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Bobby, Bobby, Bobby

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Aug 26, 2011
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Didn't McCombs get into a similar incident and yet was reinstated? It involved his girlfriend if I remember correctly. I'm sure he wasn't the only one over the years. Now we all know he was eventually dismissed from the team once Diaco got into town but that's not my point. My point was .....IF YOU WERE COACH. Not what Diaco did, said, or didn't do or say. I know sometimes you have to repeat two or three times before it sinks in. The reason why I asked was because some have stated, "Would I like to go full Louisville here at UConn if it meant getting into a P5 conference? I'm not sure I would. In fact I definitely wouldn't. But I wouldn't mind going half way there". Is McQuillan half way? If not, what is?


Tailgating Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2014
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It's kind of telling about the nature of the NCAA though, eh? Louisville, who will admit anyone recently released out of prison, got their golden parachute out of the AAC. Syracuse has cheated for the better half of 20 years and they got their parachute fairly recently (and a slap on the wrist). UNC has a separate set of "academic" requirements for its student athletes from its student non-athletes and, yet, they are still fondled all over the place as some sort of coveted target in CR. UConn truthfully reported APR scores and were banned from postseason play, labelled as a poor academic school all over the country, and have been stuck in the AAC quicksand while watching others get their golden parachutes.
Very well said! Unfortunately I think most people around the country miss this point. The worst part is that the postseason ban rules looked back at scores retroactively, they were punished for rules that didn't exist at the time of the infraction.
Aug 27, 2011
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Didn't McCombs get into a similar incident and yet was reinstated? It involved his girlfriend if I remember correctly. I'm sure he wasn't the only one over the years. Now we all know he was eventually dismissed from the team once Diaco got into town but that's not my point. My point was .....IF YOU WERE COACH. Not what Diaco did, said, or didn't do or say. I know sometimes you have to repeat two or three times before it sinks in. The reason why I asked was because some have stated, "Would I like to go full Louisville here at UConn if it meant getting into a P5 conference? I'm not sure I would. In fact I definitely wouldn't. But I wouldn't mind going half way there". Is McQuillan half way? If not, what is?
If I were the coach I would have thrown McCombs off the team (I don't remember if his second strike was assaulting his girlfriend OR assaulting the kid while playing pick-up hoops) at his second strike.. since his first strike was the marijuana charge his freshman yr...If I were the coach I would have done EXACTLY the something Diaco did and tried to keep McQuillian...but ultimately would have lost that bid JUST like he did. There you go I answered your question. I wouldn't mind going half way there either...I agree with you 100% on that. When you go al the way in with that game it NEVER ends well!
Aug 26, 2011
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If I were the coach I would have thrown McCombs off the team (I don't remember if his second strike was assaulting his girlfriend OR assaulting the kid while playing pick-up hoops) at his second strike.. since his first strike was the marijuana charge his freshman yr...If I were the coach I would have done EXACTLY the something Diaco did and tried to keep McQuillian...but ultimately would have lost that bid JUST like he did. There you go I answered your question. I wouldn't mind going half way there either...I agree with you 100% on that. When you go al the way in with that game it NEVER ends well!
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