one of the things in the case of Blackmon being suspended, and for what reason, is that BYU, neither the university nor the coaching staff, will ever specify the reason or reasons a player is suspended. They will announce the suspension but they'll say something like breaking team rules, or an honor code violation. Normally the suspended player won't make a statement as to the reason for the suspension but for some reason Blackman decided to tell a couple of reporters in the area. When kccougar said Bronco won't abide a player being less than truthful to him kccougar is absolutely right but Blackmon wasn't talking to Coach Mendenhall, he was talking to the media and I'm certain he glossed over the real reason(s) for his suspension, either because he was embarrassed or he was trying to save face with the fans and media. Bronco and the other coaches already knew the reason(s) before the decision was made so Blackman wasn't lying to Bronco. It may be splitting hairs and there might only be a small difference, but apparently Bronco understood and accepted that difference.