Calm before the storm for new UConn coach (J. Fuller) | The Boneyard

Calm before the storm for new UConn coach (J. Fuller)

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Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Duncan Idaho said:
Makes me want to vomit every time I hear how badly conditioned this program became.

I'm about done hearing it, too. We not only get it, we witnessed it firsthand.

He'll have had 9 months, that's like 6 rotations of P90X. They should have their own infomercial and workout tape by the time the season starts.

Before: We were flabby, and weak and couldn't block or tackle anyone.

After: We be truckin' people.
Aug 29, 2011
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I was in denial for quite some time. I supported guys that were leading this program, based on nothing more than respect from 25 years ago. Stupid. Won't make that kind of mistake again. THe signs and symptoms built upon each other over and over. Kudos to those that "knew" very early on. I didn't. I saw progress at the end of 2012. By September 2013, it was a disaster. HIndsight always 20/20, and looking back now, the only thing that seemed to keep eerything clothespinned together, was the individual motivation, each player - and coach - must have had - to take the field at home against Michigan. After that game, it was done.

I lost my sh---t after the UCF game. The demeanor of the players and coaches. THe things that were happening on the sideline. The mental mistakes and false bravado. All of it - LOST MY SH____T. Disgusting how fast and how far the team was allowed to fall. All respect whatsover lost for those in charge.

DIaco has a tall order, and the guy is spot on the mark on what it is for 2014. It's turning a very mentally weak group of individuals into a mentally strong team. Not impossible, but need to be realistic.

How these players come back in a few weeks, and then again in the fall - will be a great sign. We get more Scott McCummings - and we're going to have a bad season. If everybody comes back like a Sio Moore, we will compete.

BTW: Physical strength, is nothing more than the application of mental strength to the physical world.
Nov 30, 2013
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I was in denial for quite some time. I supported guys that were leading this program, based on nothing more than respect from 25 years ago. Stupid. Won't make that kind of mistake again. THe signs and symptoms built upon each other over and over. Kudos to those that "knew" very early on. I didn't. I saw progress at the end of 2012. By September 2013, it was a disaster. HIndsight always 20/20, and looking back now, the only thing that seemed to keep eerything clothespinned together, was the individual motivation, each player - and coach - must have had - to take the field at home against Michigan. After that game, it was done.

I lost my sh---t after the UCF game. The demeanor of the players and coaches. THe things that were happening on the sideline. The mental mistakes and false bravado. All of it - LOST MY SH____T. Disgusting how fast and how far the team was allowed to fall. All respect whatsover lost for those in charge.

DIaco has a tall order, and the guy is spot on the mark on what it is for 2014. It's turning a very mentally weak group of individuals into a mentally strong team. Not impossible, but need to be realistic.

How these players come back in a few weeks, and then again in the fall - will be a great sign. We get more Scott McCummings - and we're going to have a bad season. If everybody comes back like a Sio Moore, we will compete.

BTW: Physical strength, is nothing more than the application of mental strength to the physical world.

I was the same way. I supported the former HC because of the success he had in the late 90's. I think the only thing for me is that despite all of his ineptitude while he was here, he did bring in a couple solid recruiting classes.

Like you said Diaco has a tall order and personally, my sights aren't set to high this season. I've said in the past that Charlie Strong went 6-6 his first season at Louisville with all Kragthrope recruits and everyone applauded him. Granted he had to play some more difficult teams in the Big East, but I think that should be a good measuring stick for this season. 6-6 with a bowl appearance should be the bare minimum of this season. 7-5 or 8-4 should definitely be the goal of this team. But then again we're going 13-0 this year so I don't think it'll be a worry.
Aug 29, 2011
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Amazing to me how much criticism Diaco has implicitly directed at the former regime. I have rarely heard a new head coach be so critical of his predecessor, even if the predecessor stunk up the joint. Even though it might be true, I sort of think its time to talk more about where we're going and less about where we were. Other than that, I like the way this guy seems to be organizing things. I'm as excited about the upcoming season as I have ever been.
Aug 24, 2011
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Folks talk about P's recruiting as being good and I just don't see it. I don't think we have seen enough to know.

As for S&C, some of the measurable we are seeing from the graduates are appalling. We just saw much stronger and better conditioned athletes as a whole when Edsall ran the show.

Put your head around this. When Reggie McLain was here (you know the guy who is still playing at a high level in the NFL), he had a hard time getting on the field. He moved from RB to CB because he wasn't going to get by the crew in front of him and then eventually saw the field as a CB his junior year due to some injuries and then I believe he started his senior year. Run a sub 4.4, put up 28 reps on the bench and hit like folks like he wanted to break them in half. We have very good athletes in this program and Edsall's system developed them. Folks who are looking at the recruiting sites are missing the point imo.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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Hearing this stuff makes me ill... You look at the insane physical specimens that Edsall put out... combine freaks... how far it's fallen in 3 years. Go back and look at a guy like Julius Williams.. let alone the guys that were drafted high. Our conditioning program was obviously working.
Aug 29, 2011
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Amazing to me how much criticism Diaco has implicitly directed at the former regime. I have rarely heard a new head coach be so critical of his predecessor, even if the predecessor stunk up the joint. Even though it might be true, I sort of think its time to talk more about where we're going and less about where we were. Other than that, I like the way this guy seems to be organizing things. I'm as excited about the upcoming season as I have ever been.

Read the article and quotes again. I agree that he's been critical of the prior regime but not so much as you state, in that he's pretty much been just analyzing what he's got to work with. If he scales back on the "not sure what was done before" kinds of comments - there is nothing there.

I agree that it's probably a good idea that he scale back on those kind of added comments. We all know what was here before. We all know what needs to be done to go forward.

My expectations are to play hard and tough at home and win more than we lose at home. Re-establishing the home field advantage that Rentschler is for UCONN is priority #1, and that needs to start this season. THe goal of the season in my opinion should be to compete for a league title and a post season game. There is nothing to indicate that is not possible, and they are two realistic goals IMNSHO.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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freescooter said:
Amazing to me how much criticism Diaco has implicitly directed at the former regime. I have rarely heard a new head coach be so critical of his predecessor, even if the predecessor stunk up the joint. Even though it might be true, I sort of think its time to talk more about where we're going and less about where we were. Other than that, I like the way this guy seems to be organizing things. I'm as excited about the upcoming season as I have ever been.

You have to be really bad to go 10-18 at a school with Uconn resources and schedule.
Aug 29, 2011
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I absolutely agree with uconndogs about Edsall's recruiting/player development. The list of guys who were "too slow" or "too small" or "too raw" or "too whatever" who turned out to be really good football players is pretty long. Did we need to upgrade at some positions? and did we need to get start getting guys with better upsides? Sure. To get to the next level we needed to start getting a few more impact guys, as well as a quarterback and some pass catchers. But over all, Edsall's system was darned effective.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I eagerly await seeing the results of these changes. I understand how bad it was, but agree that it is time for HCBD to stop talking about the past, and say more about what he is doing. I like what he's doing. Now it needs to pay dividends.
Aug 29, 2011
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I absolutely agree with uconndogs about Edsall's recruiting/player development. The list of guys who were "too slow" or "too small" or "too raw" or "too whatever" who turned out to be really good football players is pretty long. Did we need to upgrade at some positions? and did we need to get start getting guys with better upsides? Sure. To get to the next level we needed to start getting a few more impact guys, as well as a quarterback and some pass catchers. But over all, Edsall's system was darned effective.

Before you start praising Edsall too much, just realize that the majority of players that competed on the field for the past 3 seasons were all recruited by Edsall. Edsall was checked of out UCONN in 2007 and was on cruise control until the first actual job offer elsewhere came his way. Edsall knew his players and he knew his x's and o's, and he knew what kind of razor's edge the program was walking on when we started 3-4 in 2010, and then finished 5-0. We went off the wrong way from 2011-2013. We got to get back going on the trajectory we were on from 2008-2009 now.

Diaco, from all info gathered publicly really wants to be at UCONN, and believes in his vision of what UCONN football can be, and pair him up with guys like Kevin Ollie, and Geno Auriemma with the Godfather overlooking everything, and there is a level of expectations there to be achieved. I think he's up to the task. It will take time though, and it will take the players on the roster, getting their sh____t together and becoming a brotherhood and team again that plays like they have a whole hell of a lot to prove.

No more entitlement culture and divisive team mentality, it's re-establishing the every player on the team pushing each other to be better, and you got to earn it, and you got to put the work in to earn it, and you got to put the work in every minute of every day harder than the day before to do it - attitude.
Sep 5, 2011
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Maybe the past coaches weren't so great. But some of this falls on the players also. It sounds like there might be an "attitude " issue. BD ......"We have to learn how to win"..........does this mean when things got challenging on the field.........the players quit? I don't know.

As far as strength and conditioning, no one can watch the players 100% of the time. We all know if we don't eat correctly, we suffer the consequesnces in the short and long term. Same for exercise.......don't do enough often enough, we suffer the consequences. Same for something as simple as enough sleep and when we sleep. All personal choices, and even Bob D. hopes the players maintain the correct regiment the next few weeks before returning June 2nd.

Most of the players passing through the system have been provided some of the best facilities for training an athlete may want. You've got to make a personal choice to follow through when nobody is watching you.

Like the cliche' suggests........"you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink" Don't know if former coaches lead the players to the "watering hole" or not, and/or often enough. But follow through is a personal choice, so maybe some of the symptoms of failure also rests on the shoulders of players.

Everyone has a responsibility to make this program work.....coaches and players.

I guess we'll find out June 2nd who is following through on personal responsibility. Bob D can't create a miracle if the effort required is lacking at any level......coaches and/or players
Aug 27, 2011
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The head coach sets the attitude of a program. The players learn what is and isn't accepted, and what gets rewarded, and take it from there. Edsall put a premium on player development, strength & conditioning and it took through the program. Clearly Pasqualoni did not. Diaco appears to be, we'll see what happens.
Aug 27, 2011
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The head coach sets the attitude of a program. The players learn what is and isn't accepted, and what gets rewarded, and take it from there. Edsall put a premium on player development, strength & conditioning and it took through the program. Clearly Pasqualoni did not. Diaco appears to be, we'll see what happens.

Right on. In D1 college football, coaches are supposed to "lead a horse to water" and "make them drink". That is part of the job as they develop these kids and set expectations. If they don't drink and take part in the set culture, then they are forced out of the program in some capacity.

I don't want to beat a dead horse in bringing up Jerry Martin, but the same S&C team was there with Edsall and PP. The HC sets the tone and expectations for what the acceptable player S&C levels should/will be and it seems there was a major drop off when Edsall left. That has to lead people to believe that PP and his staff where not as involved with this as they should be because Edsall's player development results in regards to S&C stand for themselves. Could just be the college versus NFL mentality where NFL coaches are focused primarily on X's and O's versus individual player development. More signs that PP was a wrong fit after being out of college football so long.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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The head coach sets the attitude of a program. The players learn what is and isn't accepted, and what gets rewarded, and take it from there. Edsall put a premium on player development, strength & conditioning and it took through the program. Clearly Pasqualoni did not. Diaco appears to be, we'll see what happens.

It was organizational rot and much like a fish the rot starts at the head and makes it way to the body.

There wasn't any leadership throughout the coaching staff. No one monitoring conditioning, team cohesion, preparation, etc.

The staff failed on every measurable metric. And they failed the eye test too.

A few months ago someone wrote on here about watching body language of both teams for the Towson game and knowing UConn was cooked. Watch the tape. He was 100% correct.

By calling out Jones and Mateas by name as starters and leaders, you can bet those were two of the first players to go ten toes in with Diaco and his philosophy and have been doing their best to infuse their teammates with the same.
Aug 29, 2011
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The reality is that it is May 2014. The reality as always is that coaches need to coach, and players need to play. Winning only happens, when both sides do their job well.

another reality - the entire football staff, save one essentially, has been turned over. This is a good thing for the future, but a very difficult thing to overcome for the future short term, in that since 2010, in 3 seasons going on 4 now, we have turned over head coaches 3 times, and in many cases position coaches and/or coordinators - 4 times.

So what the program clearly needs - is two things. Winning - and consistency in the football staff. Winning comes in many forms, and the players need to recognize it, and work for it - DAILY. The coaches need to set up a system that builds for it.

Diaco, seems to have implemented a program that will define and recognize all the little wins that need to go into the W's that actually show up in the W/L column after game days in the fall. Consistency - can only come with time - and winning.

Diaco laid it out crystal clear. How those players come back on June 2nd, every single one - in what condition, and what state of readiness to go - is the first real marker of if the PLAYERS are ready to win on their own. The coaches have done their part so far in the spring.
Aug 29, 2011
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It was organizational rot and much like a fish the rot starts at the head and makes it way to the body.

There wasn't any leadership throughout the coaching staff. No one monitoring conditioning, team cohesion, preparation, etc.

The staff failed on every measurable metric. And they failed the eye test too.

A few months ago someone wrote on here about watching body language of both teams for the Towson game and knowing UConn was cooked. Watch the tape. He was 100% correct.

By calling out Jones and Mateas by name as starters and leaders, you can bet those were two of the first players to go ten toes in with Diaco and his philosophy and have been doing their best to infuse their teammates with the same.

I think Diaco has chosen his first two leaders, to lean on.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Too much time past between head coaching opportunities for the Former Regime. The college game essentially past them by. In the NFL, a player is supposed to be self motivated. If he fails? No problem. Next guy up and their probably isn't much difference in talent between the two.

Even if the second guy fails, NFL teams can always make free agent moves or trades.

While there are theoretically more players on a given college roster , the need and/or desire to redshirt a dozen or more players actually equalizes the volume of resources, Along with the inability to pickup quality players during the season, Next Guy Up is hampered by a talent gap. The only way to bridge that gap is with motivation. College ball is the ultimate sieve and only the total packages move onto the next level. After all, less than 1% of NCAA student-athletes make it to the NFL.

The former regime prided itself on recruiting prototypical players, but in size and weight only. Because of the players' size, he thought he was recruiting men, but in reality they were only boys. Former "Coach" Pasqualoni was not a coach. He was an administrator and a delegator, and ty ones at that. If he were a good coach, fans would see some improvement over a two year span. We'd see some adjustment. A good coach doesn't force a square peg into a round hole. A good coach either makes the peg round or the hole square. The evidence are the results and that shapes perception. 3 teams did not bother to send a representative to UConn's Pro Day. Two offensive linemen couldn't push 225 lbs. of dead weight up more than 20 times. What does it say about UConn's OL NFL potential where they are going to have to push 300 moving lbs. of solid muscle? Only two players were drafted and in the 7th round this year, whereas 4 players were drafted before the start of the 3rd round just 4 short years ago!!!

Only in the last 3 games last years did the team look mentally prepared. Even vs. Michigan, they were up by 14 and playing not to lose. They got their teeth kick in in the last 20 minutes and folded like a card table until Temple.

All that said, Coach Diaco is talking the talk, and while I am not 100% ready to drink whatever Kool-Aid he puts in front of me. I have cautious optimism that he will walk the walk as well.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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The thing that speaks the loudest to me is that Diaco has zero respect, and perhaps outright contempt for the prior regime. I think he was shocked at just how bad things had gotten here.
Aug 29, 2011
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The thing that speaks the loudest to me is that Diaco has zero respect, and perhaps outright contempt for the prior regime. I think he was shocked at just how bad things had gotten here.

His previous experience with UCONN football was the trip Virginia made to Rentschler in 2008, to get spanked 45-10, and then in 2009, the game in Cincinnati where we lost 47-45, and simply wouldn't die, and ran out of time, more than anything else before we could win that game.

Four years later, he walked into the facilities as the head coach.

It's not surprising, that he would feel the way he appears to feel about the program's direction in recent years, and I hope that he thinks endlessly about those two games, and what UCONN football was, and should be again, ASAP under his watch.

I do think it would be good for PR though, to let the comments about the past rest. We all know where we were, and what happened, and what needs to be done. Let's get out and do it.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Too much time past between head coaching opportunities for the Former Regime. The college game essentially past them by. In the NFL, a player is supposed to be self motivated. If he fails? No problem. Next guy up and their probably isn't much difference in talent between the two.

Even if the second guy fails, NFL teams can always make free agent moves or trades.

While there are theoretically more players on a given college roster , the need and/or desire to redshirt a dozen or more players actually equalizes the volume of resources, Along with the inability to pickup quality players during the season, Next Guy Up is hampered by a talent gap. The only way to bridge that gap is with motivation. College ball is the ultimate sieve and only the total packages move onto the next level. After all, less than 1% of NCAA student-athletes make it to the NFL.

The former regime prided itself on recruiting prototypical players, but in size and weight only. Because of the players' size, he thought he was recruiting men, but in reality they were only boys. Former "Coach" Pasqualoni was not a coach. He was an administrator and a delegator, and y ones at that. If he were a good coach, fans would see some improvement over a two year span. We'd see some adjustment. A good coach doesn't force a square peg into a round hole. A good coach either makes the peg round or the hole square. The evidence are the results and that shapes perception. 3 teams did not bother to send a representative to UConn's Pro Day. Two offensive linemen couldn't push 225 lbs. of dead weight up more than 20 times. What does it say about UConn's OL NFL potential where they are going to have to push 300 moving lbs. of solid muscle? Only two players were drafted and in the 7th round this year, whereas 4 players were drafted before the start of the 3rd round just 4 short years ago!!!

Only in the last 3 games last years did the team look mentally prepared. Even vs. Michigan, they were up by 14 and playing not to lose. They got their teeth kick in in the last 20 minutes and folded like a card table until Temple.

All that said, Coach Diaco is talking the talk, and while I am not 100% ready to drink whatever Kool-Aid he puts in front of me. I have cautious optimism that he will walk the walk as well.

Well, eventually they did start adjusting but kept getting the same results. From management's point of view, that's a sure-fire indicator of someone who is in over their head. Much like the hamster spinning furiously but going no where. They don't know what changes need to be made to affect positive change. Fire them, lay them off or offer them a position with lower responsibility. But get them out of their current position as quickly as possible. Rot can't un-rot.
Aug 29, 2011
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The thing that speaks the loudest to me is that Diaco has zero respect, and perhaps outright contempt for the prior regime. I think he was shocked at just how bad things had gotten here.
I agree.
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