Big 12 Meeting | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Big 12 Meeting

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Aug 27, 2011
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HFD, apparently I am not the only one who enjoys wasting my life away watching movies too!

I realize some people think the NBE would be better than a post apocalyptic ACC, but I am not one of them. I think their dregs are better than our dregs, and I dont even think its close. BC, SYC, Pitt, Duke, WF, us, RU, and a few others sounds a heck of a lot better than SMU/Houston/Memphis and the like. We are not going to be in a big boy conference regardless, IMHO, so I am all about good regional rivalries, the ACC remnants just fit better. Also, as I think we are seeing from people like the SDSU AD, that the Benjamins in the ACC will better than the NBE contract. If the ACC offers us I think its an absolute no brainer.
May 7, 2012
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You just make sure you keep posting here after August 15th, OK? Conference realignment is like an iceberg, its the part underwater that you cant see that sinks you. No one is going to do anything until the playoff system is decided, (why would/should they?) then the pre-choreographed moves will begin. Havent things changed drastically since you first stated how FSU wouldnt even look at leaving the ACC? You know, before the chair of the FSU BOT said they had to look at it, before Brooks, a former FSU BOT member said there have been talks, before the TCU AD said that Miami, FSU and Clemson were in contact with the Big 12, before the B12 and SEC announced their Champions Bowl partnership. Since you have been posting here dont you think the things that have happenned, not just internet postings, but the actual facts I just pointed out, make it less likely or more likely the ACC is going to get poached? The ACC is a dead man walking you just dont want to admit it to yourself. Thats OK, I dont need to post on here three times a day to convince myself its going to happen.....time and reality does my work for me.......but you just keeping wishing on those stars, its just a world full of rainbows, puppies and unicorns.

I only offer the truth, Neo.........

Well here is what the Texas AD offers:

Addressing conference realignment, Dodds added: “I think you'll see a lot of movement but I don't think you'll see it in the five [BCS] conferences. The five strong conferences will play a huge role in how this thing rolls out.”

Oh, and on the other pseudo wannabe conference...

When reminded that the Big East is currently a BCS conference, Dodds said, “I don't know if they qualify as a BCS. They've lost a lot of strength.”

And if that was not enough...s for the long-awaited TV deal, we're still not there yet. Dodds said it could be a couple of months before the 13-year, $2.6 billion deal with ESPN and Fox is finalized. According to reports that contract must be finalized before Big 12 schools agree to a 13-year grant of rights.

Hm, wonder why a couple of months. But if no deal in the Big12 for a few months guess I will be OK posting here well after August 15th.

OH, the link in case anyone wants to make sure I am not like most here and just making stuff up:

Now come back and tell me how what the TX AD said is a fantasy too.
Oct 11, 2011
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Jim Lamar@Jim_Lamar
For what it's worth, Big 12's Neinas & Iowa State's Pollard refused to rule out expansion when asked half-dozen different ways.

Associate editor of the Tallahassee Democrat
Aug 27, 2011
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Well here is what the Texas AD offers:

Addressing conference realignment, Dodds added: “I think you'll see a lot of movement but I don't think you'll see it in the five [BCS] conferences. The five strong conferences will play a huge role in how this thing rolls out.”

Oh, and on the other pseudo wannabe conference...

When reminded that the Big East is currently a BCS conference, Dodds said, “I don't know if they qualify as a BCS. They've lost a lot of strength.”

And if that was not enough...s for the long-awaited TV deal, we're still not there yet. Dodds said it could be a couple of months before the 13-year, $2.6 billion deal with ESPN and Fox is finalized. According to reports that contract must be finalized before Big 12 schools agree to a 13-year grant of rights.

Hm, wonder why a couple of months. But if no deal in the Big12 for a few months guess I will be OK posting here well after August 15th.

OH, the link in case anyone wants to make sure I am not like most here and just making stuff up:

Now come back and tell me how what the TX AD said is a fantasy too.
Gee, I wonder about why a couple of months too. Perhaps as ACC schools get closer to the August 15th eject button date that ACC schools need to meet, the Big 12 TV package is finalized and FSU will know exactly what money they would be getting and still be able to meet the deadline to notify the ACC that they are getting out, and then sign over the 13 year GOR under the new Big 12 contract, all pretty neat and tidy if you ask me. A couple months from now doesnt take them past the ACC notification date, it puts the Big 12 TV contract being finalized right before the ACC schools need to notify the ACC......

Observer, our difference is you are trying to fit the facts to your argument, while my argument is based on the fit of the facts.
Aug 26, 2011
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Well here is what the Texas AD offers:

Addressing conference realignment, Dodds added: “I think you'll see a lot of movement but I don't think you'll see it in the five [BCS] conferences. The five strong conferences will play a huge role in how this thing rolls out.”

Oh, and on the other pseudo wannabe conference...

When reminded that the Big East is currently a BCS conference, Dodds said, “I don't know if they qualify as a BCS. They've lost a lot of strength.”

And if that was not enough...s for the long-awaited TV deal, we're still not there yet. Dodds said it could be a couple of months before the 13-year, $2.6 billion deal with ESPN and Fox is finalized. According to reports that contract must be finalized before Big 12 schools agree to a 13-year grant of rights.

Hm, wonder why a couple of months. But if no deal in the Big12 for a few months guess I will be OK posting here well after August 15th.

OH, the link in case anyone wants to make sure I am not like most here and just making stuff up:

Now come back and tell me how what the TX AD said is a fantasy too.

Haven't we learned anything is all of this alignment crap?

Swofford the slimy ball snake oil salesman said ACC was fine at 12. Next thing you know ACC invited CUSE and PITT in the middle of the night.

A&M said they are committed to the B12. Next thing you know they are in the SEC.

Missouri said they are committed to the B12. Next thing you know they are in the SEC.

Presidents and ADs lie all the time about this stuff. You think Texas AD is any different? He could change his mind in the next 15 secs. It simply makes too much financial sense for FSU and Clemson to go to the B12. You can wish whatever you want, it won't change a thing. Just follow the money and things will be more clearer.
May 7, 2012
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Be sure and let me know when something ACTUALLY happens because all my lying eyes tell me is that the ACC has 12 members, soon to be 14, and the internet is full of people who like to fantasize about massive conference re-alignment as though it was a simple as putting on a clean pair of socks.

But, of course, everyone who says something that does not fit your ACC destruction scenario is lying. Maybe ask BL his thoughts on whether these conferences and schools have lawyered up and whether those lawyers have perchance told them that saying nothing is better than lying because if a conference or a school gets sued every false statement they made will get paraded in front of the jury and at the end of the day juries react very badly to people who consistently lie.

All I know is that those who proclaimed FSU to the Big 12 as a 'done deal' weeks ago look kinda foolish today and will look more foolish as the weeks go by.

You need to get over the fact that the ACC decided to pass on adding UConn as a member and remember that living well is the best revenge, if you can call being stuck in the NBE living well.
Aug 26, 2011
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I caught the second half of Charlie Wilson's War the other night. Great story - I read the book but still have not seen the full movie yet. Anyway, my point in the post is related to an exchange between Charlie Wilson and Gus near the end, as they are celebrating the news of the Russian retreat. Gus tells a parable of a village boy who alternately falls on bad times that beget good, followed by proclamations from the villagers at how great or horrific the news. That scene so reminds me of the daily expansion news and pronouncements.
Aug 27, 2011
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Obs, I have zero problem in accepting where CT is, and regardless of where they are it doesn't skew my looking at things realistically. I don't think CT has a prayer of going to a big boy conference, anymore that I find it unimaginable that FSU, VT and the ACC football schools are gonna stay, the needs of FSU match the needs of the B12 for example. This isn't an if question of the ACC getting poached, it's a when question.

Now if you want to ignore things until they actually happen, that's your prerogative. Me, I like to look ahead a bit and sell high if I think things are going lower and buy low if I think things are going higher. You seem to be one those that waits for the market crash before you want to think about selling, your choice. But to deny you don't have an agenda of praying that the ACC stays intact is to only kid yourself because you sure aren't fooling any of the posters here.

I am not the one showing up on an ACC board looking to promote a CT agenda, can you say the same? Don't come looking for a fight and whine when you find one. If you want to get together with the other ACC fans and hold each others hammer in your hands and smile at one another and congratulate yourselves on how swell it all feels, this is the wrong place for that, I suggest you go the Cuse or BC board, they seem to have some pretty good circle jerks.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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But, of course, everyone who says something that does not fit your ACC destruction scenario is lying. Maybe ask BL his thoughts on whether these conferences and schools have lawyered up and whether those lawyers have perchance told them that saying nothing is better than lying because if a conference or a school gets sued every false statement they made will get paraded in front of the jury and at the end of the day juries react very badly to people who consistently lie.

I've read this a few times now and I'm quite confused by what you're trying to say....are you saying that these people are not lying because they might get sued?? So the Big 12 saying they aren't expanding should be taken seriously because they might be sued? Hmmm....last I recall in 2003 BC and VTech were adamanet about how they are staying in the Big East. How did that hold up in court? Last I recall they still left and the only damages they recevied was none for VT and BC has caused its own damages by sucking too much. There were quite a few false statements made and nothing came of it.

So if you're seriously going to say that lawyers and some imaginary jury are going to hold these people to their word, you clearly haven't been following college re-alignment very closely. Hell, you haven't followed it at all.....


Mar 30, 2012
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Of course they lie, the lies they tell now are the same lies they'll tell in court in a lawsuit. They have their story and they are sticking to it. ... observer, it's quite true that in a normal situation it's much better to say nothing than to lie. But in this case they are doing actionable things, are going to do actionable things regardless, so their best chance in court is to say the same things in public today that they'll claim in court later.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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We could wait to post anything on cr until after august 15 but then... we'd have to talk about something else. Hey who ya like in Euro 2012? I'll say... Netherlands v. Germany in the final, the Oranje win in penalty shootout.
Aug 26, 2011
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We could wait to post anything on cr until after august 15 but then... we'd have to talk about something else. Hey who ya like in Euro 2012? I'll say... Netherlands v. Germany in the final, the Oranje win in penalty shootout.
Espana over Germany.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Espana over Germany.

Italia over Germany. (It's starting to seem like people just don't believe that Germany can close it out)


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Italy might not even send a team due to the match fixing scandal.


Throat's all better now, thanks for asking...
Aug 26, 2011
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If it is the top 4 conference champions in the playoff...the B12 stays at 10.

If it is the top 4 schools according to polls/selection committee in the playoffs...the B12 goes to 16.

It really is that easy.

Even deeper still: If the ACC votes for Top-4 teams, the B12 stays at 10.

If the ACC votes for Champions-Only, the B12 goes to 12...
May 7, 2012
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I am not the one showing up on an ACC board looking to promote a CT agenda, can you say the same? Don't come looking for a fight and whine when you find one. If you want to get together with the other ACC fans and hold each others hammer in your hands and smile at one another and congratulate yourselves on how swell it all feels, this is the wrong place for that, I suggest you go the Cuse or BC board, they seem to have some pretty good circle jerks.

There were times when I read your posts and wondered if I was reading the rantings of a fifth grader.

Now I have no doubt.
Aug 27, 2011
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There were times when I read your posts and wondered if I was reading the rantings of a fifth grader.

Now I have no doubt.

Ok Obs, I'm stupid. You're smart. I was wrong. You were right. You're the best. I'm the worst. You're very good looking. I'm not attractive..........


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Good grief what a mess. Here's my take. Public institutions in the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia (though not the flagships) plus Virgina (2) Maryland (1) and North Carolina (2) will not, under any circumstances be shut out of or materially disadvantaged in any FBS playoff. We are talking about the states where virtually all of Congress really lives. It will never happen. If you added Rutgers and UConn, the influence grows further. Political clout is FAR more important in this than TV money or on field performance.

Does that mean that in theory, Congress avoid intervening if a plan sent UMD and UVA to the B1G, and UNC and GT to the SEC, with VT, Clemson, NCST and FSU to the Big 12? Yes, in theory. But it won't happen that way. So the ACC will remain, and it will have a seat at the table, or Congress will take this over, and the mini-cartel will be smashed big time. As a result, I think that any conference featuring flagship state universities will have a seat at the table. The smart move for the power brokers is to consolidate any remaining flagship state universities. UConn, Rutgers removed from the BE, means that they can neuter the NBE (I know SFU, CFU, Houston and Louisville are public, but they have no clout). The MWC will have a say in this, and some of the new NBE members probably merge back in or join it.
Aug 27, 2011
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A couple of good recent articles from FSU land:|mostview|topnews|text|frontpage

I find the article about how beloved Haggard is by his fellow BOT members to be particularly noteworthy. When the 1/2 of the board that was contacted all say what a great job he has done, I have a very hard time believing his comments from weeks ago on the B12 were not fully vetted and approved by the BOT before he ever said a thing. He wasn't flying solo out there with those quotes.

As for the second article, well, apparently not everyone is thinking that FSU should stay in the ACC because of the stellar academics, maybe, just maybe, they will go because of the superior cash in the B12....or as we like to say in my 5th grade class..........DUH!!!!!
Nov 2, 2011
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A couple of good recent articles from FSU land:|mostview|topnews|text|frontpage

I find the article about how beloved Haggard is by his fellow BOT members to be particularly noteworthy. When the 1/2 of the board that was contacted all say what a great job he has done, I have a very hard time believing his comments from weeks ago on the B12 were not fully vetted and approved by the BOT before he ever said a thing. He wasn't flying solo out there with those quotes.

As for the second article, well, apparently not everyone is thinking that FSU should stay in the ACC because of the stellar academics, maybe, just maybe, they will go because of the superior cash in the B12....or as we like to say in my 5th grade class..........DUH!!!!!

You are extremely eloquent for a 5th grader.
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