Any chance he can grow a few inches in the off season. Defending him is really simple. Find a guard over 6 feet with decent foot speed. Boat cannot get a decent shot off against bigger guards.
He needs to put some serious muscle on too. Kemba was small but had great strength, Boat doesn't.
Bingo on the red. This is far more important than height alone which no one has mentioned until you. And there is more too it.
I apologize if this is an old rant: I grew up in Norwalk which was a basketball hotbed at the time.
3 guys were incredible all around 5'10."
One guy in particular, against constant nay sayers "too small" "too little" "never make it at the next level. proved them ALL wrong all the way to the NBA & HOF.
He was stronger physically and most importantly mentally than most whenever he stepped on the court, with blinding speed, a money pull up jumper. And he never ever threw up his hands in frustration if it something went wrong....he just got more determined.
This throwing up hands gesture I find troubling whether it's AO or RB. What are they thinking. Never show the enemy your weakness. It never helps only hurts. Makes you look weak with little teeny tiny balls.
Ryan has talent, he has heart. He needs to suck it up over the summer, look himself in the mirror, ask himself if he wand to succeed badly enough to do whatever it takes.
eat smart/ train smart/play smart/play under control/play too your strengths using speed & surprise
use your speed to create space
develop a vertical "Calvin Murphy" pull up, not your streaky off balance fade away
learn to play with others/encourage motion/ rewarding teammates effort by distributing the friggin ball
with Ryan's speed and hops, he should be able to surprise and elevate over much taller players
elevating straight up should drastically improve shooting percentage
Watching Ryan has been painful, more so lately
We all want him to succeed and by extension the team.
That's all I got