Boneyard-related DiMauro column | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Boneyard-related DiMauro column

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Aug 26, 2011
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Unfortunately, I was on vacation and missed Mike's email - I would not have done a better job than the people he quoted. Very nice article - nice work by Tim to help facilitate it, nice job by Mike D., and nice work from the quoted Boneyard boys.

My absolute favorite part of the whole freaking thing was Pudge's double-horned goring of Boston College and Syracuse...I enjoyed when he referred to them as private schools with modest fanbases, but I really got a kick out him referring to them as "two narrow silo programs".

I'm surprised Mike DiMauro put that together. It was an apt & timely column.

A cynical native of Albany recognizes what Syracuse is about (and BC). You can't get radio play further than your area code? And there simply isn't hordes of NYers that will bandwagon to SU football (or BC). A State University has the capacity to build a fanbase & expand the reach of revenue for these conferences. Fill the programming. John Swofford has proven to be an idiot.

The other thing that's coming out from the west, these Universities are using the conference affiliation to grow their Global brand. If you say that football is everything, you're missing the bigger story. (Some of it anyway)


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I never said I flew to Storrs for games. Here's what I did say.


Good question. To be honest, The Boneyard is made up of a bunch of knuckleheads, myself included. Still, it is lots of fun for real Huskies fanatics. You have to be knowledgeable enough to discuss the personnel changes on the second unit offensive line and dopey enough to think your opinion matters.

As a season ticket holder who lives in Washington, DC, I can only attend a few games per season. I basically let my brother dole out my tickets. Sometimes he goes, other times he finds deserving Huskies fans. None of this is formal. It just happens. Have done it for a number of years.

I don’t see this as any big deal. It’s just a way to support the football program and share that with folks who might not otherwise have a chance to go. Grammar aside, it’s just passing on something I enjoy and hoping other find the same enjoyment.

Not sure if this is what you are looking for.

Go Huskies,
Dave aka Palatine

I was mocking Mike a bit for saying Storrs... since the games are in East Hartford. You'd figure he'd know that but maybe not.
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