BONEYARD, has lost it's way | The Boneyard

BONEYARD, has lost it's way

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Midwest Husky
Jan 14, 2018
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The boneyard has become a place to complain about Geno's coaching. Everyone has become an expert instead of a Uconn fan. Geno is the coach for better or worse, and we are not. I love to just follow the team, watch the games, and I may 2nd guess sometimes, in the privacy of my home, but, not go on facebook or the boneyard, and attack the coach, because he did not make the decision that I would have made. The Paige Beckers injury could have happened anytime during the game, or even in practice, so why is it Geno's fault, that she was in the game during the last minute? Why can't we just be fans, and enjoy the great team that is Uconn.
Feb 10, 2020
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It seems that the internet has discovered The Boneyard. Maybe it was inevitable. Too bad.

I'd like to believe that we can all just get back to hoping the best for Paige and the rest of the team, including coach Auriemma. We will hear more when it's appropriate.
Jan 26, 2016
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The boneyard has become a place to complain about Geno's coaching. Everyone has become an expert instead of a Uconn fan. Geno is the coach for better or worse, and we are not. I love to just follow the team, watch the games, and I may 2nd guess sometimes, in the privacy of my home, but, not go on facebook or the boneyard, and attack the coach, because he did not make the decision that I would have made. The Paige Beckers injury could have happened anytime during the game, or even in practice, so why is it Geno's fault, that she was in the game during the last minute? Why can't we just be fans, and enjoy the great team that is Uconn.
This is a forum for all of those with an interest in UConn WBB.........You can be a follower/fan of UConn WBB and also state your case when you believe Geno made a mistake...........I know some think the winningest coach in WBB can do no wrong, but I don't believe any one is beyond criticism when warranted.......Criticizing the coaches and UConn players in a personal manner is a very different matter......
Jun 16, 2016
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The boneyard has become a place to complain about Geno's coaching. Everyone has become an expert instead of a Uconn fan. Geno is the coach for better or worse, and we are not. I love to just follow the team, watch the games, and I may 2nd guess sometimes, in the privacy of my home, but, not go on facebook or the boneyard, and attack the coach, because he did not make the decision that I would have made. The Paige Beckers injury could have happened anytime during the game, or even in practice, so why is it Geno's fault, that she was in the game during the last minute? Why can't we just be fans, and enjoy the great team that is Uconn.
I totally agree with your point of view - it seems to have a lot more "I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night" experts weighing in on silly things. But, it is what it is, and once I see a thread or posts like that, I can just stop reading. I've heard all the arguments for and against.


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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Or Geno's coaching has left a lot to be desired the last few years. But maybe it is better to just yell at the clouds like OP.
Nov 24, 2011
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I don't think that the Yard has lost its way. I am sure you know, like any other Fan Forum over the years, you have reasonable fans, such as yourself and fans that take it the opposite direction. I am just thankful for the Yard in that we have fans, again like yourself, that can keep things positive & reasonable and if we get too far gone with our criticism of players and coaches, reel us back in a little bit from time to time. Appreciate you, #1Florida.
Aug 28, 2011
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The Paige Beckers injury could have happened anytime during the game, or even in practice,
While this is true, that's not when the injury happened. It happened at a point in the game, where the outcome was decided and she didn't need to be on the court.

The fact that anyone could be hurt at any time during the game, is more justification for removing the best players when the game is decided and reducing the risk of injury.

The "it could have happened anytime" defense is an excuse. Full stop. It ignores the fact that Paige doesn't get hurt if she's not on the floor, and she didn't need to be on the floor.

so why is it Geno's fault, that she was in the game during the last minute?

Because he alone is in charge of substitutions, and he was the one who had her in the game in the last minute.

Geno is one of the best ever. He's not perfect.

He's got a deep bench, but he's afraid to use it for some reason. It's a fair question/criticism.

It's not his fault she got injured, but it's his fault she was in the game, because that was his decision to make.
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Apr 11, 2020
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Everything that needs to be said has been said (well, actually typed). Let's follow Biff's direction and give it a rest. The BY can light it up again once official word comes down.

We do seem to have a lot of newbies. Welcome aboard.


Sticks, to the rafters
Apr 5, 2015
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At the same time the guy gets paid millions to do his job, he can handle a little heat and criticism from the fans. He’s a big boy.

A little criticism doesn’t mean we don’t love Geno and doesn’t mean we don’t think he’s an all time coach and the right guy to lead this team.

If fans are saying dumb things, that’s different. But questioning why Paige is still in the game at that point I think is valid. That thought crossed my mind before she went down with the injury. But it also doesn’t mean the injury is Geno’s fault. That’s a dumb take.
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Feb 3, 2018
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IMO the BY should be whatever people want it to be within acceptable parameters. (guard rails, manners, whatever, determined by the moderator). I think we should actually think the opposite of the theme of this post: accept that fans have different agendas and expectations for the team. If a comment upsets you and you don't want to debate the point civilly, just ignore it. There are enough people here with like opinions and vantage points, that everyone can live happily in this space.
Personally, I like x's and o's, so I enjoy interacting regarding strategy, tactics, etc. It doesn't mean I know more than Geno. There are many ways to skin a cat. If all anyone does here is dump tubs of kool aid on each other, then personally the BY has no use to me.
My analogy of the BY is that of a "UConn WCBB bar/pub". We all go there to watch the games and talk about the team. We congregate with people we like to talk with, banter with, not always agreeing with. Stimulating our brains intellectually about the team we all love. The "kool aid bathers" would sit together and gush about their team and the critical eye devils advocates would be sitting together. And everyone would leave at the end of the night satisfied and happy to be UConn WCBB zealots.


Midwest Husky
Jan 14, 2018
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This is a forum for all of those with an interest in UConn WBB.........You can be a follower/fan of UConn WBB and also state your case when you believe Geno made a mistake...........I know some think the winningest coach in WBB can do no wrong, but I don't believe any one is beyond criticism when warranted.......Criticizing the coaches and UConn players in a personal manner is a very different matter......

This is a forum for all of those with an interest in UConn WBB.........You can be a follower/fan of UConn WBB and also state your case when you believe Geno made a mistake...........I know some think the winningest coach in WBB can do no wrong, but I don't believe any one is beyond criticism when warranted.......Criticizing the coaches and UConn players in a personal manner is a very different matter......
The man is paid a lot of money to make the decisions, and has been doing it for many years. If you have been watching a failed team, consistently losing, than, you might have a point. But, to pick on everything that does not fit your mold, no.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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The boneyard has become a place to complain about Geno's coaching. Everyone has become an expert instead of a Uconn fan. Geno is the coach for better or worse, and we are not. I love to just follow the team, watch the games, and I may 2nd guess sometimes, in the privacy of my home, but, not go on facebook or the boneyard, and attack the coach, because he did not make the decision that I would have made. The Paige Beckers injury could have happened anytime during the game, or even in practice, so why is it Geno's fault, that she was in the game during the last minute? Why can't we just be fans, and enjoy the great team that is Uconn.
Super Troopers Yes GIF by Searchlight Pictures

I’ve been thinking about what’s driving this. It’s an interesting confluence of posters.

First you have the low post total posters. People who have suddenly decided to join the boneyard to spontaneously trash Geno. I suppose a few of them might be well-meaning who have picked this moment to and this issue to decide to start posting, but I suspect the vast majority of them are “trolling“. They lack serious interest in the subject matter and they’re just looking to cause trouble. They are best ignored.

Second group seem to be fans of other teams who are taking this moment to criticize our coach and our team. That seems particularly tasteless to me and since it appears to be borne of jealousy, they are probably best ignored as well.

The third group appears to be well-meaning fans who are looking to put some semblance of order on an unforeseen and unpredictable event. Their mindset seems to be “If only Auriemma had not played Paige, then everything would be right now.” In developmental circles that’s referred to as “magic thinking“ and is the way toddlers think. I view this group as well-meaning.

The fourth group are a combination of the I want all the kids to get playing time and I want player X to get more playing time contingents. Their basic premise is fairness-based. Every member of the team should get playing time because that is “fair.” I sometimes expect that they are going to complain that Geno doesn’t bring a bag of orange slices to the game for each of the players to enjoy. They don’t seem to appreciate that high-level sports are a meritocracy.

The question is how does The Boneyard, which is typically an incredibly well moderated board, moderate itself out of this current pattern. I don’t really think you can, although, I think Biff’s requested prohibition on speculative medical diagnosis is a good move. I think we pretty much have to just ride it out until the school releases information on Paige’s status, which just happened as I was writing this, Paige is out 6 to 8 weeks.

They say that character is not revealed under good times, but rather, under adversity. This will be a rough time for the team. Let’s show our character by all coming together, praying for a quick and complete recovery for Paige and supporting the kids who will be out there playing in her absence.


Midwest Husky
Jan 14, 2018
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At the same time the guy gets paid millions to do his job, he can handle a little heat and criticism from the fans. He’s a big boy.

A little criticism doesn’t mean we don’t love Geno and doesn’t mean we don’t think he’s an all time coach and the right guy to lead this team.

If fans are saying dumb things, that’s different. But questioning why Paige is still in the game at that point I think is valid. That thought crossed my mind before she went down with the injury. But it also doesn’t mean the injury is Geno’s fault. That’s a dumb take.
Questioning why Paige was in the game at that point is not valid. Why was she in the game at any point, the injury could have happened anytime, including practice. So, why make Geno the scapegoat. Why not pull her out a halftime, if you have a big lead. Paige wants to play basketball, not sit the bench every time they have a lead. If you ever played sports, you would understand that.
Dec 12, 2018
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I personally don't like when we prognosticate failure. Things said prior to Paige's injury were not Fan like to me and took away from what made UCONN so great and that is team effort.
Things such as, "This team is a 500 team, without, Paige." Why put that, particular energy in the air!? The goal to me is to win as a team. Coach, Players and it's fans, together.
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Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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No. The Boneyard has ALWAYS been just about the way it is now. Actually, if anything, it has calmed down a bit over the past 20-odd years., thanks to the beneficent adminstration of Nan and Biff and JS. It is mebbe not as much FUN as it used to be when things were wilder and posters could have more than one handle, but that is a personal judgement that may well not be shared by most. Anyway, it is and always has been the best board in WCBB, far and away. Kudos to the mods. ps. Geno is not perfect nor claims to be, but he IS the best coach in WCBB (and you can probably leave out the W).


Dec 3, 2021
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The wolves will howl because that's what wolves do after an embarrassing loss or a questionable decision by a coach.
Feedback is important because UConn is publicly owned, and coaches are not immune from public opinion.
The national news picked up on the issue because basketball is a team contact sport and decisions are not made in a vacuum.
If some folks can't stand the heat of civil discussion then they should consider getting out of the kitchen.
They can turn off their computer.

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Oct 17, 2018
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This board has become equals parts “the sky is falling” and “the sky is falling :rolleyes:“ and they’re equally to blame for the boneyard‘s current state


Midwest Husky
Jan 14, 2018
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This board has become equals parts “the sky is falling” and “the sky is falling :rolleyes:“ and they’re equally to blame for the boneyard‘s current state
Please explain?
Sep 6, 2011
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Super Troopers Yes GIF by Searchlight Pictures

I’ve been thinking about what’s driving this. It’s an interesting confluence of posters.

First you have the low post total posters. People who have suddenly decided to join the boneyard to spontaneously trash Geno. I suppose a few of them might be well-meaning who have picked this moment to and this issue to decide to start posting, but I suspect the vast majority of them are “trolling“. They lack serious interest in the subject matter and they’re just looking to cause trouble. They are best ignored.

Second group seem to be fans of other teams who are taking this moment to criticize our coach and our team. That seems particularly tasteless to me and since it appears to be borne of jealousy, they are probably best ignored as well.

The third group appears to be well-meaning fans who are looking to put some semblance of order on an unforeseen and unpredictable event. Their mindset seems to be “If only Auriemma had not played Paige, then everything would be right now.” In developmental circles that’s referred to as “magic thinking“ and is the way toddlers think. I view this group as well-meaning.

The fourth group are a combination of the I want all the kids to get playing time and I want player X to get more playing time contingents. Their basic premise is fairness-based. Every member of the team should get playing time because that is “fair.” I sometimes expect that they are going to complain that Geno doesn’t bring a bag of orange slices to the game for each of the players to enjoy. They don’t seem to appreciate that high-level sports are a meritocracy.

The question is how does The Boneyard, which is typically an incredibly well moderated board, moderate itself out of this current pattern. I don’t really think you can, although, I think Biff’s requested prohibition on speculative medical diagnosis is a good move. I think we pretty much have to just ride it out until the school releases information on Paige’s status, which just happened as I was writing this, Paige is out 6 to 8 weeks.

They say that character is not revealed under good times, but rather, under adversity. This will be a rough time for the team. Let’s show our character by all coming together, praying for a quick and complete recovery for Paige and supporting the kids who will be out there playing in her absence.
watching the replay, there was no contact at all she was walking the ball up the floor, and it happened. It seems the injury actually must have happened earlier, and that was the time it completely broke.
Feb 10, 2021
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The boneyard has become a place to complain about Geno's coaching. Everyone has become an expert instead of a Uconn fan. Geno is the coach for better or worse, and we are not. I love to just follow the team, watch the games, and I may 2nd guess sometimes, in the privacy of my home, but, not go on facebook or the boneyard, and attack the coach, because he did not make the decision that I would have made. The Paige Beckers injury could have happened anytime during the game, or even in practice, so why is it Geno's fault, that she was in the game during the last minute? Why can't we just be fans, and enjoy the great team that is Uconn.
“Why can’t we just be fans?”

So, we can’t be fans and share our opinions of poor play or bad decisions? Maybe when this board was first created, the goal was to be be a cheerleader. Support the team and the coach. Stay positive. Don’t comment on anything negative. If that’s what you want, there are ways to create private boards where people can wave their Pom Poms 24/7 and won’t have to read any opinions other than how great things are.

I’m relatively new here but, as my name suggests, I’ve been a fan for quite a few years. I root for them every game. On this board I mention good play and poor play….good decisions and poor decisions. I’m well aware that there are people here who only want to read the good. That’s not a message board. It’s a support group. “My Name is LoboDays and I’m a Husky-holic.”
“Hi LoboDays.”

And the excuse that Paige’s injury could have happened anywhere is truly the height of absurdity. It didn’t happen “anywhere” It happened during the game when the coach decided to leave his super star, who played her heart out and was probably exhausted, in the game long after the outcome had been decided. Even he, at the press conference said he didn’t know why she was in the game. This was a major mistake that cost the team their best player. I can be a fan. I can acknowledge that he is a Hall of Fame coach who is a major factor in the growth of the sport. But, if you or anyone else can’t deal with people pointing out poor play and bad decisions, then a public message board may not be the ideal choice.
Jan 26, 2016
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The man is paid a lot of money to make the decisions, and has been doing it for many years. If you have been watching a failed team, consistently losing, than, you might have a point. But, to pick on everything that does not fit your mold, no.
I've been posting here for quite some time and I have hailed the coaching staff as the best in women's basketball...........however when I see something that I think is wrong I'm going to bring it up in a perfectly civilized way..........those that disagree are welcome to let me know many instances they have convinced me that I was mistaken.........the one area where Geno and I don't agree is in his use of his bench and his insistence on keeping starters on the court longer than tell the press that his reason for having his best player on the court with one minute left and an 18 point lead because doesn't like the look of his team when Paige isn't on the court is not the answer one wants to hear from the best coach ion WBB...........
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