Truly if iI didn’t enjoy going down to New York, catching a couple of games and going to dinner with some old friends every year, I’d say I don’t much care how we do in the New Big East Tournament. I just want them to be playing the day I’m there and preferably in an earlier game.
If it started today, and I were the coach I’d sit Diarra, Karaban, and McNeeley to let them heal. It means nothing. To put it in perspective, who won the Big East Tournament in 2023? And when you finish googling it, would you trade places with them? I have heard people say they would rather win the Big East than the National Championship. I laugh and ask what do they hate UConn basketball. It is a made for tv event that ultimately is completely meaningless. I realize I’m only speaking for myself but if the Devil offered me a deal of never winning another NBE title but he would not interfere in any national championship tournament, I’d sign on in a heartbeat.