they would pick. Just maybe it’s all part of many variables in the mix - why the transfer flood gates have opened? Chief suggests afternoon practices would be more fun for the players.

I vant to bite you on the neck for making fun of my evedything.
Aug 29, 2016
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When I got back to the dorm I showered and was totally spent. That resulted in very little work getting done. I then had to pull all nighters, write 5 papers in a week etc. in order to get average grades. My best grades always came in Spring semester when I had a couple of months time off leading up to finals.
Back to the dorm to shower? Who the heck does that? Pulling on street clothes over a sweaty body? Nope. Shower in the lockers and visit the trainer for whatever got you banged up (there was always something whatever the sport).
Sep 30, 2011
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Back to the dorm to shower? Who the heck does that? Pulling on street clothes over a sweaty body? Nope. Shower in the lockers and visit the trainer for whatever got you banged up (there was always something whatever the sport).

Some colleges aren’t privileged enough to have locker room showers. I know my school didn’t
Sep 1, 2011
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Yeah things have been going great, our leading tackler and our OL have transferred as part of 20+ guys - everything is fine - everyone is happy - nothing to see here.

I know this is not the topic but did I miss something????? you say 20+ guys... is that a true fact?


I know this is not the topic but did I miss something????? you say 20+ guys... is that a true fact?
I don’t follow it real closely or care enough quite frankly to have an exact number. My current thinking was just under 20 but a few more as a result of spring practice reality attrition and perhaps grades. That’s how I got the “20+“. If @huskymedic is correct about the current number being 16 it may come in at 18-22. so in round numbers about 20. Apparently many aren’t exactly hot commodities, so what happens if guys don’t get offers?
The concerning thing to Chief is not so much the number leaving but that a handful of guys are leaving, who aren’t hot commodities in the porta but nevertheless would likely be getting significant playing time at UConn If they stayed.
With over halfmm
Aug 13, 2013
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The essence, condensed down, of most of these threads...

"something, something, hargle bargle, RE 2.0, no O line, blah blah blah, next year, next year, next year..."


Got any links to this load of empirical evidence?

I sadly don’t right now without looking it up —feel free to yourself — but I believe there are several actual metabolic studies that suggest most athletes’ testosterone peaks in the morning. Thus, the body is theoretically ready to accomplish at an optimal level early in the day.

also, how’s morning wood for empirical evidence?

Anecdotally, I feel stronger in the gym in the morning than I do when I’m there at like 3

everyone is different though

I am surprised this seems like a news flash to so many here. There’s a ton of established research on the subject and it’s been in the news for years.
Just type the below into a Google Search and you will have 490,000 hits, including lots of research that yield similar conclusions.
What time do teenage brains start working?
May 7, 2014
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I am surprised this seems like a news flash to so many here. There’s a ton of established research on the subject and it’s been in the news for years.
Just type the below into a Google Search and you will have 490,000 hits, including lots of research that yield similar conclusions.
then link some. We all know you have plenty of time.

What time do teenage brains start working?
Hopefully well before they’re teens: in the womb

the phrasing of this question really demonstrates your lack of any real knowledge beyond a lay person
Aug 26, 2011
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The Truth ...

I believe Randy Edsall did approximately the same thing in the 1998-2002 timeframe in HCRE 1.0 … AND in Maryland 2010-2013. There is nothing new in this - I believe. And I would think Skip Holtz had actually recruited as a sub FBS level when we were sub FBS v Diaco - who just had a contrasting theory positionally on what works.

All we can say ... Edsall is the HC for 2020; probably assisted in that by the earthquake conference decision. He had a intense hard working development year 1/2019 through Spring practice and with SC King and … got to 2-10. He has a sincere chance to prove himself next fall and all his wisdom on how to manage a roster. I hope for 5-6 wins. But …


Got any links to this load of empirical evidence?

I sadly don’t right now without looking it up —feel free to yourself — but I believe there are several actual metabolic studies that suggest most athletes’ testosterone peaks in the morning. Thus, the body is theoretically ready to accomplish at an optimal level early in the day.

also, how’s morning wood for empirical evidence?

Anecdotally, I feel stronger in the gym in the morning than I do when I’m there at like 3

everyone is different though

I am surprised this seems like a news flash to so many here. There’s a ton of established research

Just type this into Google and there are over 400k hits on the subject.
What time do teenage brains start working?
interesting topic on the day the sun begins its' climb in the sky. brain software can push the modern categorization of people into 'morning' and 'evening' types, but brain hardware cares only about the sun. you should have been around here last night--let's just say the boston symphony got nuthin on that coywolves acapella performance. party time, and the natural world knows it. so does your body, whether you understand it, or not. the question first caught my attention in high school bball, when practice and play happened mostly in the pm and eve. why were weekend a.m. tourney games so physically challenging? over time filled with observation and study, the reason became clear. it's not the time for peak physical performance. studies can explain why (in a word-evolution), but observing the natural world was much easier. so, im totally with chief on this since I believe somewhere between early pm and early evening is the sweet spot. pretty fascinating stuff, especially if your common sense takes over, with an evolutionary bias, and you hold lightly the 'research' coming from former y-2k'ers. bigtime pro athletes get paid for their pm performance. sounds right. happy solstice.
Indeed, my thoughts was really twofold:
1) What you just stated about aligning practice and game times where practical in a general range.
2) The youth brain and sleep patterns are different than fully developed adults. I sent a google search on that in my other post. Lots of research on that.
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