The NCAA should initiate an investigation of the NCAA, and then move on to dig out all of the system of abuses that reigned at UNC, and determine how much of it remains in place there.
Nothing much has changed at UNC except possibly a heightened sense of persecution and a loathing of anyone that they can pin the blame on for past transgressions. Instead of moving forcefully to root out how all this corruption happened, the admin is trying to pin all of it on a few wayward types (shades of a current situation in NJ; oh sorry Boo, no politics allowed here, I know), while saying that the people at the top knew nothing, nothing, and didn't have even the mildest bit of interest to check into past allegations.
Then of course UNC brings in some fresh faces to handle the mess so that they can say they have turned a new leaf with leaders who had no connection with the abuses, while at the same time slandering their own whistle-blowers and calling them liars and also suing the department head that did the school's bidding for so many years. How many national championships were won in sports during the corrupt era, with almost certainly none that will ever be vacated, because UNC is UNC, and the NCAA is the NCAA?
When I see the repulsive actions and cover-ups of schools like UNC, I feel pride that UConn never got admitted into the ACC. I can live with a few missing laptops and $19.00 larceny, unfortunate though those acts are, but if the school I rooted for had committed the UNC brand of lower education, I would have a tough time wearing the 39-0 jerseys.