BONEYARD, has lost it's way | Page 2 | The Boneyard

BONEYARD, has lost it's way

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Jul 19, 2014
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I post frequently on a hockey message board. The same dynamics are at work there as here- team has had a lot of success but not at the level we've come to expect ( 3 Stanley Cup Finals, 1 win in 10 years). Lots of questioning of ownership/management over real & perceived failures to acquire the right players. Criticism of the coaching staff's use of those players has reached a high point as well.

I guess what I'm trying to say is what seems to be happening here isn't specific to the Boneyard but rather to any team that has achieved a certain level of success, to the point where anything less is considered failure. That tends to bring out the worst in some posters.
Mar 21, 2021
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Next, they'll blame Geno for Aubrey getting hurt in practice...instead of saving her for the game and allowing her to get injured there. Can't make everyone happy. If someone can fracture a bone walking the ball up the court...I don't see how there's anyone to blame... or if when it happened has ANY relevance AT ALL.
Jan 25, 2021
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“Why can’t we just be fans?”

So, we can’t be fans and share our opinions of poor play or bad decisions? Maybe when this board was first created, the goal was to be be a cheerleader. Support the team and the coach. Stay positive. Don’t comment on anything negative. If that’s what you want, there are ways to create private boards where people can wave their Pom Poms 24/7 and won’t have to read any opinions other than how great things are.

I’m relatively new here but, as my name suggests, I’ve been a fan for quite a few years. I root for them every game. On this board I mention good play and poor play….good decisions and poor decisions. I’m well aware that there are people here who only want to read the good. That’s not a message board. It’s a support group. “My Name is LoboDays and I’m a Husky-holic.”
“Hi LoboDays.”

And the excuse that Paige’s injury could have happened anywhere is truly the height of absurdity. It didn’t happen “anywhere” It happened during the game when the coach decided to leave his super star, who played her heart out and was probably exhausted, in the game long after the outcome had been decided. Even he, at the press conference said he didn’t know why she was in the game. This was a major mistake that cost the team their best player. I can be a fan. I can acknowledge that he is a Hall of Fame coach who is a major factor in the growth of the sport. But, if you or anyone else can’t deal with people pointing out poor play and bad decisions, then a public message board may not be the ideal choice.
Geno is looking for perfection.Forty seconds of sloppy play without Paige on the court.We can all handle,
Jun 22, 2012
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This is a forum for all of those with an interest in UConn WBB.........You can be a follower/fan of UConn WBB and also state your case when you believe Geno made a mistake...........I know some think the winningest coach in WBB can do no wrong, but I don't believe any one is beyond criticism when warranted.......Criticizing the coaches and UConn players in a personal manner is a very different matter......
There's also a way to state your case. Many (not saying you) are stating theirs in a way that's so hyper critical that it can be counter productive. We're all fans and there's never a reason to get nasty when disagreeing with someone on here, or a person's view of the coaching practices. Again, I'm not implying you. But there are plenty who fit the bill.
May 21, 2013
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And the excuse that Paige’s injury could have happened anywhere is truly the height of absurdity. It didn’t happen “anywhere” It happened during the game when the coach decided to leave his super star, who played her heart out and was probably exhausted, in the game long after the outcome had been decided.

Would like to hear an orthopedist weigh in but this is an injury that was bound to happen to her, not just in the last minutes of this particular game.
Apr 1, 2013
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I'm with the OP's sentiment - and to further that I think criticism is fine, but there seems to be a sentiment that "win a title or bust" attitude has become a lot more prevalent on here, and that the coaching staff seems to "owe something" to the fans are type of things that I believe are representative of loss of perspective / loss of way.

I’m a fan of UCONN since back in the Yankee Conference – the Tony Hanson years. They were successful for Yankee but they were nowhere near “National.” I dreamed of having an elite program – and wondered what it would be like for example for UCLA/Wooden fans and other big time powers.

Well, I’ve seen it now – experienced it but just reading on here now how to some imply/state - that it seems like Final Fours don’t count. Winning big E8 games vs National powers Louisville and Baylor don’t seem to count. Last year a matchup 1 vs 2 in which UCONN wins doesn’t seem to count. In what universe are we in when 1 plays 2 and you win – the victory gets swept under the rug as if it doesn't count while keep getting to Final Fours?

Being one of the top 4 programs for 13 straight years in which UCONN is in a terrible conference overall vs the others and even the location / campus etc. is not up to some others yet UCONN remains among the tops – but somehow that doesn’t count.

It’s “win it all or bust,” and about what "I demand" as a fan. I don’t’; agree with this sentiment that seems to be more prevalent around here – but with that said everyone complaining wants UCONN to win too. So go for it even if there is a bit of lost way. No big deal.
Aug 28, 2011
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Questioning why Paige was in the game at that point is not valid. Why was she in the game at any point, the injury could have happened anytime, including practice. So, why make Geno the scapegoat. Why not pull her out a halftime, if you have a big lead. Paige wants to play basketball, not sit the bench every time they have a lead. If you ever played sports, you would understand that.
This is why the criticism continues. It absolutely is valid. Coaches clear their bench at the end of games for a number of reasons. One of which is to reward players who also want to play. Another is to prevent an injury to key players. To follow up that nonsensical "not valid" statement with "if you ever played sports....". You've got a lot of gumption for someone making an argument i'd expect from a 7 year old.

The argument is devoid of any critical thinking. The game wasn't decided at "half time". The game wasn't decided "at anytime". The game was most certainly decided when she got hurt. He should pull his starters out and play his bench more (but not exclusively) when he has a big lead at halftime. It helps mitigate the risk of injury to the starters, and gives the bench some much needed experience. If Geno chooses not to, that's his choice, but we're free to criticize the logic, rationale, and outcomes of those decisions.

Of course Paige wants to play. Every woman on that team wants to play. If you ever played sports you would understand that.

Followed to it's logical conclusion, your argument is basically "anything can happen at anytime, therefore nobody is at fault for anything". It's silly and devoid of logic and reason.

There is risk associated with virtually every single decision we make in our lives. We calculate the risk and make a decision. Practice is a calculated risk. Sure the players can get hurt, but without practice there is no improvement to the individuals or the team. So you take precautions. You stretch, warmup, cool down, recover. You manage the risk. When you're up 20 with a minute or two left on the clock, you manage and mitigate the risk. Geno decided playing Paige was more important than mitigating the risk and unfortunately for Paige and the team, that decision backfired.

That's all there is to it.
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