Can Foley reverse the damage done? | The Boneyard

Can Foley reverse the damage done?

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Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I do too. 2 weeks is enough to time to upload basic concepts. Basically, anything DeLeone doesn't believe in, it will work.
Sep 5, 2011
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Give him the reigns of OL coach. It may be tough to change schemes successfully because so much has been ingrained the last two years. Don't have a ton of days to rehearse with the 1st & 2nd teams.
Oct 1, 2011
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Heard Foley batted around for interim -- think that would be a mistake. He should ocus on the line. All-out effort needed in the next 2 weeks and beyond
Aug 26, 2011
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Let's hope that whoever the interim HC is, that he decides on Foley as his OL coach and not someone else.
Aug 27, 2011
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Wonder what that first O-line meeting is like:

Foley: OK, guys, calm down. I know you guys are relieved and happy, but can you ease up on all the cheering, crying, thanking of Jesus, laughing, burning of GDL voodoo dolls, and general riotous behavior? Send the strippers home. It's time to right this wrong.

O-line: OK, coach. We'll calm down. We just missed you so much..... What do we do first?

Foley: Well, first, forget everything you were taught over the last few years............. Actually, that's all. Good meeting, everyone.
Aug 26, 2011
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The blocking schemes was only part of the problem. The way GDL tried to teach it was horrific. He was a tyrant that was so disliked by many on the OL.

You can be sure there will be such a relief that, at the very least, USF will feel the brunt of their aggression. Hopefully it carries on throughout the season.

I think there is hope for the offense. If you think about it, the problems with the OL has had an affect on the running game, passing game and even the defense due to the 3 and outs. Fingers crossed.
Aug 26, 2011
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The blocking schemes was only part of the problem. The way GDL tried to teach it was horrific. He was a tyrant that was so disliked by many on the OL.

You can be sure there will be such a relief that, at the very least, USF will feel the brunt of their aggression. Hopefully it carries on throughout the season.

I think there is hope for the offense. If you think about it, the problems with the OL has had an affect on the running game, passing game and even the defense due to the 3 and outs. Fingers crossed.

My fear is that people are going to be disappointed... this appeared to be more than a coaching/scheme problem. But hey, it can only get better.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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Since GDL was the preacher of the zone blocking, I read up on it. No wonder the O line was terrible. It's a complex scheme.

I believe Edsel had a more traditional blocking. Straight ahead - the old smash mouth blocking. That should be able to be re-installed in time for USF.

I would rather see 6 to 12 running plays that are executed well than the GDL wallpaper mess. It can be done.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I don't know how much improvement can be expected this quickly but i am very confident that Foley will improve the line play as much as it can be improved under these conditions.

I was told by someone who played OL (~ 40 years ago) at a school that is currently a competitor of our opening game opponent, has worked for nearly 40 years as a HS teacher and spent nearly 20 as an offensive line coach for that school (in a part of the country where HS football is far more serious than it is here) that Foley was as good of a teacher of blocking fundamentals as anyone he had ever met.

Why he was taken off the OL is mind boggling but fortunately those days are behind us.


Aug 26, 2011
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Zone blocking isn't inherently a bad scheme. GDL was inherently bad at teaching it and getting kids to buy in. We've been bad at executing it.

I quite frankly have no idea if changing the teacher or the scheme is the best way forward, based on the current players.
Aug 28, 2011
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My fear is that people are going to be disappointed... this appeared to be more than a coaching/scheme problem. But hey, it can only get better.

Anyone who watched the O line has to see it wasn't just scheme. We are lacking talent here. The hope is that Coach Foley, unlike GDL, identifies the talent issue, and caters the blocking to help out. And I would open up the competition at all 5 spots.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Aug 28, 2011
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I don't know how much improvement can be expected this quickly but i am very confident that Foley will improve the line play as much as it can be improved under these conditions.

I was told by someone who played OL (~ 40 years ago) at a school that is currently a competitor of our opening game opponent, has worked for nearly 40 years as a HS teacher and spent nearly 20 as an offensive line coach for that school (in a part of the country where HS football is far more serious than it is here) that Foley was as good of a teacher of blocking fundamentals as anyone he had ever met.

Why he was taken off the OL is mind boggling but fortunately those days are behind us.

I will never understand his demotion. And it was 100% a demotion. Just a fantastic coach who deserved better. I am thankful he didn't walk away after that slap in the face.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Oct 1, 2011
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Anyone who watched the O line has to see it wasn't just scheme. We are lacking talent here.

Guess we'll find out, eh, supporter -- if you have a weak line (and I don't think it's as bad as you claim) you run plays that don't require pancaking your opponent every single play -- misdirections, counters, bootlegs, quick passes, slants, etc. etc. Didn't see that a whole lot of those the last 28 games. Eager to see what unfiltered TJ play calling looks like.
Aug 26, 2011
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My fear is that people are going to be disappointed... this appeared to be more than a coaching/scheme problem. But hey, it can only get better.

It won't be a miraculous turn around but I think, after a few games, you will see a different OL. There has never been an OL that looked this bad at UConn. It can't possibly be the talent level.

My hope is that by the UL game they have some rhythm and that Friday night can be another event night.
Aug 29, 2011
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I don't know how much improvement can be expected this quickly but i am very confident that Foley will improve the line play as much as it can be improved under these conditions.

I was told by someone who played OL (~ 40 years ago) at a school that is currently a competitor of our opening game opponent, has worked for nearly 40 years as a HS teacher and spent nearly 20 as an offensive line coach for that school (in a part of the country where HS football is far more serious than it is here) that Foley was as good of a teacher of blocking fundamentals as anyone he had ever met.

Why he was taken off the OL is mind boggling but fortunately those days are behind us.

But Foley didn't leave did he? That should tell you something too.

Look, the change has been made. You don't go backward, you go forward. Foley very well will be put back with the OL - we'll find out later today......BUT.

These players don't need friends in coach's now, and zone blocking, is the kind of blocking that was used at Cincinatti by our sitting offensive coordinator, and I've seen a offense that can do things, as long as get ready......everybody executes. This system is better for us moving forward, than what Edsall installed. That's my opinion, and it's up for debate.

I also think that changing your entire installs for the offensive and for that matter defensive playbooks at this point in the season, after 2 years, is dumber than retaining Pasqualoni and Deleone would have been. Unless you are willing to scrap the entire season, which according to Manuel's press statement, was the complete opposite purpose - this change was done to salvage - THIS season.

They need a coaching staff that's going to install a disciplined approach to football, and do it in way that the players can embrace and have fun with. There is nothing fun about George Deleone. He's an embarrassment to everyone with a UCONN diploma.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Mike linked it but I'll put the relevant part of the quote here -

"George is a character, and he doesn't really care what anyone thinks. We were terrible up front, but the perception out there that Mike Foley would have done a better job with that group is naive and shows that you probably haven't spent any time with Mike Foley. He's a good guy but he can barely...let alone make below average lineman better, and below average is a compliment for those guys. Edsall missed on lineman late in his tenure, and Foley was lucky enough to not have to deal with the mess George inherited. That's not to say George was perfect, as he struggled mightily to adjust in-game as a play caller and failed to simplify the line play when it was clear we needed to. But rest assured, we did not struggle because Mike Foley was not coaching the O-line."
Aug 26, 2011
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Who the fark posts an anonymous source with this drivel? Really....?

Anonymous source:

"I think players are always happy when the blame is placed elsewhere. Ultimately, they did not get the job done. If they want to be happy that a good man took the fall for their failures, that's awesome for them. The people that Paul trusted let him down, both coaches and players alike. He takes blame and rightfully so, because ultimately he did put his trust in the wrong people. Paul couldn't play, unfortunately neither could (named offensive player).

"George is a character, and he doesn't really care what anyone thinks. We were terrible up front, but the perception out there that Mike Foley would have done a better job with that group is naive and shows that you probably haven't spent any time with Mike Foley. He's a good guy but he can barely...let alone make below average lineman better, and below average is a compliment for those guys. Edsall missed on lineman late in his tenure, and Foley was lucky enough to not have to deal with the mess George inherited. That's not to say George was perfect, as he struggled mightily to adjust in-game as a play caller and failed to simplify the line play when it was clear we needed to. But rest assured, we did not struggle because Mike Foley was not coaching the O-line."
Aug 29, 2011
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stirring the pot - annoying.

Anybody thinks that we're magically going to go back to being able to knock people around like we were a few years ago, is probably a bit deluded. If Mike Foley is as good a coach as is portrayed, he will have no problem teaching the lineman to perform in the schemes we are using now. He first - actually has to be named as the OL coach. It's foolish to take everything that's been installed in the offense and change it now. Weist has taken our offense over from Deleone, and he did have plenty of experience working within a zone blocking based scheme at Cincinatti. I'm much more concerned about our RB's than I am our OL. Our OL was a disaster because of Deleone, but until Pasqualoni was fired, nothing could be done. I stopped yapping about Deleone a while ago, because it was useless. What the players had to endure with this coach, is not worth reliving in print. It's over. suffice to say, it would not surprise me that if in the near future, it would come to light, that these guys would be in a huddle and deciding amongst themselves whom to block and when and why, because Deleone is so useless as a coach. Moe Petrus, sat in meetings with this guy, for a long time, over and over, and was unable to figure out what he was trying to teach. A multiple year palyer at the center position, responsible for identifying defenses and making blocking calls on the fly, and good at it. Couldn't figure out what this guy was trying to teach. Deleone's track record in football, is what it is, because he's a very good football mind, good enough to catch the attention of some very good head coaches, but he's a terrible football coach and teacher.

His college football career is over. It started at UCONN as a player, and it finished with him as a coach. He should be embarrassed, but the insufferable old , I'm sure - is not.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Since GDL was the preacher of the zone blocking, I read up on it. No wonder the O line was terrible. It's a complex scheme.

I believe Edsel had a more traditional blocking. Straight ahead - the old smash mouth blocking. That should be able to be re-installed in time for USF.

I would rather see 6 to 12 running plays that are executed well than the GDL wallpaper mess. It can be done.

Traditional, or Man over, blocking is taught at almost every single high school in the country. It's like riding a bike. It's engrained in their DNA. They will remember.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Who the fark posts an anonymous source with this drivel? Really....?

Anonymous source:

"I think players are always happy when the blame is placed elsewhere. Ultimately, they did not get the job done. If they want to be happy that a good man took the fall for their failures, that's awesome for them. The people that Paul trusted let him down, both coaches and players alike. He takes blame and rightfully so, because ultimately he did put his trust in the wrong people. Paul couldn't play, unfortunately neither could (named offensive player).

"George is a character, and he doesn't really care what anyone thinks. We were terrible up front, but the perception out there that Mike Foley would have done a better job with that group is naive and shows that you probably haven't spent any time with Mike Foley. He's a good guy but he can barely...let alone make below average lineman better, and below average is a compliment for those guys. Edsall missed on lineman late in his tenure, and Foley was lucky enough to not have to deal with the mess George inherited. That's not to say George was perfect, as he struggled mightily to adjust in-game as a play caller and failed to simplify the line play when it was clear we needed to. But rest assured, we did not struggle because Mike Foley was not coaching the O-line."

The Anonymous source must be "Coach" Pasqualoni's wife...maybe "Coach" DeLeone's. It's got to be. The throwing of 19-23 year olds under the bus continues.

Not that recruiting services' star ratings mean a hill of beans at this level, but Edsall's O-line recruits were routinely NR-2 stars, red-shirted, and were coached up.
Sep 21, 2011
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Anyone who watched the O line has to see it wasn't just scheme. We are lacking talent here. The hope is that Coach Foley, unlike GDL, identifies the talent issue, and caters the blocking to help out. And I would open up the competition at all 5 spots.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2're wrong to group all of the O line together. What should be done is "open up the competition" to those who actually know what to look for in O line play.
Aug 28, 2011
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Guess we'll find out, eh, supporter -- if you have a weak line (and I don't think it's as bad as you claim) you run plays that don't require pancaking your opponent every single play -- misdirections, counters, bootlegs, quick passes, slants, etc. etc. Didn't see that a whole lot of those the last 28 games. Eager to see what unfiltered TJ play calling looks like.

I am a huge fan of the blocking scheme you mentioned. Create space by pulling your lineman. I love the sweep pulling the front side guard and tackle. Love counter trap/tre. Switching from what worked for 10 years was mind boggling.

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