BY Friends | Page 2 | The Boneyard

BY Friends


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Great thread. I'd also like to echo these sentiments. Thank you to all of my virtual friends and rivals for allowing me to post here with an outside perspective and partake in some great discussion. This board is one of the few sites that will keep me sane being on lockdown. I've loved talking basketball on here with all of you the past 15 years and I look forward to the next 15! Stay safe everyone.

I hear you. The boneyard has become part of my daily life. This too shall pass, then we can resume our pursuit of following and commenting on WCBB. I've always enjoyed reading the thoughts and takes of non-UConn fans.

As I said in another thread. Everyone stay safe, no heroics, take care of yourself and your family, and I will see all of you on the other side of this global event. Everyone please take care so that we can resume debating our differences in perception and desire once life returns to normal. :D
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Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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I hear you. The boneyard has become part of my daily life. This too shall pass, then we can resume our pursuit of following and commenting on WCBB. As I said in another thread. Everyone stay safe, no heroics, take care of yourself and your family, and I will see all of you on the other side of this global event. Everyone please take care so that we can resume to debate our differences in perception and desire once life returns to normal.
Are you going to disappear as long as you did the last time you disappeared? :(
Feb 18, 2016
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Here in California, health professionals predict that IF folks don't stay away from other people, self quarantine and practice "social distancing", that as much as 56% (23 million) of the state's population could contract the virus. As of 2017, California's population was 39.54 million people.

I'd feel comfortable rounding that off to 41 million today. That number would more than overwhelm our state's medical infrastructure. Not to mention the 36,000+ homeless people (as of 2019) residing within the city limits of Los Angeles that need care. LA City government is doing its best to address their needs during this crisis as well. Right now the word coming from medical professionals (and state governor Gavin Newsom) here is it's going to get worse before it gets better. So hunker down, don't make yourself an easy target and prepare to wait it out. :)

In Greenwich, Connecticut, the first selectman (mayor) finally ordered all playing fields and parks closed. People were acting as if it was a day off and an invitation to congregate. This morning is the first that the town has actually, or almost totally, shut down.

Insane that people were continuing to congregate, have play dates for kids, and play sports in the parks.

Just no acknowledgement that we're in the early stages of a terrible pandemic.


Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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In Greenwich, Connecticut, the first selectman (mayor) finally ordered all playing fields and parks closed. People were acting as if it was a day off and an invitation to congregate. This morning is the first that the town has actually, or almost totally, shut down.

Insane that people were continuing to congregate, have play dates for kids, and play sports in the parks.

Just no acknowledgement that we're in the early stages of a terrible pandemic.
I thought Greenwich just paid other towns to get the virus for them? :rolleyes:
Aug 26, 2011
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I thought Greenwich just paid other towns to get the virus for them? :rolleyes:

It reminds me of the time my wife (visiting her brother) was jogging on a town park path. As she overtook a large dog on a leash, she called out to warn the owner that she was passing on the left. As she passed (rather slowly but giving room as possible, the dog turned and bit her on the hip. As an experienced runner and also a dog lover, she was startled and sorta scared...but since it was winter the multi-layer clothing prevented breaking the skin.

When she complained to the owner she seemed insulted as she said, "oh no, my dog doesn't bite"... despite the torn shirt and visible (minor) wound.

Greenwich can be another world. ;)


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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In Greenwich, Connecticut, the first selectman (mayor) finally ordered all playing fields and parks closed. People were acting as if it was a day off and an invitation to congregate. This morning is the first that the town has actually, or almost totally, shut down.

Insane that people were continuing to congregate, have play dates for kids, and play sports in the parks.

Just no acknowledgement that we're in the early stages of a terrible pandemic.

Same here. People were gathering at parks, hiking trails and the beach without fear. To combat this, authorities have closed all parking lots (areas) in proximity to these attractions.


MSG, US Army Retired
Dec 16, 2017
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Same here. People were gathering at parks, hiking trails and the beach without fear. To combat this, authorities have closed all parking lots (areas) in proximity to these attractions.
Heck in Florida they're still having spring break. The students should be arrested and forced to return to their home since most college's are doing online education or are closed until further notice
Nov 30, 2015
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Trying to be a good citizen and follow the CDC guidelines but still have to go to work. Since I work for the Transportation Group of a multi-service engineering firm and the feds consider the transportation system essential, I will probably be able to continue working.

We don't have a shelter in place order here in Maryland yet, but the governor has warned that if people continue to ignore the "no gathering of more than 10 people" executive order, shelter in place will become a real thing with travel restrictions and fines to follow.

Fortunately, this is the sort of virus that is NOT transmitted over the internet so we can still communicate and work remotely.

Bama fan

" As long as you lend a hand"
Jan 11, 2017
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I'm sorry. I left out the "a" in INSULATING (I fixed it) typing on my phone. Sometimes auto correct gets me, sometimes the small type gets me. Bear with me. :)
I liked it better before you corrected it. There is a poll online asking whether this forced closeness will result in an increase in birth rate or divorce rate! Based on your Freudian slip I voted the latter. ;)


Mad Man
Aug 28, 2011
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My wife and I are practicing social distancing. That means we have almost no physical contact with family or friends. You guys, my virtual friends, are a real social lifeboat for guys like me. I appreciate you and am so thankful for the BY platform.
My wife and I have been practicing social distancing every time I've done something stupid for the past 25 years.


MSG, US Army Retired
Dec 16, 2017
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Thought they got shut down last week...?

The beaches were closed, but some of the parties were going on till yesterday. I believe it was the Miami PD that closed some parties over the weekend.
Sep 28, 2017
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Heck in Florida they're still having spring break. The students should be arrested and forced to return to their home since most college's are doing online education or are closed until further notice
MSGRET, My cousin, who has a house in Naples, left Florida two weeks early to go back to Pa. When I asked her why she was making the move so early she told me that it's much safer up North, that they would not close down the beachs and that the area was loaded with young people on Spring break laughing and joking about the virus. I repeat for the 7th thousand time in my life - the answer to any statement telling you that "It's not about the money" is, "It's always about the money."
Nov 8, 2018
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MSGRET, My cousin, who has a house in Naples, left Florida two weeks early to go back to Pa. When I asked her why she was making the move so early she told me that it's much safer up North, that they would not close down the beachs and that the area was loaded with young people on Spring break laughing and joking about the virus. I repeat for the 7th thousand time in my life - the answer to any statement telling you that "It's not about the money" is, "It's always about the money."
Agree, money rules a lot of people lives. For me it is all about family.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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This was my favorite thread on the BY for the first page, because it was about community and positive energy toward the BY community.

While the other posts are all interesting, they are unfortunately about the negative aspects of community.

Be nice to get this back on track. Love the fact that my sister's small town in NH organized to fill her refrigerator with fresh food after she returned from a long foreign trip this weekend so she can stay quarantined. They also had a group of younger people who have organized to make shopping trips for older neighbors. While they are all isolating themselves they are keeping a sense of community. It is those aspects of life that I love.

Keep safe and well.
Jan 17, 2018
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Our children are bringing us groceries and we see our grandchildren on my wife's phone. We went for a walk the other day and kept a 6' distance between us and our son, who was pushing our 11 month old grandson in a stroller. It was hard, but it was something.

Our friend's 96 year old mother died a week ago and her body was flown back to New York to be buried. Our friend was so disappointed that she couldn't travel with her mother, but our friend's children arranged a live TV connection by computer between the people with the rabbi at the grave site and those of us in our friend's living room. We managed to connect New York, California, and South Carolina for readings. It was really wonderful for our friend.

We have been trying to stay physically isolated but still connected. I too really appreciate the people on this board. Thank you.
Feb 18, 2016
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I thought Greenwich just paid other towns to get the virus for them? :rolleyes:

Whatever was the case before, Covid-19 respects no boundaries of age, sex, profession, or wealth. Coastal southwestern Connecticut is part of the epicenter of the pandemic in metropolitan New York.

Greenwich Hospital has more than 30 Covid-19 patients right now, and we're just getting started. No surgical masks. A shortage of ventilators already.

We'll suffer just as will New York City.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Heck in Florida they're still having spring break. The students should be arrested and forced to return to their home since most college's are doing online education or are closed until further notice

Those vacationing students are still at the age of being “invincible.” Remember when we were at that age? We thought nothing could hurt us, and we could handle/survive anything. Then we got a little older and reality set in and we matured. :oops: The best teacher has always been experience. If they or someone very close to them becomes infected, then they become converts and believers.
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Sep 28, 2017
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I liked it better before you corrected it. There is a poll online asking whether this forced closeness will result in an increase in birth rate or divorce rate! Based on your Freudian slip I voted the latter. ;)
Sort of like when the power went out on the East coast in the 60's.

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