I only live here (N.O.) part-time now, but spent my life and career here, though now reside more months in CT. I was tempted to buy tix for the games, but there are some interesting phenomena that occur when one lives in a city that hosts so many big events...Superbowls, Final Fours, etc.: Experience teaches one to hold off, that tickets seem magically to fall in one's lap. Case in point: My rather well-connected son, entirely indifferent to women's basketball, calls me a couple of weeks ago, and, barely stifling a yawn, says, "Dad, I got offered a coupla courtside tickets (!) to the women's Final Four games. I'm not interested at all, but I know you're a big fan (yawn) of UCONN women, so I thought I'd accept 'em for you if ya want 'em." (!!!) Duh? This kind of thing happens around here all the time, believe it or not. Another thing that one learns is that in the case of Final Fours, while the first set of games is invariably sold out and, especially on the mens' side, a VERY tough ticket, if one has an interest in the final pairing all one need do to get great seats on the cheap is to position oneself outside the arena after the day one games. Half the attendees are disgusted, downcast, and just want to unload their tickets for day two. Anyway, not trying to sound smug, but I'll be there, and, hopefully, will not have an interest in unloading tix for Tuesday!