Best player on this team is Donovan clingan | The Boneyard

Best player on this team is Donovan clingan

Nov 14, 2019
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This is not another lets start two bigs post.

I honestly dont care who starts--weve been getting off in games just fine.

But to win games you have to play your best players and donovan is our best.

He cannot be left on an island to set screens 20 feet from the post--this has caused him to get cheap quick fouls

But what he does best is defend the rim and put high force at the basket on offense.
Other teams who scout us are ready to pounce on adama(of course not his fault) and adama still makes a ton of great plays.

But adama doesnt defend the rim on defense anywhere close to DC and we are in defensive crisis mode.

To ensure DC gets 27-32 min--we DO have to play 2 big at points. Were not good enough not to play our best player as much as he can go. We CAN be another level team again if we CAN get those minutes from DC--they guy makes the team that much better.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is not another lets start two bigs post.

I honestly dont care who starts--weve been getting off in games just fine.

But to win games you have to play your best players and donovan is our best.

He cannot be left on an island to set screens 20 feet from the post--this has caused him to get cheap quick fouls

But what he does best is defend the rim and put high force at the basket on offense.
Other teams who scout us are ready to pounce on adama(of course not his fault) and adama still makes a ton of great plays.

But adama doesnt defend the rim on defense anywhere close to DC and we are in defensive crisis mode.

To ensure DC gets 27-32 min--we DO have to play 2 big at points. Were not good enough not to play our best player as much as he can go. We CAN be another level team again if we CAN get those minutes from DC--they guy makes the team that much better.
This is exactly what I previously posted on a different Clingan thread. He is our best player and its crazy that he is not starting and playing 25-30 minutes every game unless in foul trouble.
Sep 6, 2011
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He cannot be left on an island to set screens 20 feet from the post--this has caused him to get cheap quick fouls
If your best player is a rim running roll big who can't set screens without committing a foul, he's probably not your best player, because that's an essential skill for that archetype and affects his minutes availability.

That being said, his RAPM and impact stats are outrageous on both sides of the ball. And he would be the best big on most teams in the country.

And I do think he gets reffed a bit differently on those screens due to his size and width of his stance. But he also has to be better with his awareness of the opponent's position (and get more experience to decide more accurately whether he can or has to take another step before contact). He also needs better chemistry with our guards to make the screens better (and they have to do a better job of setting up the screen.)
Nov 14, 2019
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It is amazing that Hurley has actually used the fact that he doesn't have a set for them together as an excuse for why he doesn't play his two best players more often.
We KNOW JC would play both guys together---there is no doubt in my mind.

2 things there however---I think DH has a love affair with Alex Karaban as a stretch 4 and he seems to have a strong one way thought pattern.
I like Karban to however and just like we can move adama 5-4 we can move AK 4-3
Aug 26, 2011
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We KNOW JC would play both guys together---there is no doubt in my mind.

2 things there however---I think DH has a love affair with Alex Karaban as a stretch 4 and he seems to have a strong one way thought pattern.
I like Karban to however and just like we can move adama 5-4 we can move AK 4-3
So what do you think is our best lineup with Adama and Clingan in there? Gotta have 3 good shooters. Hawk, Jax and Joey maybe but they’ll slack off Jax. Nobody is shooting well so not sure what to do but I want those 2 playing some together too.


Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
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We KNOW JC would play both guys together---there is no doubt in my mind.

2 things there however---I think DH has a love affair with Alex Karaban as a stretch 4 and he seems to have a strong one way thought pattern.
I like Karban to however and just like we can move adama 5-4 we can move AK 4-3

No I dont know that. That is an insane post. Charlie Villanueva was a better Freshman talent than Josh Boone. But the floor mix of skillsets served us better to have Boone on the floor. THAT's what JC was good at.

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
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If your best player is a rim running roll big who can't set screens without committing a foul, he's probably not your best player, because that's an essential skill for that archetype and affects his minutes availability.

That being said, his RAPM and impact stats are outrageous on both sides of the ball. And he would be the best big on most teams in the country.

And I do think he gets reffed a bit differently on those screens due to his size and width of his stance. But he also has to be better with his awareness of the opponent's position (and get more experience to decide more accurately whether he can or has to take another step before contact). He also needs better chemistry with our guards to make the screens better (and they have to do a better job of setting up the screen.)
Within this forum, I frequently phrase player & coaching weaknesses as "areas for improvement" in order to maintain a hopeful posture.

In the case of Clingan, I believe that his screen-setting is quite plausibly improveable within the current season.

No guarantees (I don't do that), but no pessimism (which is indeed the case elsewhere, whether I post it here or not).


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Hawkins is the best player on this team right now. Sanogo is the next best player. It's a big drop off after that. Clingan is tremendous in certain situations, but doesn't fit Hurley's defense at all and can't guard any of the mobile bigs in this league. The attempt to adapt to Clingan is part of why I think it has fallen apart. Hurley just isn't great at adapting his scheme to his players.


Feb 19, 2013
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Sanogo is the better fit for our needs(half court creation). Clingan is better on defense(usually). If Sanogo was injured, Clingans shortcomings as a creator would stand out. He’s still a fantastic player, and probably more impactful overall, but I do wonder how our offense would fare if Sanogo played 10ish minutes instead of 25-30?
Jan 29, 2021
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Hawkins is the best player on this team right now. Sanogo is the next best player. It's a big drop off after that. Clingan is tremendous in certain situations, but doesn't fit Hurley's defense at all and can't guard any of the mobile bigs in this league. The attempt to adapt to Clingan is part of why I think it has fallen apart. Hurley just isn't great at adapting his scheme to his players.
A two-three zone for 10-15 minutes might be the answer with two bigs on the floor during that time. Great offensive possibilities if the guards either drive/shoot or lob pass. This combo should shut down the guard penetration and improve our rebounding. We haven't tried this scheme.
Sep 16, 2011
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If your best player is a rim running roll big who can't set screens without committing a foul, he's probably not your best player, because that's an essential skill for that archetype and affects his minutes availability.

That being said, his RAPM and impact stats are outrageous on both sides of the ball. And he would be the best big on most teams in the country.

And I do think he gets reffed a bit differently on those screens due to his size and width of his stance. But he also has to be better with his awareness of the opponent's position (and get more experience to decide more accurately whether he can or has to take another step before contact). He also needs better chemistry with our guards to make the screens better (and they have to do a better job of setting up the screen.)
Two of those calls on him were ridiculous and he got screwed on the flagrant, guy was mugging him on the rebound with no call so Donovan created some space with the high bows. Technically the right call these days I guess but call the foul on the Johnnies player and none of that takes place.

Still don't know what Hurley was saving him for, it's criminal how few minutes he gets. Coach should maybe be more worried about alienating Clingan than he is Sanogo.
Sep 16, 2011
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Sanogo is the better fit for our needs(half court creation). Clingan is better on defense(usually). If Sanogo was injured, Clingans shortcomings as a creator would stand out. He’s still a fantastic player, and probably more impactful overall, but I do wonder how our offense would fare if Sanogo played 10ish minutes instead of 25-30?
Sanogo only creates for himself. The ball constantly sticking and his defense isn't helping anyone right now. His offensive stats might look pretty good but he's losing most matchups.
Sep 28, 2013
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Clingan has been amazing and has exceeded probably everyone's wildest expectations. That being said, I don't really see how you can ever chalk him down for 27-32 minutes EVERY night. He's far too foul-prone, which is to be expected as he adjusts to the speed of the game.

I do think danny should pick his spots better and give him some more run, with Sanogo. But he's averaging 6 fouls per 40. That rakim lubin-esque. When he's playing well tho, i think you gotta give him a longer leash, but i'm okay with the current staggering of him and sanogo to start.

It's still January. Plenty of season left to figure everything out. Minute crunches like this always sort of have a way of figuring themselves out. Someone will get hot, someone will get cold, someone will get hurt, etc
Aug 26, 2011
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Sanogo only creates for himself. The ball constantly sticking and his defense isn't helping anyone right now. His offensive stats might look pretty good but he's losing most matchups.
The offense does appear to “flow” much better when Clingan is in.

Maybe too much of guys getting the ball to Adama and letting him do his thing, or him just being a black hole. Or Clingan being the ultimate release valve helps clean up other players bad offense.

Would be curious to see the team’s assist rate with Clingan vs Adama at center. Assuming the former is much higher.
Jan 12, 2014
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Sanogo only creates for himself. The ball constantly sticking and his defense isn't helping anyone right now. His offensive stats might look pretty good but he's losing most matchups.
The clear out and get the ball to Sanogo is also killing the team's ability to get offensive rebounds.
Mar 4, 2014
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My only concern is the number of minutes DC can actually go and still be effective. A freshman his size is a lot to ask. He's only averaging 14 mpg as it is and some of that is due to foul trouble but we can't compare him to Sanogo who seems to run on two diesels.
Apr 16, 2015
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He's gotta play Alleyne, Newton and Diarra way less until they figure out their offense. Newton doesn't fit on this team. He plays way too slow. I wish Diarra had the little offense Newton does but he doesn't so that's one more guy the opponent can leave open. Alleyne is just lost. I keep holding out hope he will find it but we are over halfway through the season and he hasn't.

Joey is the spark plug for this team. When he finds himself again, we're a completely different team. Then you have optionality where you can put Andre or Joey at the 1 (I know Joey isn't a PG, but if he is shooting well he needs to be out there), Joey or Hawkins at the 2, Hawkins or AK at the 3, Sanogo at the 4 or 5, Clingan at the 5.

I'd rather us get all this $h!++y play out of our systems now so that we are firing on all cylinders come March (and hopefully April). We're too good to be playing this bad. Hang in there Boneyard!
Mar 4, 2020
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This is not another lets start two bigs post.

I honestly dont care who starts--weve been getting off in games just fine.

But to win games you have to play your best players and donovan is our best.

He cannot be left on an island to set screens 20 feet from the post--this has caused him to get cheap quick fouls

But what he does best is defend the rim and put high force at the basket on offense.
Other teams who scout us are ready to pounce on adama(of course not his fault) and adama still makes a ton of great plays.

But adama doesnt defend the rim on defense anywhere close to DC and we are in defensive crisis mode.

To ensure DC gets 27-32 min--we DO have to play 2 big at points. Were not good enough not to play our best player as much as he can go. We CAN be another level team again if we CAN get those minutes from DC--they guy makes the team that much better.
The last game was a classic example. We’re separated by one or two points from the start of the game, and we’re picking up stupid fouls. Hurley puts in Clingan early 1st half and immediately the game’s complexion changes, before you can say Go Huskies we have a 12 point lead. Five minutes or so left in the half, Clingan sits and Sanogo comes in, by half time the lead evaporates and we are tied.
Aug 27, 2011
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At times he is our most impactful player for sure. Those big spurts the team went on during most wins usually involved Clingan. Last game was just a bad matchup and game for him but he’s far too valuable to just be Adama’s backup. The loss he only played 7 minutes was complete mismanagement by DH. This kid needs to be on the floor as much as possible.
Aug 22, 2016
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If your best player is a rim running roll big who can't set screens without committing a foul, he's probably not your best player, because that's an essential skill for that archetype and affects his minutes availability.

That being said, his RAPM and impact stats are outrageous on both sides of the ball. And he would be the best big on most teams in the country.

And I do think he gets reffed a bit differently on those screens due to his size and width of his stance. But he also has to be better with his awareness of the opponent's position (and get more experience to decide more accurately whether he can or has to take another step before contact). He also needs better chemistry with our guards to make the screens better (and they have to do a better job of setting up the screen.)
Some of these refs are calling fouls whenever a big sets a high screen. It’s insane.


Lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Feb 24, 2022
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Found filed under rocket science. Our preseason BEPOY is being targeted/doubled/tripled because there's usually 1 or 2 starters on the floor who are nearly a zero threat to score. Stop blaming #21. If we stop islanding him, the beast will return.
The best 2nd unit guard capable of scoring is Joey C. With more court time, he's also shown he knows his way around the rim and can dish. (his behind the back dish to DC for the slam is the assist of the year).
These 5: Hawk/Joey/AK/Sanogo/Clingan. There's a lot of offense right there. I don't care if they start but if we don't get back to our 84 point average the trend will continue.
Jan 25, 2021
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Yes. We were wrong about many things going into this year with DC, we underestimated much of his skill set. One thing we were right on was DC not be productive with the high hedge. He shouldn’t be setting picks 20’ out routinely. It’s pretty when he’s able to get the pick and roll but it’s no Mailman & Stockton. Keep him down low. He’s not good either with picking up the dribble drive and is afraid to foul crossing over on the weak side defense.


Gangstas, what's up?
Dec 3, 2018
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Since I thinks it helps to have the data to back up a point... Here is the on/off combo data for AS / DC from conference play. Not enough minutes of them on the floor together to make any meaningful assessments about that, but the 91 minutes DC has given us with Sanogo on the bench have been very very good. Especially on the defensive end and offensive rebounds.

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