They showed Walt driving the car on the road, so he could have gotten pretty far from To'haiijilah. Its possible they could do a cell phone trace and they didn't show any cleanup beyond removing the truck so police discovery on their own is possible and the coordinates make the grave ultimately discoverable. But Walt only gives those over if/when Marie+Skylar+Flynn+Holly are out of ABQ. I guess there it is kind of mutually assured destruction (Walt could simply call Todd and say don't harm my family and I won't give the police the coordinates etc..).
Interesting yes I forgot that Jesse's rebellion against the child meth dealers is what began the rift between Gus and Walt. Walt refused to allow Jesse to be killed (by Gus and saved his life vs street dealers) and then when Gus had prepped Gale to takeover for both Walt & Jesse, Walt engineered Jesse's actions. True to character that in both of Jesse's major 'fatal' moves (that one 7 ratting on Walt) his conscience and choosing right over wrong gets him in trouble with the morally bankrupt criminals. Then Walt successfully used this against Jesse with Brock. This gives me some hope that Jesse survives and maybe after 6 months of reflection Walt gets it that Jesse was acting on defensible grounds* rather than self interest = worth defending/freeing.
grounds became even more defendable when he learned of Walt letting Jane die.
The only way for Walt to seek some redemption on his death bed is to do right by Jesse, Drew White, Jane & family & innocent victims of plane crash. Its either that or he stays evil through the end and everyone dies in a hail of bullets ala Scarface.
Similar to my belief that very shortly before this season ends (one, perhaps two games remaining) P will get canned, very shortly before the end of the final episode (eight to ten minutes left) Walt bites the dust. I see no way they can tie up all loose endsand let Walt live.
One thing about Walt that has led to many of his mistakes is that most of the time his thought process and actions are too cold, calculating, completely unemotional (planning the ten murders to occur over a two minute span, dealing with Jesse & Todd in a businesslike manner after Drew Sharp was killed) but on occasion he allows emotion to control him (pleading for Hank's life, informing Jesse about Jane, driving like a madman to where the money was buried, spilling the beans, while drunk, that Gayle could not have been Heisenberg) which leads to the mistakes he has made. It is almost as if it is a lesson that he cannot allow emotion to influence his actions without becoming mistake prone (in a way, the scientific method applied to life).
When I first saw the abandoned, police taped house with Heisenberg written on one of the walls my thought was that Jesse had written that. Considering his reaction when he did fully realize that what he was told about his father was true, I now think that it may have been Flynn who wrote that but it also is possible that this was a warning from the nazis. I'm curious as to who outside of the DEA, possibly local police and insiders within the drug trade know of Heisenberg. Prior to Hank's death I doubt that this would be public information. With Walt (Heisenberg) on the lamb, I can see reasons why the authorities would keep that alias secret but I can also see reasons why they would publicize it. I believe that it would be better drama if that alias is kept secret from the public throughout.
I think it is very possible that Walt is back to either free or avenge Jesse. It has to have something to do with what Walt views as immediate family and this would be limited to Skyler, Flynn, Holly, Jesse (who he had more of a father/son relationship with than Flynn) and
possibly Marie.
You could well be correct about the gasoline leak. I also wonder if they can get some reasonably accurate location of Hank's final phone call to Marie. I see their finding Hank & Gomey as a very strong possibility and I also think it is possible that they match some of the bullets with those that eliminated Declan and his crew (if that didn't demonstrate how bad ass the nazis were nothing could).
The gun Walt bought (which likely could fire off hundreds of bullets at a time) has to be for the nazis. There would be no other reason for such a piece of machinery. There also will be an armageddon in the final episode that will make To'hajiilee look like an afternoon at a gun club.