That 1978 collapse was so traumatic and painful that I quit following baseball.
I was there, and have a photo from my right field bleacher seat a couple innings earlier. We had a perfect view of the ball's arc and instant certainty that it was a home run.
I didn't quit following baseball until 1986, plus + Calvin Schirraldi's melt down series, and then finally a blown series during the Pedro Martinez years. I was so traumatized that I refused to watch the 2004 wins until late or extra innings, if at all. The World Series win was a foregone conclusion, but I avoided the joy & excitement of the American championship rather than risk the pain. Years later,a friend gave me a DVD about the season, and I was even anxious watching that, somehow worried there was some way that the outcome could change.
Everything I know about loss aversion I learned from being a Red Sox fan for as long as I've been a UConn MBB fan, going back to WTIC broadcasts on my first clock radio, back before the Beatles came to America.