Caroline minutes | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Caroline minutes

Feb 3, 2018
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This team plays 3 or 4 games all season that would require the starting 6/7 players to play high majority of minutes. If Geno is really interested in finding out who could break into that elite group, he has more games to do it than any other coach in the land. It could very well be that he already knows who they are and who he has slotted for more involvement next season.
Ugh, yes I agree that he should have more of a long-range plan than anyone else as he's the "CEO". But for better or worse I think his world is more fluid, "organic" than that. Maybe even practice to practice, drill to drill. I bet some of the biggest thrills he experiences during the day-to-day of a season is watching the growth of his individual players. Last year- the emergence of Nika, finally coming of age for CW, leadership and contribution of EW, finally jiving with PB on when and when not to shoot, play and improvement of AE. Like us, he's watching and waiting for talents to emerge. In teaching, it's when you see the "light go on" with a student.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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This one out of all possible scenarios on Sunday surprised me the most. 4 minutes? That really is not what I expected, especially considering all the off-season and practice talk Geno had said. That she was understanding most of what he wanted and only as a freshman. I thought when Nika couldn't buy a basket it would have been a good time to put her in. I hope we get to see more from her over the weekend.
A thought here.................this was our first game. Please let's not make assumptions and or projections for the entire season after only one game. :confused: It was Geno's first game this season against D1 competition with THIS team. Geno was busy the entire game trying to find 5 players he could put in the game THAT DAY that could score, AND play some defense. The camera showed him muttering to himself at various times during the game. He knows what he is doing. There is a method to his madness. In Geno I trust.

It's a not hard to figure out what he was muttering about. Geno does not have a poker face. His body language and his facial told the story...........the team's lack of least to HIS satisfaction. He said so at the halftime interview. He was trying to win the game first. He was not concerned about minutes. Neither should we. Let's wait and see how things play out during the next 3 games in the Bahamas this weekend. We can wait that long before we begin to panic. :eek: To coin an old phrase: It will all come out in the wash. Three games in three days will tell us all we want to know about our team and the individual players, and what we can expect from them in the next few games. ;)


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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After one game, I think the BY is a little off our discussion game.
I made an original post stating that the players that are not named Paige, have a "problem" that they could be playing with one of the best female basketball players off all time. ( Time will tell....states Old dude). Because of that, the other players on her team, who are really good....just don't look as good as Paige. Not knocking them, just a fact.
So on this thread, yes CD only got 4 minutes but according to "Team First" she will outshine Nika and Azzi, (her opinion)...but when you add " Its not even close" are going to get a "discussion" on that, not an insult.
Also, when Charlie Ball states that Azzi's "pull up jumper is as deadly as Paiges" , his opinion....but "time will tell and let's hope" but its fair for me to say that I have seen that yet in college ( only two games)

Azzi’s midrange jumper is world-class. But Paige was out of this world on Sunday.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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At least the Boneyard is consistent.

We have played one game against a good team (rankings be damned) and we are carping about who is getting minutes. Absolutely amazing.

So Caroline only played a few minutes in the first half. She is a talented freshman who will earn her minutes. Geno and staff know what they want. Caroline will be just fine. But she may not get the minutes some want. That is D1 basketball.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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I don’t think our defense is going to stop anyone in Bermuda. In fact, if the games are in Bermuda, I’m on the wrong damn plane! I’m flying Newark to Nassau.

But that makes me think—if the games were in Bermuda, and we played the Triangle offense, would the other team be lost?


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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This is why you can't sit on every word Geno says during preseason. And in regards to Nika, she has proven herself in big games not just in practices. There was no reason to take away add'l minutes from Nika. CD will have her shot. Ark hung around close enough to not give CD many minutes.

In non-blowout games, that 9th player is not going to get many minutes unless you play press press press.
At he beginning of last season, Geno said that Aubrey was: "a hundred times better now than last year." :eek: I got real excited when I heard that. Now I could not wait to see Aubrey 2.0, and see what a hundred times better looks like. I never saw it. :( I don't mean to pick on Aubrey, I'm a huge fan of hers. Just using what he said about her as an example. I'm hoping to see a new and improved Aubrey Griffin this year. She's got a lot of untapped potential we haven't seen yet.
Feb 7, 2019
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At least the Boneyard is consistent.

We have played one game against a good team (rankings be damned) and we are carping about who is getting minutes. Absolutely amazing.

So Caroline only played a few minutes in the first half. She is a talented freshman who will earn her minutes. Geno and staff know what they want. Caroline will be just fine. But she may not get the minutes some want. That is D1 basketball.
I just went through box scores for every one of KLS’ freshman games. She got significant minutes from game one and as the season progressed, her minutes increased and she frequently led the team in scoring. I think if Caroline receives similar treatment she could have similar contributions, not necessarily becoming a starter as KLS did.
Feb 10, 2021
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‘SAt he beginning of last season, Geno said that Aubrey was: "a hundred times better now than last year." :eek: I got real excited when I heard that. Now I could not wait to see Aubrey 2.0, and see what a hundred times better looks like. I never saw it. :( I don't mean to pick on Aubrey, I'm a huge fan of hers. Just using what he said about her as an example. I'm hoping to see a new and improved Aubrey Griffin this year. She's got a lot of untapped potential we haven't seen yet.
Aubrey is the most interesting question mark on the team. No one disrupts the opponent’s offense better than she does and get her share of rebounds and steals. If she can get into the flow of UCONN’s offense and hit some open jumpers, minutes will abound.
Dec 8, 2019
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so nobody but Nika on this team wants to win? Get out of here with that cliche, Many not just myself have said that when she comes in the game her shot selection is suspect and the opposing team knows that is one less player to worry about with the ball.
Way to put words in my mouth; I never mentioned any other player, pro or con. I have been very open that I do not believe Bueckers best position is point guard. IMO, Muhl on the court moves her over to where she provides maximum value. I know those who judge players merely by stats will disagree but I don’t really care who shoots best, etc. individually, because your 5 best players very often do not constitute your best team. I do not consider it a coincidence in the least that Muhl was on the court for ”winning time”.
Jan 16, 2017
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At he beginning of last season, Geno said that Aubrey was: "a hundred times better now than last year." :eek: I got real excited when I heard that. Now I could not wait to see Aubrey 2.0, and see what a hundred times better looks like. I never saw it. :( I don't mean to pick on Aubrey, I'm a huge fan of hers. Just using what he said about her as an example. I'm hoping to see a new and improved Aubrey Griffin this year. She's got a lot of untapped potential we haven't seen yet.
Not sure if this was a good example. Aubrey missed most of the preseason with a back injury followed by a high ankle sprain which kept her out of the season opener against Arkansas.
Aug 24, 2011
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This one out of all possible scenarios on Sunday surprised me the most. 4 minutes? That really is not what I expected, especially considering all the off-season and practice talk Geno had said. That she was understanding most of what he wanted and only as a freshman. I thought when Nika couldn't buy a basket it would have been a good time to put her in. I hope we get to see more from her over the weekend.

Oh my lord, it's going to be a long season.
And speaking of long season, it was GAME ONE.
Apr 4, 2021
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Remember you are not given minutes you earn them. We all don’t know what is going on 100% of the time. Geno needs to trust you to play you in a big game. I like the player but let her earn it in practice or games which she will be playing.
Nov 22, 2017
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I agree it would be nice for more players to get more minutes so they can improve and earn their spot in the rotation. However, I think that only happens once the top 5/6 are set and get enough minutes to gel into a winning combination. The finishers have to get established first and get the time to perfect their play together. Once that is set then minutes can start to be given to the next in line so that they can come into a close game and not have a huge drop off. That process continues until (hopefully 8 or so players are ready for the big games. Until then the rest just get a few mop up time and have only practice to show they should replace one of those in the main rotation. Playing time as Geno says is earned during practice. We only get to see the end result of that. As a Bills fan I have learned to "respect the process".
Apr 1, 2013
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Are you actually suggesting pressing? Not even I have suggested that yet. You can't set a trap if you can't cut off a ballhandler.
I have never seen the number nine ever written in one of your posts before. Did your finger slip. Even 8 for that matter.
8 + 5= 13, the 5 being a "blue team". They enter the game in unison, ideally once in each half, not counting turkey-time at the end. They stay out there 2-5 minutes, dependent on them at least holding the lead. Huge morale boost for everyone. Everyone in the ready on the bench always. Mir, Amari, Piath, Aubrey, and Nika. Nika would be a phenomenal leader of the group. Mir and Aubrey would be forced to take the load offensively, except for the posts getting open for layups, and that would help them enormously. What can happen? Can't look much worse (except PB, E, CW) than against Arkansas. Except for the 3-4 big boys they play, Arkansas is their best opponent.
No lose and the possible return is incalculable. Everyone gets time. Could use them together in practice against the first group. Players earn more time.....

No I wasn't suggesting it. I was saying that the 9th player in a non-blowout game isn't going to get many minutes unless they press press press. I wasn't suggesting they do it.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Not sure if this was a good example. Aubrey missed most of the preseason with a back injury followed by a high ankle sprain which kept her out of the season opener against Arkansas.
Noted. Again, not picking on Aubrey. Just suggesting that we have to take what Geno says tongue in cheek. Geno's comment about Aubrey were BEFORE last year's season began, not this season. I'm hoping Aubrey has a stellar year this year. Maybe even set a record or two. :)


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe you didn't read the first few lines of my post or maybe you just come here to put down others. You are not alone in that regard. I just stated my opinion and I gave insight as to why I have that opinion. We will see who is right over the long term won't we. I've watched maybe 10 hours of video from Azzi and Caroline and I coached for 25 years. It's my evaluation. Of course I may be wrong but my opinion is not worthy of insult. Azzi can shoot the lights out but the whole team is going to have to create shots for her. Azzi's biggest strengths are in not making mistakes and shooting extremely well. I'm not seeing the great defense. I'm not seeing the quickness. I'm not seeing the dribble drive penetration. I'm see a Steve Alford type player. I prefer the total package Caroline offers.
The larger point, I think, is you can’t draw any such conclusions from one game. I don’t know that your view invalid. It just seems a little too definite with such a small sample. For example, I thought Azzi wasn’t as quick as I expected. Not that she was slow, just I expected something else. But it was her first game, she managed 7 points and it looked like she was wearing braces on both legs. I need a bigger sample. if anyone got hyped by Geno but got pretty limited time it was Nika. Main take away. Take what GA says about preseason play with a grain of salt.
Aug 8, 2013
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so nobody but Nika on this team wants to win? Get out of here with that cliche, Many not just myself have said that when she comes in the game her shot selection is suspect and the opposing team knows that is one less player to worry about with the ball.
Sigh! Where in Littllemin’s post was the statement that no one else on the team wants to win? I read the post and saw nothing of the kind! While I agree that Nika is somewhat overrated by some on this board, I have to point out that Littllemin said nothing that remotely intimated Nika was the only player on the team who wants to win!
Oct 29, 2021
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It's like mlb players drafted. More often than not the top few players drafted are the studs but it's not all that unusual for some kid drafted in round 5 to be the real find. Evaluation is subjective. I'm just trying to project. Maybe I'm wrong. I know I'm a minority of about 1 or 2 on this board. I love Azzi as a kid. As a terrific young lady who her parents are extremely proud of and who will be a solid player and an even better person. No question about any of that. I'm just saying long term, against top competition, I'd take Caroline because I think she helps me win against top competition. She gets her hands in a lot of passing lanes. She rebounds well and is fundamentally strong. She gets to the basket well. I think she will be a better defender than Azzi if she isn't already. She blocks a lot of shots for a guard. She actually passes well also, seeing the floor well. She doesn't make many mistakes with the ball. She is almost as good a shooter as Azzi and has been a top 3 point competitor with maybe even more range than Azzi. She has a great step back jumper. She gets her shot off quickly and is difficult for a guard to block. She has dominated in big games in high school. She looks and acts like she belongs. Look at Haley Jones who had a triple double this week and was the MVP last year in the championships. A big guard can make a tremendous difference against tough competition. Look at all the Uconn players with size who could shoot the 3. Caroline fits the profile of a player who could become special.
Dec 4, 2020
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Perimeter and even help defense was very poor. I think uconn has struggled with this for a number of years. was terrible on defense. CW was ok. No way AE can d-up a guard on the perimeter. AE is a terrific athlete and great on the perimeter but she will struggle against guards. Hell, even our guards struggled on the perimeter. But Ark did play 4 guards a lot.

A mediocre team scored 80 points on us. That says it a lot. Frist game though, and defense takes time to gel.
Jul 26, 2021
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also just realized how close Caroline and Saylor are. They are really good friends, literally every picture since the first game they attended in Storrs as Uconn commits they were together. I wonder if she was affected losing a good friend and i'm sure she already knew that gameday she was going to leave.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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I just went through box scores for every one of KLS’ freshman games. She got significant minutes from game one and as the season progressed, her minutes increased and she frequently led the team in scoring. I think if Caroline receives similar treatment she could have similar contributions, not necessarily becoming a starter as KLS did.

Not the same situation between Lou and Caroline. Lou was the 3 point sharp shooter the team needed. Caroline has a couple of other in front of her like Paige and E.
Apr 18, 2021
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Both Azzi and Carolyn ( with Dorka, Aliayah, and everyone ) will
be important parts of the Paige Machine for years to come.
"E", Christyn, and ONO are determined to complete

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