Big East, Syracuse Reach A Deal | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Big East, Syracuse Reach A Deal

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May 7, 2012
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we will make less than schools in the big 4 and a bit less not much less than the acc. there is no power 5. the new acc vs the new big east is a bloodbath in favor of big east schools on the field. funny guy. uconn is the rare one $$ wise tho because we have img and tier 3 deals that are better than other schools which makes up for some of the $$ difference. i'll go out on a limb here just because i would be interested in a true answer to this. yes i know the img deal doesn't have to do with tv but i'm saying we make $$ off that the other schools dont match up 2. uconn may make more than cuse in 2015 $$ wise. lets say uconn went to the acc, how much money would they make tv wise and tier 3 stuff in 2015? how much will they make in 2015 in the new big east?

Then why would UCONN wet its pants to accept an invitation to join the ACC if one were to be extended?

My eyes glaze over with all of this Tier stuff. Bottom line, if the $$ in the ACC is no better than that of the NBE then why does Louisville want out? Why does Rutgers want out? Why does UCONN want out?


Aug 24, 2011
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Then why would UCONN wet its pants to accept an invitation to join the ACC if one were to be extended?

My eyes glaze over with all of this Tier stuff. Bottom line, if the $$ in the ACC is no better than that of the NBE then why does Louisville want out? Why does Rutgers want out? Why does UCONN want out?

who said uconn would wet its pants over a acc invite? espn? you do realize that espn post cuse/pitt raid put out uconn stuff with a agenda on its mind right? or are you that slow? rutgers doesn't have the tier 2 or 3 money that uconn makes. they depend alot more on tier 1. as for lville, they make a ton without the tv contract, i like them alot. they want out becuase in the b12 they can keep there tier 3 stuff to themselves and make more in tier 1 which overall would make them more. and for the record the acc deal compared to the b12 deal will be a bigger difference then the acc deal to the nbe deal with nbc.
May 7, 2012
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who said uconn would wet its pants over a acc invite? espn? you do realize that espn post cuse/pitt raid put out uconn stuff with a agenda on its mind right? or are you that slow? rutgers doesn't have the tier 2 or 3 money that uconn makes. they depend alot more on tier 1. as for lville, they make a ton without the tv contract, i like them alot. they want out becuase in the b12 they can keep there tier 3 stuff to themselves and make more in tier 1 which overall would make them more. and for the record the acc deal compared to the b12 deal will be a bigger difference then the acc deal to the nbe deal with nbc.

OK, so UCONN would turn down an invitation to the ACC.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Aug 26, 2011
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OK, so UCONN would turn down an invitation to the ACC.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Hey ACC troll,

Let's wait until BE gets its new TV deal before you go jumping up and down ok? UCONN could very well make a LOT more than any ACC school per year when it all said and done. UCONN is much bigger athletic department than both CUSE and Pitt now and will be so in the future. ACC or not won't change any of that.

There is no Power 5. ACC is falling behind fast. Guys like you just haven't realize that yet.
Aug 24, 2011
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cuse has integrity and ethics? they tried to leave in 04 and then they did leave last year. they built this conf then ditched it. i get it now.

what i'm saying is that everyone leaving is kicking the big east while its down, cuse couldn't and it shows that they just aren't a bully any more in the college athletics landscape. u need to be to survive and prosper. jim calhoun is a bully. geno is a bully and if u don't think so your blind to the way he control media and other things(for the record i love them and am a huge fan and so on but just being real). its a dog eat dog world and cuse isn't cut for it any more.


Dan, honestly, I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Aug 24, 2011
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Got it. They are soft because they honored their contractual obligations in good faith.

Count me as being soft as well as I have done that throughout my career.


Aug 24, 2011
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Got it. They are soft because they honored their contractual obligations in good faith.

Count me as being soft as well as I have done that throughout my career.

yes, when every other school bullys the be office around, you look weak by just paying up. they could have saved 2.5 mil and put up twice the scoreboards there doing at the dome or more apple products in the locker rooms or w/e. the school they were moving with was playing hard ball because they get it, cuse screwed that up.

i have never seen someone just shake off 2.5 million dollars before like what ever. cuse just did it.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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This line made me chuckle:

“This closes a chapter and opens a new one filled with exciting possibilities for the Big East’s future. With the recent addition of eight schools to the Big East, the future for the Conference has never been brighter,” said Joe Bailey, Big East Interim Commissioner.

I mean he has to spin it some way but it's 110% BS when any school with an invite is out faster than you can say Marinatto

This is the type of thing we want him to say. Shame he didn't say it better and doesn't have more ammo.

What he should have said:

"The Big East is glad to have reached a mutually beneficial agreement with Syracuse University.

We are looking forward to a new chapter that adds several programs with great football tradition to our conference to compete with our existing BCS qualifying teams as well as a number of rising basketball programs to our roster of national championship level programs.

We are excited to show the nation, from Florida to California, that the Big East Conference is committed to excellence on the field, on the court, and in the classroom. I promise our fans, old and new, that we are doing everything we can to deliver an experience that is second to none."

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2


Aug 24, 2011
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You mean other than our Governor and the President of our University who said it?

our gov and pres are both acc ppl. of course there going to pee pee over the acc on espn. slanted media and slanted thoughts from our ppl. i just hope that the southern publics stay otherwise this is a trap of a move.


Mar 30, 2012
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yes, when every other school bullys the be office around, you look weak by just paying up. they could have saved 2.5 mil and put up twice the scoreboards there doing at the dome or more apple products in the locker rooms or w/e. the school they were moving with was playing hard ball because they get it, cuse screwed that up.

i have never seen someone just shake off 2.5 million dollars before like what ever. cuse just did it.

No they couldn't. They had agreed to pay $5 mn and give 27 months notice. To leave with 12 months notice is a more valuable right, and more costly to the Big East. No judge would reduce the termination notice by 15 months without compensating the Big East for the reduction. So the Big East was guaranteed substantially more than $5 mn.

Syracuse got a good deal. Pitt could end up with a worse deal if they fight, which they probably won't.


Mar 30, 2012
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What he should have said:

"The Big East is glad to have reached a mutually beneficial agreement with Syracuse University.

We are looking forward to a new chapter that adds several programs with great football tradition to our conference to compete with our existing BCS qualifying teams as well as a number of rising basketball programs to our roster of national championship level programs.

We are excited to show the nation, from Florida to California, that the Big East Conference is committed to excellence on the field, on the court, and in the classroom. I promise our fans, old and new, that we are doing everything we can to deliver an experience that is second to none."

"We are excited to show the University of Pittsburgh that we are committed to excellence in the courtroom. I promise our fans that we will do everything possible to take them to the cleaners."
Aug 24, 2011
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yes, when every other school bullys the be office around, you look weak by just paying up. they could have saved 2.5 mil and put up twice the scoreboards there doing at the dome or more apple products in the locker rooms or w/e. the school they were moving with was playing hard ball because they get it, cuse screwed that up.

i have never seen someone just shake off 2.5 million dollars before like what ever. cuse just did it.

Dan, I really appreciate your coverage and enthusiasm for UCONN football.

But there is no way in hell I would ever do business with you. None. Zip. Nada. I doubt you give a crap about that, but I guarantee you that the sentiment you are expressing here is so far off any ethical compass it's scarry. That you state it so freely is also pretty disturbing.

Anyway, being the wimp that I am, I see Syracuse's willingness to address their contractual obligations in good faith as a sign of an ethical institution with solid leadership. Not common in today's world of college football.


Aug 24, 2011
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Dan, I really appreciate your coverage and enthusiasm for UCONN football.

But there is no way in hell I would ever do business with you. None. Zip. Nada. I doubt you give a crap about that, but I guarantee you that the sentiment you are expressing here is so far off any ethical compass it's scarry. That you state it so freely is also pretty disturbing.

Anyway, being the wimp that I am, I see Syracuse's willingness to address their contractual obligations in good faith as a sign of an ethical institution with solid leadership. Not common in today's world of college football.

fair enough. i chose to be a wild guy on here so im not hurt in any way by ppl not liking my non grammar or crazy ideas. if this was real life in the office, u would see a different guy. but anyway.

how many ppl take speeding tickets or some type of moving violation to the court to get it knocked down instead of paying the bigger number. cuse took the ticket. ppl do both. but the past 10 years has seen nothing but dog eat dog stuff in college football. cuse was the first school in a while to do something that they were suppose to i guess if u can call it that(they are leaving a league early...). if u find that nice and heart warming thats great. i find it to be "soft" and "not about it". every other school is screwing other confs and schools over a couple mil and cuse didn't. in my business background, i think i would fight for the most $$ possible in my pocket, not just agree to the middle number right off the bat. i really hope that pitt somehow pulls out of its ass and pays atleast a penny less than 7.5 just to say cuse for that dumb move.

ill call it quits on this becuase im pretty much out in left field on this. i can care less about cuse and pitt fball on the field and i hope they both rot in hell:D. i just found cuse screwing pitt to be very funny and sad that those 2 wern't on the same page. thats all. back to uconn fball.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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You mean other than our Governor and the President of our University who said it?

Well sure, them but who else you got? /sarcasm off
Aug 24, 2011
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Dan, I really appreciate your coverage and enthusiasm for UCONN football.

But there is no way in hell I would ever do business with you. None. Zip. Nada. I doubt you give a crap about that, but I guarantee you that the sentiment you are expressing here is so far off any ethical compass it's scarry. That you state it so freely is also pretty disturbing.

Anyway, being the wimp that I am, I see Syracuse's willingness to address their contractual obligations in good faith as a sign of an ethical institution with solid leadership. Not common in today's world of college football.

Not only do I agree with you, but did the Big East accept Pitt's offer at $5M for one year? The answer is no. So there is no basis to conclude the Big East would or would not have accepted it if Syracuse wasn't negotiating a higher amount.

Bizarrely irrational rant.


Aug 24, 2011
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without me u guys would have nothing to be entertained about right now. carl has been quite lately and the #begharder stuff has calmed down. just be thankful i feel the need to rant about crap to feed your minds. :D


Mar 30, 2012
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As expected, Pitt agrees to pay Big East $7.5 mn to leave a year early. Same deal as Syracuse.
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