Boeheim Reached Out to Recruit About Postseason Ban | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Boeheim Reached Out to Recruit About Postseason Ban

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We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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The way I see it, the threat of the increasing power of the P5 would result in the opposite of what you mentioned. Why would the P5 want the NCAA to come down hard on two of their own. As it is, the P5 are banding together and increasing their power for the sole reason of ridding themselves from countless NCAA rules and regulations that they are forced to follow, their current trajectory points to them wanting to tear down these regulations, not build them up by asking the NCAA to come down on two of their money makers.
That's one view. The other view is that none of the P5 want any punishments and if the NCAA starts punishing P5 schools, they will seek autonomy to get out from under NCAA jurisdiction, creating their own regulatory body which will hear no evil and see no evil.

And the NCAA, knowing this, will avoid punishing any P5 schools to avoid losing its empire.
He failed to mention the congressional hearings that took place when the NCAA mishandled the first investigation of UNC. This is the precarious position the NCAA is in. On the one hand there is the P5 and the various media outlets that have their agendas, some in alignment with the P5 and some not in alignment. Heck even the P5 have dissimilar agendas. On the other hand there are a slew of people in power that have no allegiance to the P5 or sports for that matter.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm sure there are many people who would love to consider changing the tax status of various sports entities. The P5 and the NCAA will have to tread carefully in how they push things.
Aug 31, 2011
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So the other leagues want to encourage cheating amongst themselves? What UNC did was atrocious, the NCAA will do something about it, for the legitimacy of college athletics.

I don't really understand this argument. The NCAA already knew what UNC did and chose to do nothing about it. And the only change in dynamics between that earlier decision and today is that UNC is more powerful vis a vis the NCAA.

If the P5 schools remove the rules they find inconvenient, it's no longer cheating, it's just the way the business gets run. What the P5 schools want are profitable minor league football teams affiliated with their universities, providing valuable content for sale to the media, vicarious achievement for fans and an attractive atmosphere for the paying education consumer. They do have to pay a little bit of lip sevice to the fiction that the players on these teams are students held to academic standards somewhat comparable with those applied to other students at the university, but come on, let's not get fussy about some communication science homework when our boys have to get on a charter flight to go get our concussion on.

Fab Melo didn't go to Syracuse to play school, he went to play basketball. He's not an outlier. Do you think the folks who run the athletic departments at other P5 schools are looking at Syracuse and UNC and are genuinely outraged? (Hold on: I said the athletic departments). They may be angry that those lucky SOBs took a shortcut: while everyone else has to run around like chumps, finding easy classes, tutoring like crazy, holding hands and babysitting to keep their kids eligible, these guys just went into the computer and changed the grades. But I'm sure that they'd all like to dispense with the keeping up of appearances and focus on winning.
Aug 26, 2011
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One thing that hasn't been mentioned are federal taxes. The reason why the NCAA has their amateur laws and thus all their regulations is so they can maintain their non profit tax exempt status. The P5 would would officially have to split and form their own corporation/organization first, then apply for non profit status. That would split the basketball post season, which is still huge. So I don't think the P5 is more a threat to the NCAA than the other legal challenges out there now. In other words the NCAA should crush syracuse and unc.
Aug 26, 2011
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Boeheim will say anything to appease recruits. Here's what he said to a recruit the last time they were facing a post-season ban (From Darcy Frey's The Last Shot):

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