Nah, I think I can speak for Mrs. JS in saying we enjoy our friendly competition.Sounds like" free at last, thank God I'm free at last" might just as well apply
Icebear, I know you admire my way of handling things, but I really don't have time to help you with your marital problems.JS, as you continue this path of instruction I would like to inform you that I am available for marital counseling, individually or jointly, on most days.
One hates to appear morbid, but perhaps if you check out first, and she never gets a puzzle finished it will teach her a valuable lesson. My hat would be off to you, if I had a hat.
Zorro...Very funny post...Cigar Dog level stuff.
My wife is an addict to Zumba too. I've got no complaints.Aside from all of what's been posted, I'll add this: I'm the resident Zumba addict.I'm absolutely uncoordinated but I love the music and it just absolutely takes me to my happy place. Physically, I feel great afterwards (even if somewhat beaten up), and mentally, I end up in this post-workout euphoria. I love it.
Keep up the whiskey and cigarettes and you'll end up singing bass.I sang tenor this weekend