Can someone find a post that hasn't regressed into a diatribe on coach P? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Can someone find a post that hasn't regressed into a diatribe on coach P?

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Oct 1, 2011
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Dude, you did the self-anointing. "I'll continue to support uconn" with your pipe and tweed jacket with patches and Yankee smugness. And you never answered if you were at the Middle Tennessee game. Just answer that.
Sep 17, 2011
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Absolutely right! Couldn't have said it any better. Nobody trolls us better than we do.

For those that don't recognize this, let me give you two fictitious but quite telling examples.

Example 1:
Larryredbull: "Ha ha! You guys lost to a 1-AA team! No wonder no major conference wants you!"
Ruskin: "Troll. Go away."

Example 2:
UConnDan97: "I'm hoping with Friend healthy, we can bring our A-game and pull out the win in 'Edsall Bowl II'..."
Ruskin: "Sorry Dan, but there's no way in hell that's happening. We just lost to a 1-AA team! No wonder no major conference wants us."

See what I mean? That's what this board feels like a lot of times...

(Disclosure: I'm only picking on Ruskin because he was the first to "break ranks" in this thread that was meant solely to bring together the ranks)

Bringing together the ranks. This reminds me of the scene from Dr Zhivago where the old officer bringing the new recruits to the front runs into the mob of soldiers who have given up. We are that mob from the front right now. People have a right to feel irate. I'll be there hoping to beat Maryland. Watching Lamelle against Towson I have great expectations for him. I hope he gets put into the game for plays from scrimmage. Sometimes you can tell that someone is a playmaker by the way they run etc. Just punt returns isn't enough for him to help us. If people aren't blocking I'm putting in the backups. If Whitmer struggles I'm putting in Boyle. The only players who's jobs are safe on offense are Davis and Phillips IMO.
Aug 26, 2011
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Listen Jack-wagon, I sat through the horrendous beatdown Middle Tennessee put on UConn in 2000. Were you there for that? But even then I knew the program was on an upward swing and saw reason for optimism. Even after losing 56-7 to Temple in 2001. I support the players and school, but the school's leadership -- starting with Larry McHugh and Hathaway - let the players and its constituents down when they made this horrendous mistake in Jan. 2011. You Gil Thorp types need to demote yourselves to Division III. Stick your pretentious righteousness where the sun doesn't shine.

And another thing: there's a significant group of people who have invested a lot of real and emotional capital in this program since the mid-1990s when I-A football started to come on the horizon. Don't need to hear all this happy horsecrap when we're seeing all that work getting obliterated in less than three years.
You just don't know when to shut up, do you?
Sep 7, 2011
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Uconn Nick I was at that game!!!! Who was Yale's Coach and who threw the int?
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm confused ...
You're pissed because I'm going to support uconn, and now you want to thump you chest about a game you went to in 2000? And then you call me a Yankee.

Are you on your period? My wife gets like that during her special time too.

Don't think there's a problem with the first part, second part? not so much... Condescending statements like that tend to piss people off.

"I think I'll continue to support uconn. With fans like you, someone needs to."


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Sorry Marty - this board is just a reflection the reality of what the feeling in the stands was at the end of Towson, Cincinnati, Temple, Western Michigan . . . . 7-8 at home since 2011. Just wondering, if this board didn't exist, what exactly would make it to be fun to a fan these days? If its not fun for you to be a fan, you're blaming the wrong people. Maybe start your own board where only good things can be said. People can tolerate a hiccup or two, a sustained downward path is a whole different matter.
Yeah, but you and some others are way too constant. It gets boring and monotonous. As boring as our O has been, I have news for you. Towson is good. Michigan is way better than us. We weren't that great when we went to the Fiesta Bowl - we won the league with less than a superior record. The difference between two 5-7 years and Edsalls teams was paper thin except for the Orlovsky years. Our lead rb is vey average and Edsall did not leave terrific QBs behind. I'm not a PP fan, but this season is only one game old. He is likely to last the season because firing the HC one game in us not only senseless and unlikely, but football is not a sport with a season so long that an early firing and an interim coach does much to change. If we go winless, I'm going to all the games and UConn is not ruined forever.
Oct 1, 2011
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CohenZ, I wouldn't have responded except for the unnecessary "I have news for you, Towson is good". Please. Certainly they had good individual talent, but don't turn a team with 22 fewer scholarships into the Monsters of the Midway to minimize how horrendous a loss that was. It was a game Edsall would not have lost.

Getting tired of this "PP is only 45 points from being 18-7" meme that's being floated, too. He's good at losing close games. It's not because Edsall caught all the breaks and he hasn't caught any. If a decent coach is worth 3-4 points a game, then a bad one costs you that much. PP is proving that.

What are you defining as "ruined forever"? If it means being shut out when the conference realignment musical chairs game ends, the damage of a 2-10 season or worse could take years to recover from. And if UConn is 0-11 on Dec. 7 be sure to say hello. It will be very, very easy to find one another at the Rent


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Ruskin. Towson is good and you haven't the foggiest of whether or not RE would have beaten them. I'm disappointed we lost to them, but they had already had a game under their belts against a team and a program that is way better than ours.

You also have no idea how conference realignment will go and I guarantee you that one if 2 things will happen that will be fine for any conference looking at us. We either wind up with a decent record or PP us replaced. I think conferences are a little less apt to let one bad hire affect them. As for fair weather fans, even the Red Sux had a string of sell outs break in a down year.

The point really is, you and others can't stop whining. It truly is monotonous and boring. I don't read any if those threads any more and only the heading of this thread drew me in.
Aug 28, 2011
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Can't we all just accept P needs to go as a given, rather than having to bring it up all the time? Nobody's defending him, so how is this even being debated? Everybody wants him gone. End of Story. This is like Lloyd Carr's last season in Michigan. Everyone knew he was leaving at the end of the season, but they still ended with a nice bowl win, why can't we pretend that's possible? Let's try to salvage some enjoyment from the season without a constant droning about our failure a week ago.

Also, in response to scdono's post above, if you think a win over Maryland (or Michigan for that matter) will combat the constant whining you haven't been here long enough. We could finish 12-1 after beating LSU in the Sugar Bowl and people would bitch about something. Probably that it would mean P and GDL returning.
Feb 10, 2012
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Can't we all just accept P needs to go as a given, rather than having to bring it up all the time? Nobody's defending him, so how is this even being debated? Everybody wants him gone. End of Story. This is like Lloyd Carr's last season in Michigan. Everyone knew he was leaving at the end of the season, but they still ended with a nice bowl win, why can't we pretend that's possible? Let's try to salvage some enjoyment from the season without a constant droning about our failure a week ago.

Also, in response to scdono's post above, if you think a win over Maryland (or Michigan for that matter) will combat the constant whining you haven't been here long enough. We could finish 12-1 after beating LSU in the Sugar Bowl and people would bitch about something. Probably that it would mean P and GDL returning.
That's the issue. If you post something on here that doesn't snipe at pp or WM it's viewed as accepting the situation. Sadly, there are a lot of fans that really don't want PP to win, and would have conflicts if he did.


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Aug 26, 2011
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Hey mods, Marty says no more lookalike threads from here on. They're racist.
I have a lot more faith in Warde as an AD than I do PP as a coach. All I want him to do is say something. Look at Texas and USC in the next two days. I guarantee the AD's there aren't going to be silent.

Why would WM make a public statement? Crappy boss if he did that. Who would want to work for him? If you have any idea what is or isn't happening out if the public eye, you must be WM or the NSA.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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We all want the same thing: UCONN to succeed. We all want Pasqualoni and DeLeone out. We all want UCONN to win. We all support the players no matter what and when we boo or make negative comments, it is directed at PP and/or GDL only. Are there alot of threads with anti-Pasqualoni diatribes on them? Yes. Why? Because we are stuck in the AAC and know that while football drives conference realignment, these types of results from the football program, a program that was once seen as the fastest-growing program in the country, hurts our chances of escaping conference purgatory. We are all extra-sensitive to it...I admit that I am extra-sensitive and took the Towson loss incredibly hard (as I'm sure all of you did too). We all know that this is an incredibly important season for UCONN football, perhaps the most important season ever. Get back to a bowl game and get back on the upward trend towards a better conference OR miss out on a bowl game, watch attendance spiral down even further and fall deeper into the AAC abyss.

Being blown out in our home opener by an inferior FCS opponent who is, by far, the worst opponent we will face all year raises the frustration levels even more. But I know that when the ball is kicked off around 7:30 on Saturday night, we will ALL be rooting like heck for the Huskies to win. If they win, we all will be excited for the Michigan game again and hope like heck that the team has turned it around and gotten back on a bowl game trajectory. If they don't win, well, we can all expect the frustration levels to be raised even more...until kickoff of the next game and the next game and the next game and so on.

I don't think it should be taken personally when a poster says something anti-Pasqualoni. It shows that the fanbase cares about losing seasons, losing to FCS opponents, dwindling attendance, an extremely negative national perception against UCONN, and our current standing in the conference realignment landscape. Sure, some of the diatribes are tedious and negative (mine included), but I think, for the most part, they are a direct reflection of what is like to be a UCONN fan right now. Frustration. Anger. Sadness. Passionate. Conference realignment has continually kicked all of us in the private parts and we all want to show, very badly, that UCONN belongs. The disconnect within our fanbase occurs when we use optimist/pessimist tone between gamedays. But I'm convinced that if Ruskin and Marty (or any of us) sat next to each other at the Maryland game, or any game for that matter, there will be high fiving when UCONN does something good and frustration when UCONN does something bad.

Point of all this rambling: let's all try not to have thin skin with one another and continue to support UCONN, however we can.
Aug 26, 2011
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That's the issue. If you post something on here that doesn't snipe at pp or WM it's viewed as accepting the situation. Sadly, there are a lot of fans that really don't want PP to win, and would have conflicts if he did.

That's true for some, but if you complain about PP then some on this board say you aren't supporting the team. That sounds like if you didn't support the Iraq war you weren't supporting the troops.

Maybe we feel that we support the team by demanding a better leader.
Oct 1, 2011
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Towson is good and you haven't the foggiest of whether or not RE would have beaten them. I'm disappointed we lost to them, but they had already had a game under their belts against a team and a program that is way better than ours.

You realize last Thursday was Towson's opener, too, right? There were 0-0 jut like UConn, so there goes the "game under their belts" idea. They played LSU last September. And UConn actually manged to beat a ranked team on the road in November, with five Edsall recruits who are going to be playing Sunday. Randy Edsall was unbeaten (convincingly for the most part) against FCS teams. Not a small sample size either. Lots of data out there to suggest Edsall would have won that game.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I support the players and school, but the school's leadership -- starting with Larry McHugh and Hathaway - let the players and its constituents down when they made this horrendous mistake in Jan. 2011.
Finally! Putting the majority of the blame where it should go.

EDIT - of course PP gets the majority of the blame, tracing it back to who hired him leads to McHugh and Hathaway.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ruskin. Towson is good and you haven't the foggiest of whether or not RE would have beaten them. I'm disappointed we lost to them, but they had already had a game under their belts against a team and a program that is way better than ours.

WTF are you talking about? Towson had zero games under their belts, go read Mother Jones or something.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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WTF are you talking about? Towson had zero games under their belts, go read Mother Jones or something.

Picked up the wrong year, for which I am deeply sorry. Which leaves 2 facts unchanged. Towson is a good team and you are a sorry fool who is still hiding behind Fishy's skirt and don't know how to leave the Cesspool out of a sports thread.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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You realize last Thursday was Towson's opener, too, right? There were 0-0 jut like UConn, so there goes the "game under their belts" idea. They played LSU last September. And UConn actually manged to beat a ranked team on the road in November, with five Edsall recruits who are going to be playing Sunday. Randy Edsall was unbeaten (convincingly for the most part) against FCS teams. Not a small sample size either. Lots of data out there to suggest Edsall would have won that game.
I indicated in a reply that I'd clicked on Towsons wrong year. But I don't see how anyone can know what would have happened under Edsall. We will never know and Towson is a good team. Lets see what happens from here on out. Are you sure with Edsall we beat LVille last year? I'm not.
Oct 1, 2011
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I indicated in a reply that I'd clicked on Towsons wrong year. But I don't see how anyone can know what would have happened under Edsall. We will never know and Towson is a good team. Lets see what happens from here on out. Are you sure with Edsall we beat LVille last year? I'm not.

We did with Don Brown blitzing like crazy


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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We did with Don Brown blitzing like crazy

You don't quit. PP was the head coach. You can't blame him for the bad and give him no credit for the good without looking off base.
Oct 1, 2011
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You don't quit. PP was the head coach. You can't blame him for the bad and give him no credit for the good without looking off base.

Yes, the defense looked just as aggressive as last year against Towson. How did they ever gain almost 400 yards? . . . . .UConn beat Louisville because of Don Brown, Trevardo Williams and the other 3 guys in the league, Yawin, and IN SPITE of PP. You Gil Thorp pollyannas really ought to start your own board, get one "under your belt", as it were.
Aug 26, 2011
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Picked up the wrong year, for which I am deeply sorry. Which leaves 2 facts unchanged. Towson is a good team and you are a sorry fool who is still hiding behind Fishy's skirt and don't know how to leave the Cesspool out of a sports thread.

You have your years mixed up? It's not like we lose to an FCS every session

There is no reason or evidence to suggest any of your posts have any credibility. Now go hand out condoms to 4th graders or something.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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We all want the same thing: UCONN to succeed. ...I don't think it should be taken personally....

This is a really excellent post. I wish I could like it twice. Your reference to taking things personally is in the context of BY posts but I think, for most of us, it applies to our fandom (fanhood?) in general. What I want, when I get up at 2 am every Sunday is to go more than one or two possessions before being reminded again that my fanhood is an exercise in masochism. I'd like to not be reminded every week that my inner Pollyanna, convinced that we turned a corner in practice this week that'll put us back on the golden path, is a blithering idiot for rejecting all empirical evidence in favor of unfounded wishes. What I want, is for belief in UConn football to be something not on par with belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. It wouldn't take a whole lot of success to make me happy, just a reasonable hope of success would probably get me there.

Oh, and I'd like to able to not consider a 7-pt deficit a three-possession game.
Aug 29, 2011
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You don't quit. PP was the head coach. You can't blame him for the bad and give him no credit for the good without looking off base.

True. But it's also true that for every good win (i.e. Louisville '12, Pittsburgh '12, Syracuse '11, stomping Rutgers '11 to prevent their BCS game) there are at least two very ugly losses (i.e., Temple '12, NC State '12, USF '12, W. Michigan '12, Vanderbilt '11, Iowa State '11, Pitt '11, W. Mich '11)

The simple fact is that we're 10-15 under Pasqualoni. 5-7, 5-7 and 0-1 so far. This is the worst stretch of UCONN football since the 2005-2006 seasons.

It got turned around in 2007 though when we opened up the season 8-1, with the only loss a 1pt affair on the road at Virginia. It was crystal clear by the end of that season, that we were still not ready to be considered among the top in the country when we went to West Virginia and got steam rolled, but we got it turned around.

There is a long way to go in the 2013 season, and things need to get turned around. One week at a time, that's the only way I can take it now, without a doubt.

We got Maryland on Saturday.
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