Boston College DC Don Brown will be Michigan's new DC per source (SI) | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Boston College DC Don Brown will be Michigan's new DC per source (SI)

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Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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It's not only that Brown probably couldn't stand former "Coach" Pasqualoni and his left foot man, it was that he had the correct foresight that 2013 was probably the end of the regime, and he would most like would have been given his pink slip as well. He got in on the ground floor with Addazio in a new position. Now that Addazio's seat is getting a bit warm, he is off and up. Good for him.

Parakeet in the mineshaft.
Aug 27, 2011
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After reading the responses on Eagle Outsider it looks like their fan base is finally acknowledging reality....the administration won't allow the AD to spend the money on coaching salaries that will allow BC to compete in the ACC. Looks like UCONN spends more $$ on coaches and assistants as a member of the AAC than BC does in the ACC.
Aug 26, 2011
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And ... this is the point to remember DeFillippo. If he was AD of BC, he would be jumping up & down at this point. Either Addazio would soon be gone ... or there would be a significant restructure.
Jan 15, 2014
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And ... this is the point to remember DeFillippo. If he was AD of BC, he would be jumping up & down at this point. Either Addazio would soon be gone ... or there would be a significant restructure.
I don't believe so. Brad Bates, as the current BC AD, has no more, nor no less, decision making powers at BC than his predecessor did.
Aug 24, 2011
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And ... this is the point to remember DeFillippo. If he was AD of BC, he would be jumping up & down at this point. Either Addazio would soon be gone ... or there would be a significant restructure.

Actually, he would probably be weeping in his car. Small character guy.
Jun 13, 2012
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After reading the responses on Eagle Outsider it looks like their fan base is finally acknowledging reality....the administration won't allow the AD to spend the money on coaching salaries that will allow BC to compete in the ACC. Looks like UCONN spends more $$ on coaches and assistants as a member of the AAC than BC does in the ACC.

I don't think this is really true. BC's does pay very competitive salaries for the ACC. Addazio's reported compensation was 6th out of the 14 ACC head football coaches this season.

The salaries for the coordinators at BC are likewise very competitive. The thing is, few schools can compete against a Michigan or OSU if they really want a coach AND that coach wants to go. That's pretty much the same for most schools not named Michigan, OSU, Alabama, FSU, etc., no?
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Aug 27, 2011
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I don't think this is really true. BC's does pay very competitive salaries for the ACC. Addazio's reported compensation was 6th out of the 14 ACC head football coaches this season.

The salaries for the coordinators at BC are likewise very competitive. The thing is, few schools can compete against a Michigan or OSU if they really want a coach AND that coach wants to go. That's pretty much the same for most schools not named Michigan, OSU, Alabama, FSU, etc., no?
I'm just going off what I read from your fan base on Eagle Outsider
Jun 13, 2012
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I'm just going off what I read from your fan base on Eagle Outsider

I know. But message boards are not the places where you always get the most accurate info, are they?

Like all boards, in the heat of the moment after a painful loss, the loss of a valued coach or recruit, etc, posters sometimes get emotional and say over-the-top things that have no basis in fact. ALL of these boards are noted for this, IMO, aren't they?

As far as HC salaries go, the actual facts directly refute this viewpoint.
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Jan 15, 2014
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I'm just going off what I read from your fan base on Eagle Outsider
I know. But message boards are not the places where you always get the most accurate info, are they?

Like all boards, people get emotional over an issue and say over-the-top things.

As far as HC salaries go, the actual facts directly refute this viewpoint.

The colleges... including schools like Michigan.... can lose their best to the NFL ranks too. If Brown was a bit younger, he might've been NFL bound for a DC position there, imo. Those are the REAL plum, desired jobs, as you don't have to travel thousands of miles each and every season to recruit teenagers for your football program.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm just going off what I read from your fan base on Eagle Outsider

Jesus harold, will you stop feeding the pigeons? The dude is now making excuses and apologies for boston chickenry, writing completely dumb, and meaningless things on their own websites, and apologizing for their own behavior on a uconn site -------

--------- wait, nevermind. Carry on fire dude. Good work.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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The colleges... including schools like Michigan.... can lose their best to the NFL ranks too. If Brown was a bit younger, he might've been NFL bound for a DC position there, imo. Those are the REAL plum, desired jobs, as you don't have to travel thousands of miles each and every season to recruit teenagers for your football program.
That's a misnomer. College and professional football are really very different games and coaches have increasingly different responsibilities as the two games further diverge.

Before Jim Harbaugh, who was the last college coach to succeed in the pros without first being an assistant (Pete Carroll doesn't count. He was an NFL assistant and head coach for 20 years before he went to USC)? You really have to go all the back to Barry Switzer and he took over a stacked team that Paul Pasqualoni couldn't have screwed up. Switzer took over for Jimmy Johnson who is arguably the most successful College <-> Pro coach in history, but that is 3 coaches in the last 25 years. Yes pro coaches don't have to travel on recruiting trips, but they still need to be at the stadium 18 hours a day. The job demands it.

Going forward, I think you'll find college coaches striving to get the top jobs at their own level ('Bama, LSU, MSU, UM). On the other hand, there is also a fairly obvious distinction between a top job and a plum job, which I consider to be one where the occupant can basically name his successor vs. getting fired (i.e. job security at a more than reasonable salary). Either way, those jobs are quite few and very far in between.
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Aug 27, 2011
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I know. But message boards are not the places where you always get the most accurate info, are they?

Like all boards, in the heat of the moment after a painful loss, the loss of a valued coach or recruit, etc, posters sometimes get emotional and say over-the-top things that have no basis in fact. ALL of these boards are noted for this, IMO, aren't they?

As far as HC salaries go, the actual facts directly refute this viewpoint.
Considering BC is a private school and coaching salaries are not disclosed I'll go off your fan base. That's one thing here we are pretty honest much our coaches make and how much they are willing to spend on asst's
Jun 13, 2012
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Considering BC is a private school and coaching salaries are not disclosed I'll go off your fan base. That's one thing here we are pretty honest much our coaches make and how much they are willing to spend on asst's

I hear you, but, to your point, BC's salaries aren't generally disclosed so they don't have any more authority or insight on this versus anyone else.

The head coach salary IS known and BC pays very competively to others in the Conference and CFB in general - which, for that position at least, directly refutes what they are saying, no?
Jan 15, 2014
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. The thing is, few schools can compete against a Michigan or OSU if they really want a coach AND that coach wants to go. That's pretty much the same for most schools not named Michigan, OSU, Alabama, FSU, etc., no?

True. There are a handful of highly desired " destination " schools if you are a football Coach. Michigan football certainly qualifies as one of them, no question about it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Actually, you all are avoiding the obvious.

Depending on the next set of hires by Addazio, we can see what the "market" (in terms of the coaching profession) thinks of that Program, those salaries and the near future. If ... BC hires a solid guy in demand, I grant you that Addazio still has juice. He might hire an up-and-comer ... and we won't know til we see that on the field. We might, however, see a serious deterioration of the staff. Sure sign of exit and hotseat.
Aug 24, 2011
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Addazio has at least two season of runway. That's Bates' initial hire. He can't cut him loose too soon. BC is young, but the OL was a complete and total disaster, so we'll see what happens next season.
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