Can someone explain to me | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Can someone explain to me

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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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If anything an outgoing would not feel obligated to be on the HC's good side. But ok. The negative attitude from you continues. Thats all you are.

Yeah because professional scouts DONT ASK YOUR COLLEGE COACH ABOUT YOU. Jesus, could you possibly be dimmer?
Aug 27, 2011
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Look at the age of the two deep.

Maybe a team that young can get 3 or 4 or 5 wins. Maybe. They aren't going to be winning championships.

How many times do you need to hear that the criticism isn't solely based on the number of wins and losses? I thought they would win 4 games this year, so I wasn't expecting much in that regard anyway.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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If anything an outgoing would not feel obligated to be on the HC's good side. But ok. The negative attitude from you continues. Thats all you are.

You are correct that I have a very negative attitude towards stupidity.

And when idiots frame themselves as loyal because they make suppositions that aren't supported by actual evidence - as if that makes them better fans.

You want people to go on faith? Go to church on Sunday. Otherwise try and put together a coherent argument.
Aug 26, 2011
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Lmao. You would literally have to accept Diaco's words as the Gospel, as not a single response has come close to interpreting how winning an extra game or two could be detrimental toward the overall goals, which is something Diaco alluded to. Unless of course he means that it could possibly raise expectations, since he is planning on treating actual games as preseason games again.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Yeah the players 'buy in' and sound like Diaco but lost the last three games by about 110-30.

Oh a senior who has a vested interest in being on Diaco's good side said nice things about him.

It's as if you desperately want the players to dislike Diaco as much as you do. Keep trying.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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It's as if you desperately want the players to dislike Diaco as much as you do. Keep trying.

Don't care if they like him or not. I do care that they don't lose the last three games 110-30.
Aug 28, 2011
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Dumbing it down isn't the same thing as abandoning it.

Look at the two deep - playing that many frosh and soph is going to be a losing season. Period.

5-7 is a losing season many of us would have been relatively satisfied with. hopeful for the future, even.

We won one game that the other team literally gave to us, and another against an FCS program that went 5-7.

This wasn't just a "losing season". This was, by a very wide margin, the worst season since we upgraded the football program. This season was worse than any under PP. The only thing saving Diaco, is that some of the blame can still be placed on PP. Some. Not all.
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Feb 10, 2012
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You just explained it.

It's been a very concious effort to hammer on how bad things were when he got here. It's no accident that they had no sense of urgency when it came to winning games.

What he did wasn't all that transparent. Since you'll note everyone stayed home - they saw through it a long time ago.
I heard from someone in the locker room that diaco specifically called for nothing less than 4 turnovers during his halftime speech.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I heard from someone in the locker room that diaco specifically called for nothing less than 4 turnovers during his halftime speech.

How many punts from SMU's end of the field did he ask for prior to the game?

Punt to win!
Aug 29, 2011
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5-7 is a losing season many of us would have been relatively satisfied with. hopeful for the future, even.

We won one game that the other team literally gave to us, and another against an FCS program that went 5-7.

This wasn't just a "losing season". This was, by a very wide margin, the worst season since we upgraded the football program. This season was worse than any under PP. The only thing saving Diaco, is that some of the blame can still be placed on PP. Some. Not all.

I agree. The first 2 seasons under P, we were in the running for a bowl game - as dysfunctional as things were, until the last game of the season. Last season, you could literally see the wheels come off after the Michigan game due to the internal dysfunction brought on by Pasqualoni and Deleone's coaching style. With them gone, it took a while, but the fat and out shape players were able to pull together and string some wins, with the leadership they had.

THis season, has been a complete dysfunctional mess from start to finish, when it comes to actual performance of the game of football on game days, and we are very close, VERY close to having put up an 0-12 record.
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't know how anyone can take just the record and say everything will be fine in a year or two? Maybe it will.

However, BD having a sound plan to build the program and not having the ability to execute it or manage a game are not mutually exclusive.

I think the plan is pretty self evident, he wants guys that match his love of football and do exactly what he wants from the classroom to the training table, to the weight room, the film room to the field.

No doubt his arrival was a culture clash for guys recruited by PP and the Lord of Snooze. If it were just losses I could accept that, but there was a ton of head scratching decisions that "I want to play a lot of young guys" didn't excuse.

Maybe this was a complete throwaway, but BD sure did look more pissed on the sideline Saturday than I've seen him to date. It's the best sign we have that this might improve.

If you're looking at just the record, it's not unusual to see significant one-year turnarounds. However, like you said, it's not just the record that is at issue here. It's the nonsensical communications, the disjointed personnel moves, and the lack of any evidence to support the idea that he's executing on any kind of a plan.

If the plan was to simply teach the foundations of what we want to do long term, wins be damned, then why did we completely change our offensive scheme half way through the year? Is that the offense that we plan to run? If so, why were we running something different for the first 6-7 games?

We didn't just "dumb-down" the offense, we changed it entirely, to the point that we were running read-option QB runs with guys that have no business running it. What he's done on the field doesn't match what he's telling us he's doing, and that's frustrating to no end.

Perfect Hair

I saw Diaco drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vics
Oct 24, 2014
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"the lack of any evidence to support the idea that he's executing on any kind of a plan. "

Feb 10, 2012
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when people look at Uconn's schedule and suggest certain games are gimme's, what criteria or logic is being used?
if the season started tomorrow, these same people would still suggest expectations of 7-8 wins against this AAC schedule...

you're as good as your record indicates.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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when people look at Uconn's schedule and suggest certain games are gimme's, what criteria or logic is being used?
if the season started tomorrow, these same people would still suggest expectations of 7-8 wins against this AAC schedule...

you're as good as your record indicates.
This will not happen moving forward. I'll go reverse and say we are 0-1 after Nova. Wish it was an 'easier' FCS team. Uggggh
Dec 8, 2014
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I've taken a beating on this board for saying this since the middle of Sept. For some reason unbeknownst to me I held out hope that Diaco was an evil genius. That hope was literally and figuratively washed away yesterday. Nothing we can do about it now other than hold out hope based on nothing but blind faith.

Isn't that how cults get started? Make sure he doesn't start wearing aviators and talking about having practice in Guyana.
Aug 26, 2011
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We all thought there was more talent here than actually is. Diaco is far from perfect but how many coaches are in their first gig being head coach.

He gets a mulligan from me this season, but not next year. Things have to improve and my guess is he knows it. 2-10 next year will get him canned
Good point. I remember when I got out of school and got my first engineering job. I had all sorts of bright ideas that I now cringe at when I look back. The most important thing is that I learned from it. My hope is that Coach Diaco uses his experience from this year to learn and improve.
As for Calhoun's first year. I remember being at games in the field house listening to some of our fans calling for Perno's return.
Dec 28, 2011
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I think this was the thread. Too much garbage around here to sift through now.

From a runaway ramblings article:
While the interceptions dropped from 18 to 12 (although attempting eight fewer passes per game needs to be factored in), the fact that only Eastern Michigan and West Virginia lost more fumbled than the 16 given away by the Huskies is clearly an area that will need to improve. What's most troubling is that most of the fumbles came on seemingly low-risk plays. The result was not only five defensive TDs and two safeties allowed but 25 scoring drives of less than 50 yards.

You're welcome. Just give it away. Don't play those that give it away.

Perfect Hair

I saw Diaco drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vics
Oct 24, 2014
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Good point. I remember when I got out of school and got my first engineering job. I had all sorts of bright ideas that I now cringe at when I look back. The most important thing is that I learned from it. My hope is that Coach Diaco uses his experience from this year to learn and improve.
As for Calhoun's first year. I remember being at games in the field house listening to some of our fans calling for Perno's return.

But you're comparing your inexperienced 22 year old self with a guy who has been coaching for years, a guy we were told is the next coaching genius, the Broyles award winner blah, blah, blah. No one was saying that about you, not even your own mother ;), when you got your first job.

I thought a first time Head Coach was a big mistake for us at this critical time, way too risky. I said the same thing when the talk was centered around Narduzzi, I didn't like the idea of trusting the job to someone who has never done it before anywhere. So far my biggest fears have been realized. Let's hope for a complete 180 next year, because even 90 degrees isn't enough after this debacle.
Jan 26, 2014
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herr perfecto: yo fierze are fierce but yo dont recognize, hoping for 180 turnabout, why bother? {proven stiffs stay stiffs and make stiffs out of hopers)

if dis industrial corporation, wit all shannanigans witnessed by world Fall 2014; the entire organization chart pertaining to anything foosilbal from top to bottom would have been mezmerized, synchronized, kembasized, euthonized, hypnotized, atomized, mechanized, itemized, jeperdized, vandalized, pulverized.

A new mgmt team of team players would have passed assessment centers methodology and installed to halt the embarr-assment pronto as in early last Nov.
Aug 30, 2011
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If you're looking at just the record, it's not unusual to see significant one-year turnarounds. However, like you said, it's not just the record that is at issue here. It's the nonsensical communications, the disjointed personnel moves, and the lack of any evidence to support the idea that he's executing on any kind of a plan.

If the plan was to simply teach the foundations of what we want to do long term, wins be damned, then why did we completely change our offensive scheme half way through the year? Is that the offense that we plan to run? If so, why were we running something different for the first 6-7 games?

We didn't just "dumb-down" the offense, we changed it entirely, to the point that we were running read-option QB runs with guys that have no business running it. What he's done on the field doesn't match what he's telling us he's doing, and that's frustrating to no end.
I think it increased the odds of having a qb at the end of the season. Whitmer has a history of concussions? Every succeeding game the odds keep increasing.
Initiating a new offense in mid season would lead to a regression given the qb types. He seems to have recruited the type to run it going forward. If you believe this year was handled as one long scrimmage for the program (including him) then next year will tell us a lot about his coaching good or bad.
The lying isn't for fans like you.
Aug 27, 2011
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herr perfecto: yo fierze are fierce but yo dont recognize, hoping for 180 turnabout, why bother? {proven stiffs stay stiffs and make stiffs out of hopers)

if dis industrial corporation, wit all shannanigans witnessed by world Fall 2014; the entire organization chart pertaining to anything foosilbal from top to bottom would have been mezmerized, synchronized, kembasized, euthonized, hypnotized, atomized, mechanized, itemized, jeperdized, vandalized, pulverized.

A new mgmt team of team players would have passed assessment centers methodology and installed to halt the embarr-assment pronto as in early last Nov.

You are trying way too hard dude.
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